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Everything posted by fcgamer

  1. I'll take a picture of all three together at some point. You don't usually find too many of these bootleg old toys, especially with the package. I was quite tickled to find this one as it matched the set I started.
  2. Got Mikey, still need Raph and Don and who the hell knows how many others were made.
  3. Honestly don't see why people start jacking off over mint items. It's fun to devirgin a girl, but these are f'ing video games. I much prefer items that are in decent condition, yet have been knocked around a bit. They honestly look a lot better, aesthetically.
  4. I'm pretty sure I had some of these as a teen, they came as a set IIRC.
  5. Tuesday sucked for me, sorry I missed acknowledging your birthday. Happy belated birthday @OptOut, hope everything's fine with you and the family Oh and very nice find, too!
  6. Does anyone here know anything about matting pictures / art? Are there any general standards to be followed regarding mat size and image size? Thanks!
  7. Grabbed these over the weekend from a friend.
  8. Alright everyone, point taken, I was in the wrong. Thanks for offering alternative perspectives, mods let's lock this one up please.
  9. Point taken, but that would have been my choice. It goes back to the idea of smoking a cigarette versus having someone pumping exhaust fumes into your house. Sure, one could argue that I didn't have to go to the store to begin with, but what if we were talking about water or food, for instance? At some point it would be necessary to go.
  10. @Tanookias mentioned earlier, I'm only concerned about being out of work. The government put us in this akward position, and I think things will just get worse before they get better. Reading what you guys have said offers another perspective and I think I probably was the asshole in the situation. With that being said though, the cavelier attitude people have, who aren't affected by potential loss of income, with the government egging them on, it's definitely going to cause more of these situations.
  11. Volume 3 was often skipped over as it just contained mahjong games iirc, which seemingly wouldn't have had the appeal to western audiences.
  12. I honestly couldn't care less about these rules or covid-19, aside from one vital point, which I didn't mention in my earlier post: If I get the sniffles or if one of my students does, the class gets shut down for two weeks, and I receive no pay. Furthermore, if I get it, I need to stay at home during this time period. Other industries do not get affected with such draconian measures, and therefore literally the only people who care about it are folks who will lose their money and their freedom should they contract the stupid virus.
  13. While I may agree with the first part, I thoroughly disagree about the last part. There seems to be some sort of concept over here that if you are riding the person's ass, in line, somehow you will get pushed through faster yourself, and this has nothing at all to do with the person having a long day or not. While two rudes don't equal a not rude, it doesn't change the fact that the woman in line was being rude herself.
  14. Hahaha perhaps, though free English lessons tend to make any hard feelings disappear around these parts.
  15. Well that is indeed true, but that would have been my choice, right? That's like saying it would be okay for someone to pump exhaust into my apartment, just because I was smoking a cigar.
  16. I was coming back from the night market tonight, got off the bus, and then swung by a convenience store on the way home to grab a few beers before calling my brother and subsequently calling it a night. This particular convenience store always has a larger stock of foreign beers than other shops, so I always stop by there if I'm in the area. Anyways, I am checking out, and I notice that a woman is standing behind me, well dressed, well manicured, not following the maintain 1.5 meter social distance rules sign that was posted in the shop window, or following the floor spacer guidelines. After paying for my beer, I moved aside, and then called her out, to which she just muttered a "Oh, who me? Sorry" sort of carefree attitude. At that point I told the employee behind the counter that I didn't appreciate this sort of attitude, and explained that as a teacher, if I catch the virus, I am supposed to do 14 days quarantine without pay, whereas basically all other groups of people get a free pass. The woman slinked away, and I then asked the cashier if I could speak with the owner of that particular franchise, as I was quite concerned about this sort of behavior. Eventually I did speak with the owner, who basically told me that I should just confront the infringing parties and call the police if necessary, should I be concerned about it in the future. So here's the thing. Although I didn't yell or shout at anyone, I personally feel a bit bad for the woman behind the till, as it wasn't her fault that the whole event occurred, and I likely had created a scene that ruined her night. With that being said, I do feel that if shops are posting signs with rules to follow, then they should be somewhat maintained, especially when we are talking about half a month's salary being called into question. While most people might not take such rules and signs into consideration, surely there are some folks that make their decisions as to where to shop based on such things. I've decided that I'll swing by tomorrow or the next day and give the cashier an apology letter and offer to give them English lessons gratis, if interested, as I do feel bad for causing trouble for the poor worker as it wasn't really her fault. That being said, I also don't think that I was an asshole, just for wanting people to follow the posted rules, especially when by income is literally at stake here. Let's discuss.
  17. Probably. With all of these items, it's generally just physical incompatibilities rather than electronic ones
  18. I still have a few of these (about three) up for grabs, on Famicom if anyone wants.... just DM me.
  19. I'd give it a 7.5. The game is fun, but I honestly found the controls to be a bit stiff compared to the Game Boy version.
  20. This is shockingly amazing, great mouth feel, great flavour. So much better than Singapore's Tiger, and it's from a Muslim country to boot. Indonesian beers ftw!
  21. Not exactly true. If they feel your item will sell for 10K +, they will do this duty, but otherwise they will flat out refuse.
  22. Well they take care of the printing for me, but sure you can buy it from me directly. I'll send you a DM later, I'll also send you a small gift if you pick this up thanks again so much for the interest!
  23. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255554429745 Just another example, we could keep doing this for ages. Dain and the crowd called it wrong
  24. Thanks! It was a lot of fun putting this together, I hope you enjoy it. The next volume is already in the works, and it is exciting. I'm particularly stoked about the Homebrew History section of the magazine, as I remember back when this stuff had occurred, as I was following back in 1999 or so already. I was even on the list for the Garage Cart but backed out, oh how stupid I was then! Anyways, I'll DM you later, as I mentioned above, I am personally going to send out a small gift for everyone on here who purchases the first issue
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