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Are we on the brink of World War III?



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  1. 1. Are we on the brink of World War III?

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Go Lithuania.  They've been pretty amazing in recent times also giving the middle finger to the cowardly despots running the CCP making china a mess.  They tried repeatedly to intimidate and harm that country and they put the screws to them for it which was fantastic.  Lithuania doesn't screw around with totalitarian d-bags running other nations... all places should be that way.

Also probably speculation but video that gets out about the guy it may have some truth, seems Putin is on borrowed time, it would explain his crappy behavior trying to get something done before he's too done to run the place anymore.  If it's not bs, he is going more and more blind, has pretty bad shakes and tremors, basically some form of likely incurable cancer chewing away at the prick that'll finish him in a few years at best.  I could see someone with his decades long levels of delusion wanting to manufacture a war, scoop some land, and cement his name in history for his country.

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Editorials Team · Posted
12 hours ago, avatar! said:

So... Lithuania crowdfunded to purchase for Ukraine one of the fearsome Bayractar drones. They raised over $5million in three days!


Russian Twitter farm: "We already shot it down."

Ukraine: "Tracking code says it hasn't shipped yet..."

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Two high-ranking Russian military officers have been caught shit-talking Kremlin leadership in unimaginably colorful language. The two colonels blast the defense minister and lash out at that “motherfucker” Vladimir Putin for his poor strategy in Ukraine, according to a leaked recording of a phone conversation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NATO needs to make sure to remember to send Putin a nice holiday card 😛

Sweden moving to meet Turkey's demands: NATO


Stoltenberg also said the aim was to have Sweden and Finland join NATO "as soon as possible" and that it was inconceivable that NATO allies would not come to Sweden's defence if it were attacked.

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If Putin goes nuclear, Biden has a stark menu of options


“I worry that people are not being open-minded to the reality that there are scenarios in which Russia could use nuclear weapons. They’re not the most likely scenarios, but to be responsible, we have to figure that into our thinking about this conflict,”

Jeffrey Edmonds, an expert on the Russian military at the CNA think tank, says there are four possible response scenarios, only two of which are plausible: Capitulate and sue for peace; stay the course with sanctions and pressure; mount a conventional attack to punish Russia; respond with a nuclear attack on Russia

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I'm not laughing at anyone getting hurt so much as I'm laughing at they brought it on themselves and got what they had coming to them being on invaded land.  Serves them right.  Really wish the west would up the ante and really serve it to the russian more than just sending aide as this has to stop and be used as an example to the globally larger threat (china) it won't be tolerated.

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Editorials Team · Posted
26 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

I'm not laughing at anyone getting hurt so much as I'm laughing at they brought it on themselves and got what they had coming to them being on invaded land.  Serves them right.  Really wish the west would up the ante and really serve it to the russian more than just sending aide as this has to stop and be used as an example to the globally larger threat (china) it won't be tolerated.

Unfortunately I believe this entire experience is teaching China how NOT to take Taiwan.  Russia did their dry run for them.

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2 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Unfortunately I believe this entire experience is teaching China how NOT to take Taiwan.  Russia did their dry run for them.

Yeah that's entirely aside from the obvious within Ukraine I'm far far more concerned about.  Russia is hot air largely, a paper military compared to how they work in the field.

China though, like Russia, largely untested as they train and train, have big stats, but don't do crap, and when they have, they've had their asses kicked by smaller less backed forces (Vietnam and India have both spanked China in decades past.)

But as you said, it's a learning experience and you damn well know the CCP is taking notes.

Why it's worse?  Easy... Ukraine the biggie there globally is the food supply, wheat, that is far easier to pick up and move/temporarily replace than other critical assets.  Taiwan though, they're the west and easts hub largely for computer technology, vital computer chips ranging from consumer luxuries to government necessities.  There is no damn way the US or the west(and some east) would put up with China's shit if they tried to take that over, and in turn, got the world by the balls with computer technology... prices, built in spyware, hacking issues, the works.  And that's just one of the biggies, there are others, that little country is vital to daily bs to national security.

Russia needs to be stepped on, hard, far harder than they are now, not just to teach one presintator(president dictator) a lesson, but school another nastier version one as well of what will happen if they so much as try it.

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Turkey drops objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO, removing major hurdle to two nations joining the alliance

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö said on Tuesday that Turkey has agreed to support Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership bids, removing a major hurdle to the two countries joining the alliance.

Niinistö said in a statement that a joint memorandum on the matter was signed by Turkey, Finland and Sweden on Tuesday in Madrid ahead of what is shaping up to be a critical summit.

The joint memorandum underscores the commitment of Finland, Sweden and Turkey “to extend their full support against threats to each other’s security,” Niinistö said.

“The concrete steps of our accession to NATO will be agreed by the NATO allies during the next two days, but that decision is now imminent,” he added.

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4 hours ago, Tulpa said:


Turkey drops objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO, removing major hurdle to two nations joining the alliance

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö said on Tuesday that Turkey has agreed to support Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership bids, removing a major hurdle to the two countries joining the alliance.

Niinistö said in a statement that a joint memorandum on the matter was signed by Turkey, Finland and Sweden on Tuesday in Madrid ahead of what is shaping up to be a critical summit.

The joint memorandum underscores the commitment of Finland, Sweden and Turkey “to extend their full support against threats to each other’s security,” Niinistö said.

“The concrete steps of our accession to NATO will be agreed by the NATO allies during the next two days, but that decision is now imminent,” he added.

Pretty big news. I wonder If the combo of NATO expansion, a completely failed war in Ukraine and rising social unrest will lead Vladimir Putin to be disposed. Think I read he has health problems too, but who knows?

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Great news, NATO should just keep expanding, that and the somewhat I believe easier entry into the EU too.  Any of them that were questioning things need to wise up, now it appears the puppets in Belarus are now sending barrages into Ukraine too which is a nasty little reminder that space there is even closer to dumping on NATO/EU countries even easier.

Putin is a putzin, totally backfired.  He wanted no more NATO and EU buddy buddy, and instead those who wanted to play some neutrality game are now lining up which creates an even worse place for the russians than it was a year ago.  At some point Putin either backs off, or steps on the wrong toes as he's going to run out of places to push around in that region before he really pokes the wrong bear.

Hopefully he gets driven out or shoved out by attrition from Ukraine before too long, the west shouldn't play some 1930s Germany act on that one and let the punk take the east, then leave it be hoping he won't get hungry for more, given this IS the more from the theft of Crimea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
16 minutes ago, avatar! said:



door hello GIF by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

There is a germ of truth about super soldiers.  In WWII the Nazis made wide use of methamphetamines* (marketed under the name Pervitin) which allowed their troops extra endurance in their blitzkrieg campaigns which accounts at least partially for how well those campaigns often worked.  Hitler himself probably used them - he had a quack doctor named Theodore Morrell who gave him all sorts of drugs.  The Allies used some milder stimulants (especially for pilots) but not to the extent that the Germans did.

*They had conducted very brutal experiments in the development on some concentration camp prisoners.

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Russia is disgusting and pathetic.  The Kremlin can't win so since they also seemingly can't save face they'll go with bold face lies and distraction to try and win some support from anyone willingly stupid enough to take it.  Right, the US is having the Ukraine pump their soldiers with the captain american serum basically so they're just so damn good russia's best amazing world shaking military keeps getting its ass beat.

Yup, sure...couldn't possibly be that they're just not stupid and know it's bs, that they're walking off and defecting, supply lines were and have remained not great to outright terrible, and the rest which we know to be true.  Pathetic, yup they're all pumped up on super soldier juice, a whole field of captain america's beating up on the poor russians.  Hah, serve them right if it were true though.

Burden of proof, let's have it?

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