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Everything posted by BlackVega

  1. Another one of those unmoderated piece of trash places full of terminally online trolls, just like 4chan, discard, tumblinger and so on. Nothing there is credible in the slightest and anyone can be an attention whore or provocative troll with no repercussions . Can't agree more
  2. I absolutely despise all forums that still rely on the early 2000s technology and this is why I don't participate in any of them anymore. All forums are just such a dead meme nowadays. This place is the only exception
  3. So with the upcoming US 2024 presidential election I have an idea for the next werewolf game someone should implement- next werewolf game should have US presidents and popular political figures as townies and the main wolves being Osama Bin Laden and the JFK shooter and that game should also have indies as FBI, CIA and ATF agents. Maybe it should even start on Sep 11th to make it special
  4. But was porn at least good?
  5. Time Lord can be checked off the list and oh my gosh was it extremely cheap and super unfair. I guess this is what you get from the same people that made Battletoads
  6. GODDAMNIT I FINALLY PULLED THIS OFF!!! I beat Time Lord for NES. Now that one was extremely and unforgivingly hard and lots of those extremely cheap moments where you have no idea how you are supposed to get through without getting hit. In this case this one was so much meh. Great music tho
  7. Previously when using Windows XP and 7 I used Eset for a very long time and was very satisfied with it until the keygen stopped working
  8. Sssssshhhhhhh I get a feeling this topic is not about playing games but instead it's about talking about OptOut's dirty sexual fantasies in disguise
  9. Your username should be CastlevaniaFreak
  10. I really like how this poll is perfectly politically correct, includes everyone and doesn't discriminate anyone so it also includes female dicks as well
  11. Is Doom 64 going to be finished here after all?? Because I can take care of that
  12. @Reed Rothchild have you seen The Manster (1959)? Definitely worth your and anyones attention
  13. Recently I heard someone say that everyone who is vegan is homosexual. Now all of you go connect the dots
  14. Imagine being a 7 year old kid that only got a chance to play Action 52 so far who got cursed to play only that game afterwards for the rest of his life.....
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