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Everything posted by ThePhleo

  1. We're reverting back to hieroglyphics. Alphabet was overrated anyway. Wait, I mean... 𓂀
  2. So in other words, they can manipulate the market by lying and scare the memers into selling.
  3. So, if there’s a pending bloodbath does that mean the best time to buy is coming soon?
  4. Lots of people saying “it’s not about the money” and “I don’t care if I lose it all” This isn’t investing, it’s a middle finger. Glad I at least have 1 measly stock.
  5. As a test to follow the memes I put $100 in Dogecoin last night. When the order went through I realized I made a horrific mistake and added an extra zero. Instead of immediately cashing out I instead let it ride. It was only a few minutes later that I realized that I hit the button twice, you see Robinhood was overloaded so I tried to submit the order multiple times by closing the app and reopening it. $1100 later, I realized I’m an idiot....but I cashed most of it out and sold near the last nights peak. Made like $300 in minutes just following memes, would have been a bit more if I sold it all last night, but I thought the memers would get it up to a quarter by morning. If memes are the way to go then I’m gonna go full millennial and dye my hair blue. This is stupid.
  6. How to properly eat an Oreo A guide by a fat guy Make a hairline fracture in the cookie Gently put a fork into the cream Soak cookie in milk for 7 seconds. (Optional: If unavailable substitute plain milk with chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry milk.) Eat cookie Repeat until entire sleeve is gone, or regret kicks in.
  7. Tampa Bay +3 Home field advantage...Tom Brady... GG.
  8. Wish my $2k order went through, they just straight up cancelled it on me. I'd already be up $800 and the markets only been open for 30 minutes.
  9. Orders didn’t go through Guess I’ll have to bet on the Super Bowl like a loser now.
  10. I’ll admit before anyone that what I’m personally doing is foolish, but then again I’m having way more fun with this than I would with the super bowl. Plus I have no idea if my order will even go through at 9:30, leaving me with my single stock. Anyone that gambles with needed money, savings, or other wisely invested money is beyond foolish, and is just straight up insane. If he cashed out at $1m then congratulations. That’s amazing for a $44k investment...I can’t think of anything that comes close other than maybe Bitcoin or Oval (R) sealed Super Mario Bros. pre-wata.
  11. Not gonna be fun this year. So much random income from odd jobs during the pandemic, started another new business, made some heavy purchases and heavy sales in my collection...I’m gonna have to use an accountant this year for sure.
  12. As the memers say. You gotta have and not be a Also, just for fun I put in an order for $2k in more shares. Maybe it goes through at market open, maybe it doesn’t... YOLO? HODL GME. (God I hate this, is this really investing? I feel like I’m at a casino playing craps or something...I’m supposed to be working right now and I can’t stop looking at my phone, this is gross) EDIT: Also don’t gamble with money that’s needed to pay bills and eat. I’m playing with money I was planning on using for the Super Bowl right now.
  13. @Gloves Slow and steady wins the race. The guys making the millions overnight right now are the same guys you hear in the casino screaming when they hit a jackpot. It's not skill, its just dumb luck.
  14. @Gloves I mean, we all had our fair share of kicking @jonebone in the gut when we thought he was crazy. Turns out he's still crazy...crazy rich. Jokes aside, I'm not losing any sleep and neither should you. Consider this a wake-up call to start investing money responsibly...though, I wonder how safe it is to actually invest in the market *anywhere* today. Stocks literally can't go up forever, no?
  15. If its any consolation, I'm really not going to risk holding a $10k bag. I bought 1 share and I'll ride the next wave when I learn to actually do this stuff. Hopefully my 1 GME stonk goes to the moon mars, and my 0.00420 shares in TSLA will make me retire and I can build the cornerstone of my mega mansion on mars out of NWC golds. When I meme, I'm lukewarm at best.
  16. I believe the proper terminology is... "Stonks only go up" and "Money Printer go Brrrr"
  17. Ya see, sometimes I think I’ll make it to heaven and then I giggle at something like this and realize I’m hell bound.
  18. So... Is GameStop really being shorted more than the entire market cap? Because if so I’m want to throw $10k to the wind.
  19. http://archive.nes.science/nintendoage-forums/nintendoage.com/forum/messageview12eb.html?catid=5&threadid=37050
  20. ... before I get my hopes up. Its not easy, normal, or stable to turn $250 into $350 in a single hour right? I feel like a dumbass for not even using this app after I made an account years ago if that isn’t the case. Someone give me a little guidance before I turn into a Reddit idiot. I’m literally scared to actually get into this world of investing because of the power of memes. If I had an idea of what’s right then I’d put $1000 each in Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook, and play around a couple hundred a piece in Tesla, Best Buy, AMC, Walmart, Target, Six Flags, and travel & lodging companies...I would have said pharmaceutical a month or two ago as well.
  21. I literally cannot buy AMC stock. Im playing with a couple hundred in Robinhood and it let me buy every stock I want except AMC.
  22. I’d like to dip my toes in the water. It seems like it’s our generations turn to become the market holders and I don’t want to be left behind. Can anyone share a crash course? I’d like to play around with a couple thousand and see if I can learn. Meme stocks aside, once the current hedge fund managers learn how to work around the memers I think things should logically go back to normalcy, no?
  23. indeed (I also setup an overhead camera for my desk ... now I just gotta get over hearing my own voice on video and we’re set)
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