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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

The tubes arrived

So a major milestone has been hit in me and this project: the mailing tubes came. They are 2" wide and 13" tall, just perfect for all the stuff to fit in there. So now what's left to do is this: Pack up the games, get peoples' addresses and money post instruction manual on line mail them out. Don't know when I'll go to the post office, I'll try for next week sometime. The doctors' office called. Remember that ultrasound I had last month sometime? They FIN


Gamegearguy in Magnavox Odyssey 1972

Odyssey 1972.

I am one of the few people on the entire planet that owns a working Magnavox Odyssey from 1972. I guess when they built these things, they were built to last! About 50 years later and the thing still works like a champ! I have been making off and on for the past year or so, a new Magnavox Odyssey homebrew game. I was planning it for the 50th anniversary, but I kept holding it off and putting it on the back burner so to speak. Well, today I finally got my rump in gear and bought the tubes to
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