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Everything posted by BlackVega

  1. Completed Ultimate Stuntman for NES with the best and most badass coverart in history. Really polished Codemasters game (albeit undeservedly unlicensed) but really hard as many NES games are but thank goodness it has unlimited continues. However my only complaint is he looks like Duke Nukem on the cover but in the game he looks like regular Hank Hill. Just WTF why??? There was literally no reason to do that. False advertising. If he looked like Duke Nukem in-game I would give it 10/10 just for the memez
  2. Does that mean you were one of the ones who bailed out of this?? Holy shit so many people rejected the golden opportunity to potentially become a worldwide celebrity...
  3. 14319 and 99900 for Boulder Dash and Toxic Crusaders respectively. BTW after playing it for a bit longer I just realized the controls in BD are just ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Just purely inconsistent whoreshit. Seriously who programmed this.....
  4. Who is willing to tackle all of those wrestling games?? These are usually considered notoriously long slugs
  5. I still keep my declaration to beat Doom 64 by the end of this year so anyone can focus on something else
  6. Nobody needs to be a seriuz eggzberd in the field. All you need to do is just take some toasts, put yellow cheese inside, grill it and upload photos and call it a day and this is enough
  7. Or more like going with the spirit a river called Murray...
  8. Now please answer this question for me: how many people here speak Chinese ON AN ENGLISH SPEAKING WEBSITE???
  9. Looks like someone found Photoshop, back in the 90s. Appears to be a real location in Australia
  10. Possibly yes people just decided to pick up this random thread for just some random shitposting to have some good fun but I read some of that and some people came to post messages that were literally just "hey fuck you joel" which I would say is......... not very nice
  11. Gosh the robots are already taking over.......
  12. Granted, looking at promising pictures may ruin your diet or it may IMPROVE your diet as long as you know what and how to eat
  13. I suppose watching just a bunch of n00bz slapping each other in order to get the 1st place is going to be much more entertaining rather than watching an army of titans going full berzerk
  14. @Gloves I think Link has some sort of a technical problem with that very long post. Please help
  15. Guess there is an advantage for having Everdrives and "digital copies" of games...
  16. Does discord have a reputation for being home for terminally online people??
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