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Everything posted by Californication

  1. It's amazing how conservatives whine about freedom and then take it away from women and minorities every chance they get.
  2. The way I see it is cib is double/triple the price. If most people are okay with snes loose than genesis/Mega Drive are okay w/ the same treatment.
  3. Ha. Funny story, I pretty much got that for free the year before last. I bought it cib for $500, took the cartridge and sold the box and manual for $500 the same month.
  4. Collecting Genesis/Mega Drive loose was the way to go for me. I only have 5 or six more games I really want before I grab the 10 or so games I'll barely ever play. Here is the main stuff that fits in on the shelf.
  5. Just barricade the doors and fumigate the place - problem solved.
  6. I could use Psychonauts CE and Freedom Planet CE
  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't you the guy that compared black people to dogs and later said Canada doesn't have racism?
  8. I haven't heard anything new, but I believe they will. I believe shmupjunkie had spoken to them and he seems to some how connect with devs. I purchased a copy of the Limited Edition because they said those won't be reprinted and someone here hooked it up at a more than fair price.
  9. Wata is infamous for delays and its many pricing tiers that it uses to offer people hope that they will get a more normal return time if they pay more. They have essentially set up a business model where they are incentivized to not return games in a reasonable amount of time.
  10. The reviews are super positive and I saw one indie game reviewers say this is better than the originals, but they are a person that prefers easy games. I own both SNES games and have played a good amount of Pocky and Rocky and some of Pocky and Rocky 2. I have been avoiding full play through of the new game because I want to get the full experience when the game arrives. That being said, when I played Pocky and Rocky, it took me a good amount of time to get far in the game, and I think that is because the level design was beautifuly designed to match the characters abilities. From the playthroughs I have seen of Enshrined the levels don't seem as well designed, and this may be because there are multiple characters and it is not possible to tailor the level to just one character. So essentially the level layout, and multiple abilities seem to make the game easier. I am really looking forward to playing the game, but from the high level view it doesn't look as good as the originals. And it is very hard for me to believe that many of these people getting full runs in on day one etc. can do the same in the original.
  11. @sumez, I'm just teasing, I've only 1 cc'd like two games. What do you think of the game overall? I'm still waiting for a copy, but It doesn't seem as good as the originals.
  12. Again, accepting work that you do not have capacity for is not a supply chain issue. Supply chain issues are happenening, but there are also many company's crying wolf and using it as a catch all excuse for business failures. If a business offers something, you pay for it, and they do not provide the service/good as expected the business should have to make you whole, period. It's funny that you are moving the responsibility to the customer for the businesses failures by saying it's the customer's responsibility to not use the service. Lolz.
  13. It's not a supply chain issue when you accept work beyond your capacity.
  14. Smash TV Nes - Super Smash TV Dr. Mario Nes- Super Dr. Mario Darkwing Duck Nes - Darkwing Duck Genesis Double Dragon lll > any 16 bit Double Dragon iteration Dragon Spirit Nes - Dragon Spirit PCE Bubble Bobble Nes - Bubble Symphony Lifeforce Nes - Salamander PCE/Saturn Kirby Nes - Any other iteration Rastan SMS - Rastan Genesis (Agree with Contra and Mike Tyson, and similar to those suggestion some of my 8 and >=16 bit suggestions are completely different, so really it's sometimes a suggestion based on the franchise, not the exact game being remade.)
  15. Smash TV Dr. Mario Darkwing Duck Double Dragon lll Dragon Spirit Bubble Bobble Kirby - expect people to disagree. I only enjoy playing the nes version. Lifeforce - music, hidden stuff, small hit box Rastan- word of mouth
  16. DMV/USPS - 100% Social Security - Sheeiitt It took me like 8 phone calls and 6 months to get them to send checks to the correct address. After the third month I just stopped contacting them and paid my brother's bills out of pocket. At the end of the year they fixed the address and sent a stack of checks.
  17. For physical releases, the year has already been solid: Rolling Gunner, Dangun Feveron, Ender Lilies, Raiden IV Mikado (PS4), Infernax, Archvale, Sturmwind (switch.) Waiting on: Ganryu 2, Pocky and Rocky Reshrined, Shredders Revenge, Andros Dunos ll (PS4), Within the Blade, Nongunz (PS4). Top Spot - Pocky and Rocky Wild Card - Astro Mini V
  18. Super Rare Games Archvale RPG/twin stick down to 32%
  19. That's the move I like to show the ladies.
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