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The Mandalorian discussion thread (spoilers)


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10 hours ago, BriGuy82 said:

Yeah that droid was great. It was funny as hell when it kept trying to self destruct. I thought it could've ended up being his partner but I guess the mandalorians work alone 😎

It doesn't appear to always be the case. 😉

1 hour ago, Galdius said:

I'm loving it.

At first I was letdown with episodes releasing weekly but now I don't mind it anymore.
It's good to have something to look forward to watch.
The episodes could be longer but the production values are very high so maybe that's why there aren't longer.

It really is an enjoyable show and my wife keeps watching it for the same reason why probably every other not-to-nerdy wife or girlfriend is watching it, which is baby Yoda. And why not?  That thing is legit possibly the cutest thing I've seen in media in decades. After three episodes I'm starting to feel that it's becoming a bit of a crutch, though.  It's definitely helped the series have wider appeal, which is good if we hope for more than 2-3 seasons because it can get people sucked into the story and when the child is gone, then it can carry the story along, but it still feels like the "cuteness factor" is giving each episode an addition 2-3 points of awesomeness/fun on a 1-10 point scale.

But, that's really just a minor complaint at the moment.  I do think the kid is going to be past off at some point and I don't know if it will come back around in the upcoming film, but having a little-Yoda character, already showing force capabilities, means that in future-stories, once the Skywalker saga is completed, we could see Rey in comics or cartoons meeting the child, and it becoming part of the new Jedi heritage.  This also means that they could also have future-cartoons/films/comics set 500-800 years into the future and, guess what, the staple of the Force Universe, Yoda II, will be there.

Edited by RH
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got caught up last night.  I've been enjoying it so far.  My only complaint has been with the battle against the AT-ST.  It seems like if they could sneak into the camp site and blow up that small building/tent, why couldn't they just sneak up to the AT-ST, which was obviously shut down the the night , and destroy it before they had a chance to start it up?  

Overall enjoying it.  The production value has been good, the acting is great, and the side characters have been interesting.

Anyone notice the similarities to this series and your typical modern video game?  I found an interesting article on it here:


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35 minutes ago, TDIRunner said:

I just got caught up last night.  I've been enjoying it so far.  My only complaint has been with the battle against the AT-ST.  It seems like if they could sneak into the camp site and blow up that small building/tent, why couldn't they just sneak up to the AT-ST, which was obviously shut down the the night , and destroy it before they had a chance to start it up?  

Because that's doesn't make a good story and Bryce Howard directed that episode and wanted it to feel like Jurassic World. (I'm not kidding.)

But, yeah, I saw that and felt the same way.  I completely agree with you.  That should have been there plan and, oops, before they got to it, they were caught and had to run back to the camp while being chased.  That would have made a lot more sense.

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Yeah been loving it as well. My wife almost gave up on the first episode until the end, like @RH has said cause of Baby Yoda. Last episode was good, lots of call backs to the original movies which was neat, but I didn't feel like it advanced the story too much. Unless of course that dude that saved the mercenary at the end was Boba Fett, which is possible, but probably a reach.

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Yeah, after episode 5, I’m feeling more and more that this series is just ok. It doesn’t really have a driving plot other than “protect the child”, but there’s no clear path about where any of that should end up.

I an glad to see that they introduced something fresh at the end of the episode with the other bounty hunter showing up so that at least there is another arc to the story, but it’s started to just get slow.

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On 12/7/2019 at 12:58 AM, Prime2099 said:

Yeah been loving it as well. My wife almost gave up on the first episode until the end, like @RH has said cause of Baby Yoda. Last episode was good, lots of call backs to the original movies which was neat, but I didn't feel like it advanced the story too much. Unless of course that dude that saved the mercenary at the end was Boba Fett, which is possible, but probably a reach.

Yeah, I thought it was cool that they went to tatooine. My kids were really excited about the ending. They were trying to figure out if that was boba fett there too. As far as advancing the story goes, I'm not really concerned. I kinda like that each episode is independent of its own. It brings me back to some of the action shows from the 80s where each episode was its own thing. It's not overly complicated and any episode so far you could just pick up, watch and enjoy. It's like, the A-team meets Lost in Space, meets Kung Fu, meets Star Wars....With a cute little green Gizmo thrown in just for shits and giggles. 

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24 minutes ago, TDIRunner said:

The 5th episode was the first episode where I didn't care for the side characters.  The woman at the repair shop, and the "partner" bounty hunter both annoyed me.  

Also, I really love the opening and ending music, and I like the added art during the ending sequence.  

Yes, that ending art is amazing.  Early Star Wars art by Ralph McQuarrie is legendary. I'd love to own one of his pieces, but I'm not a millionaire so that's not going to happen. I feel like the art at the end is a good nod to his hard work in creating the visuals for the original universe.

I have to agree about the characters as well.  I think Amy Sedaris was added because it was another addition for the non-traditional Star Wars fan, lady viewers.  My wife has always liked her and finds her funny.  I'm aware of her personality and style, so I wasn't annoyed by her but when I saw her show up and start interacting with the Mandalorian, I knew the point of her place in that episode.  Just keep the casually lady-viewers happy.  And it worked. Gossip blogs loved her inclusion.  I don't mind a SW show with mass appeal but I really do feel that this show needs to get moving.  The episodes are kind of short and, usually you complain that a TV or movie is to long, rather than short, but I feel like these episodes are missing something.  The story just needs a bit more meat on it's bones.

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Editorials Team · Posted

I thought it was a little weird how the Mandalorian was such a pacifist about not killing the one human guarding the ship, and locking up (not killing) the guys who betrayed him, when he seems just fine killing loads of people to finish other jobs. How many people were guarding baby Yoda? Dozens. All dead. You could say that he doesn't kill until it becomes "necessary," but getting his paycheck is all he ever needed before, which is a pretty shallow line. If one of those teammates comes back to haunt him in a future episode, I'm going to lose it.

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12 minutes ago, Splain said:

I thought it was a little weird how the Mandalorian was such a pacifist about not killing the one human guarding the ship, and locking up (not killing) the guys who betrayed him, when he seems just fine killing loads of people to finish other jobs. How many people were guarding baby Yoda? Dozens. All dead. You could say that he doesn't kill until it becomes "necessary," but getting his paycheck is all he ever needed before, which is a pretty shallow line. If one of those teammates comes back to haunt him in a future episode, I'm going to lose it.

He had no problem killing imperial troopers or guild members that were out to kill him. But We haven't seen him kill anyone who wasn't a mortal threat to this point.


I think the fact that the guard was New Republic aligned is why he didn't want to kill him. I thought the same about him locking up the others who double crossed him. He should have killed each of them.

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1 hour ago, TDIRunner said:

I felt that the most recent episode was similar to last week's.  I enjoyed the story, but I felt that the side characters were really annoying.  

There's been 6 episodes, and 3 have been "Mando does a job and gets betrayed."

Also, how does everyone know it's "Mando" they've known, and not a different Mandolorian? He has new armor. Also, how dumb is "Mando" as a nick name? He's one of an entire race, why is his nickname a shortened version of his race name. Imagine if they called a human "Hum" for short. It'd be ridiculous.

Further, the show really doesn't seem to be "going" anywhere. Like, 6 out of 8 episodes, and really only the first established any plot.

I love Baby Yoda. I like the concept. The execution has really really been lacking.

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1 hour ago, Splain said:

I thought it was a little weird how the Mandalorian was such a pacifist about not killing the one human guarding the ship, and locking up (not killing) the guys who betrayed him, when he seems just fine killing loads of people to finish other jobs. How many people were guarding baby Yoda? Dozens. All dead. You could say that he doesn't kill until it becomes "necessary," but getting his paycheck is all he ever needed before, which is a pretty shallow line. If one of those teammates comes back to haunt him in a future episode, I'm going to lose it.

I think the point they are making is that the Mandalorian is an emotional decision maker.  It's the juxtaposition of a guy in a mask, like many other Mandalorians that you project a sort of stoic, unchanging, calculated demeanor onto (like a droid) but the guy is always making snap, gut judgement in the moment.

You see a guy in a mask that looks like Jango, Boba and Fett or other Mandalorians and you think emotionless = predicable.  This character is not.  Pair that with the fact that after he went rogue, he's also having to figure out things on his own.  By all accounts, he should have handed over the child, but considering his personal history (an orphan, taken in by the Manadalorians) he couldn't hand over an orphan which he assumed was to be killed or dissected--he identifies with the child and is giving him the same opportunity he was given.

I think it's an interesting character study, but I think what we are slowly learning is how this character is his own unique individual in a pseudo-cult of "sameness".

I also think he's letting a bit of his compassion slip through.  You don't see conflict within himself because you can't see his face.  But he worked with many of the other members in the last episode and he didn't have to kill them when he locked them up. I always had a feeling that his boss man that he blew up wasn't that great of a boss.  So, there was a bit of covering his tracks when he handed over the tracker unit that caused the republic to blow up the space station, plus getting even.  I think his team mates, though, he let live because he didn't have to kill them.

That said, I think there are a lot of unanswered questions and I feel that this too is dragging on a bit.  I like it but I feel like the series needs more direction and focus.  So far the story feels mostly pointless.  But, I think the writers are trying to create a complex character while also hiding his visible emotions.  That's really hard to do and if you want to pick up on it, you have to reconsider his former actions and do a lot of reading between the lines of his actions.

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