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Everything posted by BlackVega

  1. I'm absolutely shocked to get to that topic and read number 501 on 29 Jan... oh well, I just beat Batman by occasion, even though it doesn't count here
  2. How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus
  3. Wasn't the internet created to hide from the government and get away from propaganda in the first place??
  4. Yes it is but don't expect much from a black & white gayboy
  5. This is all fine and great but how about the price??
  6. What's next apart from automatically charging tax during checkout to some countries which is already stupid enough??
  7. Wait, did I miss something?? All I could find is this: https://techcrunch.com/2020/07/21/adevinta-acquires-ebays-classifieds-business-unit-in-9-2b-deal/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJSCbxDY0lKSuMXe1vIqZX9RH4qeCgAXOX2k-snrIHoyClEicA9kCAbyivykXT_mIEYKQQ23EhqGOSf9ceJUxycYYJ-c1L5BYVitXlva2pa8jM8bSt_oGDt36FZ5ql3Ie9Dkf5YsKwcqfSzct7x2HrpT1VijFb2EgNDp-8XJ4RIb
  8. By the way, my gawd I recently got the original Gayboy DMG and... how do you even use it?? The screen is absolutely HORRIBLE and VERY hard to see anything and the contrast is almost non-existent... On the other hand, Pocket is better, maybe not significantly but at least that one is "passable"?
  9. I'd take Toy Story 3 and Solitaire, thanks in advance
  10. Yep that one. Also I beat Donkey Kong Land 3 but this is the version daltonists hate
  11. Ah, I just beat Donkey Kong Land 2 by some coincidence: Also I beat Bomberman GB which is really Wario Blast if that counts
  12. So can I take Pac-Man and Toy Story 2 both for GBC??
  13. What's the point of this thread?? Have you actually tried to search the source of this cart, in this case, Brazil?? Here's some Brazillian OLX listing: https://sc.olx.com.br/florianopolis-e-regiao/videogames/fita-gameboy-pokemon-edicao-especial-pikachu-809088026 It is listed for 100R$ which is around ~20USD. I would guess you can list it on feebay for 50USD and ship to worldwide and if it doesn't sell then keep lowering the price until you sell it. That's it
  14. There is a difference between "longplay" and "let's play"
  15. Send this photo to everyone without context
  16. Is this thread about being afraid to get too famous??.....because it usually works the other way around
  17. Why is "Everything Else" category abused so much??
  18. Never trust any statistics website ever. Always take them as some sort of reference point with a HUGE grain of salt
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