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Reed Rothchild

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The Folio Society


Released a beautifully illustrated edition of all of Philip K Dick's short stories! The edition is sold out, although I did manage to get a copy. This edition is beautiful, and actually was less expensive than previous editions which are far less attractive.


Anyway, I was reading the first volume (4 total) and he certainly has some nice ideas... but WOW, I think he's a poor writer. Maybe his writing improves later (I think the volumes are in chronological order), but I have to say I am not impressed thus far. Still, not surprising he is a Hollywood favorite, since he is imaginative although his stories are simple and formulaic - rather reminds me of Stephen King. Anyway, getting a bit burned out on these lackluster stories of his... although the illustrations in this edition are fabulous!

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Editorials Team · Posted

Finished the Lightbringer series.

Kinda torn a bit on this one.  I think at a high level it was a good conclusion, with a big epic battle that occupied at least 300+ pages in exciting fashion.  Lots of arcs resolved, lots of loose ends tied up, lots of questions answered.

But then some of the narrative choices... endless deus ex machina (including one literal "machina" *facepalm*), people being healed/resurrected all over the place, heavy-handed turn into religiony stuff, The Mighty turning into The (Teenage) Avengers, who easily roll through overwhelming opposition again and again and again.  All laws of magic just thrown out the window.

So, half of a 5/5 and half of a 1/5.  So 3/5 is the rating I give it.


It could have been so much more by going in one of many different directions.

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1 hour ago, Reed Rothchild said:

endless deus ex machina (including one literal "machina" *facepalm*), people being healed/resurrected all over the place, heavy-handed turn into religiony stuff, The Mighty turning into The (Teenage) Avengers, who easily roll through overwhelming opposition again and again and again.  All laws of magic just thrown out the window.

So, half of a 5/5 and half of a 1/5.  So 3/5 is the rating I give it.


Damn, sounds to me more like a 0.3/5 although I'm a harsh grader 🙂

I really can't stand it when dead people are brought back to life - what's even the point? There are of course exceptions, such as in the Shadow of the Torturer series which is one of the best science fiction series ever written - in that case only a few people are brought back to life and it's NOT a deus ex machina... Anyway, thanks for the review, definitely not my cup of tea.

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Editorials Team · Posted
1 hour ago, avatar! said:

Damn, sounds to me more like a 0.3/5 although I'm a harsh grader 🙂

I really can't stand it when dead people are brought back to life - what's even the point? There are of course exceptions, such as in the Shadow of the Torturer series which is one of the best science fiction series ever written - in that case only a few people are brought back to life and it's NOT a deus ex machina... Anyway, thanks for the review, definitely not my cup of tea.

Nah, it was a good book (particularly some of the character arcs), it just made some choices that aren't my favorite.  It's like when people who say the last season of GoT was a 0.3/5.  Riding their emotions all over the place when there's always lots of middle ground as to how we receive a piece of pop culture after we've attached our own expectations to it.

Not saying you do that (I have no idea), but that is the general internet prerogative.

But yeah.  If it could have stuck the landing it would have been an easy 5/5.  And two resurrections in the final 100 pages?  Don't do me dirty like that book 😅

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Finally got some quiet time more or less cut off from the internet for the past few days to sit down and read.  Finished Neuromancer (again), read through the novel that came with the original Elite game "The Dark Wheel," read through "The Djinn" (by Graham Masterson) (again), then picked up Gai-Jin by James Clavell where I'd left off (primarily due to not having any new/additional ebooks on my laptop that I had with me).

Now that I'm home I may try to continue on with Gai-Jin, but it's so much less compelling than any of the other Clavell books that I went through last year (Tai-Pan, Noble House, and Shogun) that most likely I'll end up letting it just sit there until I end up in a situation again where I want to read and don't have anything else available, lol.

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I bought a copy of this for my neighbors sons (one in high school and one in college) - after talking with them it was very clear that their understanding of US history is sadly deficient.


It covers everyday life in the US from roughly the end of the Civil War to the end of that century.  Life just out and out sucked* (really really sucked) for pretty much everyone - even the wealthy didn't escape all of the misery - although they did have it a lot better in many aspects than the average person.

One of my favorite history books.

*For example, odd as it may seem, the traffic fatality rate was much higher than at any time after the widespread introduction of the automobile.  Go figure!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/7/2021 at 5:07 PM, Tabonga said:

I bought a copy of this for my neighbors sons (one in high school and one in college) - after talking with them it was very clear that their understanding of US history is sadly deficient.


It covers everyday life in the US from roughly the end of the Civil War to the end of that century.  Life just out and out sucked* (really really sucked) for pretty much everyone - even the wealthy didn't escape all of the misery - although they did have it a lot better in many aspects than the average person.

One of my favorite history books.

*For example, odd as it may seem, the traffic fatality rate was much higher than at any time after the widespread introduction of the automobile.  Go figure!


I will check it out!

One of my favorite history books about day-to-day life in the USA is this classic


Yeah, students in general have very skewed views of US history and often seem to lack basic knowledge...

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3 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Finished both of these.  Loved both of them.



Now onto Malazan 2.

Martian Chronicles is my favorite Bradbury book and really captures what I consider pulpy sci-fi of the 40s and 50s. Other Martian books I recommend are War of the Worlds (of course) and the Mars Trilogy - certainly at least read Red Mars 🙂 

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50 minutes ago, avatar! said:

I will check it out!

One of my favorite history books about day-to-day life in the USA is this classic


Yeah, students in general have very skewed views of US history and often seem to lack basic knowledge...

That book is really good also - the Bettmann one is  more broad based - different approaches but that is perhaps expected since Riis was writing contemporaneously.

Edited by Tabonga
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2 hours ago, Tabonga said:

That book is really good also - the Bettmann one is  more broad based - different approaches but that is perhaps expected since Riis was writing contemporaneously.

Does also make me wonder, how "good" was life in ancient Rome? Greece? Egypt?

Was it "terrible" or "hard" or...? I know things depended on what class you were in etc. but I wonder if it was perhaps better than the 1700s and 1800s? I'm sure people have written about this, just a matter of finding the right book(s)!

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