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VGS PWA & new Ranks system


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Administrator · Posted

Hey all, just wanted to share that we've completed some routine maintenance on the site. 

This included a security patch, as well as some new features. 

First off if you're on mobile (phone etc) you might notice a little popup that says you can add VGS to your home screen. This is a PWA version of the site and is really just a container which you can launch, as it says, from your home screen. It can actually be pretty handy if you're a very regular user on VGS, as it becomes app-like in how it runs, and will be separate from your usual browser tab system. Of course this is all entirely optional and you can just click the little "x" if you don't want it. 

Further, the latest forum software update came with a new ranking system which we're going to be rolling out. It's similar to the existing badges we have in place now, but more closely tied to your actual forum activity, posting, following content, sharing, likes, etc.. It's pretty robust and I'm excited to dig into it to see what we can do with it. 

As ever, thanks to all of you for being here, and especially to the subscribers whose support pays for the site. You're directly impacting our ability to keep the site alive and updated for the future!

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Administrator · Posted
5 minutes ago, RH said:

Thanks for the update, Gloves!  Will there be a separate post explaining the new Rep system, or whatever that specifically is?  Anyway, it sound cool to me!  I love badges and fake internet points! 😄

Yeah once it's full rolled out there'll be an explanation of how it works.

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  • 3 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, FireHazard51 said:

I was about to come complain about  member ranking being gone but I see this is part of the "plan".  I look forward to seeing this new improvement.  I do think posting is not the best way to track and promote people to engage more in the community.

So now I have 6379 posts for nothing?! 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...
Administrator · Posted
15 minutes ago, FireHazard51 said:

Holy shit, I hit 1,000 milestone too


Gloves!!! When is the new system being rolled out.  You know my birthday is coming up....


I need like, art, and like... rank names and badge names and...

I dunno I kinda like being the one guy on the forum with a little cat image and the title "Tester".

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Social Team · Posted
21 minutes ago, Gloves said:

I need like, art, and like... rank names and badge names and...

I dunno I kinda like being the one guy on the forum with a little cat image and the title "Tester".

Holyshit.....I thought you had a cat as your avatar.  I COMPLETELY didn't see that you still have your old avatar


OK so you need ideas, we use @CasualCartas slave art labor again.....You want something that is more uniform looking or it changes looks/theme with each rank

Edited by FireHazard51
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