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Everything posted by Californication

  1. Mmm they had a crazy good defense, Alex Smith was finally paying off, and they switched him out for Kapernick. Then they tried to rearrange their offense to work around Kapernick's ability to run because he threw inconsistently and they lost one player after another to injuries culminating in everybody quiting.
  2. I haven't watched a game in a few years. Walked away after Kapernick ruined our Superbowl runs.
  3. I don't think they really make either of those in California. I mean obviously you can stumble on it somewhere, but I can't think of a single place off the top of my head.
  4. I didn't get tested. I assumed omicrom since that is making up + 90% of cases and it broke through my vaccine. But I am wondering if I got it from more than one person now because of the intensity. I am pretty sure I got it at a large indoor gathering.
  5. Interesting. Day 1 - runny nose Day 2 - runny nose, little sleep, low appetite Day 3 - cough, sneeze, swollen lymph nodes, little sleep, little food, massive headache Day 4 - cough, sneeze, less swollen lymph nodes, little sleep, little food, smaller headache Day 5 - threw up all food bloated. Other symptoms declining. Day 6 - Stomach tentative, can eat. Day 7 - clearing phlegm, still get tired easily Day 8 - clearing phlegmn
  6. Cool. There was a mix up in my orders and I'll probably have doubles of Guardian Heroes, Keio Flying Squadron ll, and Gunbird 1,2 in a couple weeks.
  7. Agreed. And I'd also say I feel comfortable using friends and family with established members here.
  8. I'm deep on Revenge of Shinobi, Shadow Dancer, and Shinobi Legions, and your gf. I had trouble getting into Shinobi lll, but assumed it would be good when I circled back. I didn't like Revenge of Shinobi until I figured the mechanics.
  9. For sure. But again vaccine status isn't the only determinant - health, age, etc. I don't think anyone has seriously suggested that potential health outcomes are worse after vaccination. I am recovering from covid at home myself and it was not fun unless you enjoy sneezing so hard you almost shit yourself. Really glad I had Prednisone at home because it got rid of all of the swelling in my throat fairly quickly.
  10. The fact that you were vaccinated at one point isn't the only determinant of the magnitude of your reaction. You could have been the primary person infected and gotten the largest viral load and then only mildly transferred to your family. And again, the outcry should have been to have the world vaccinated so we reduce vaccine resistant variants.
  11. Risk posture? That's a pretty big euphemism for death. You and yours had a good outcome, I'm happy for you, fingers crossed for no long covid. We can clearly see the difference in outcomes on a material scale by looking at the disproportionate deaths across red states.
  12. I get some great deals here including Dracula X and Super Turrican 2 for I think $160 each. But like Tulpa said, the market has been different the last couple years and it's been a seller's market. I regularly see stuff sell higher on FB listings than ebay. But the market is turning and the tax change should cause a material change in selling habits.
  13. That's a whole different debate. Having an impact on crime isn't the same as preventing murders on a scale to change the annual statistics. Police don't stop prevent or stop impending murders on a material scale. Yes, obviously it happens from time to time. The fbi are more likely to do what you are suggesting, but even then it ls not on the scale he is suggesting. That's a fanciful idea.
  14. The police don't prevent large amounts of murders from happening - that's not a thing.
  15. Why would you say the defund the police movement had an effect on something when it was never implemented in a material way?
  16. Agreed. I think digital gaming is too close for xbox to make cod exclusive. That would be an o.g. move though - they should have done that 10 years ago. Also, think xbox's willingness to share software with Nintendo means they have a different strategy
  17. Okay. I personally couldn't get into the mainline PS2 game either, but I thought both were highly regarding. Sticking with the Ninja theme, how about Tenchu? (I haven't played 2.)
  18. Democrats are stuck with their finger in their butt no matter what. The Republicans have gerrymandered the districts, have gotten all kinds of voter suppression laws are on the books, and they have the courts that oversee the laws. And on top of all the Democrats argument to voters is, we won't fix anything, but we'll try not to screw things up. Americans are fuk.
  19. I mean it's a drop in the bucket at this point. But ya, Joe Bidden probable shitty liberal/centrist Democrats are better than the idiots Trump filled the courts with.
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