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Everything posted by doner24

  1. You forced me to pick a Nickelback song, I will never forgive you.
  2. I was an underbid at $9424 and would’ve gone higher, but was golfing and forgot. I think it’s more about using Comicconnect for the lower prices than anything.
  3. I have 212 shares at $9.33. Not sure my exit strategy on this one yet, might just hold to see if it explodes as I don’t think there’s much downside at my entry.
  4. Great song, and great video with the homage to Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon. Fun fact, the main character in the video is the voice of Spongebob.
  5. 2122 The first one was toughest as that Duran Duran song felt like such a departure from their earlier work when it was released. As much nostalgia as I have attached to 1979, I have even more attached to Say it Ain’t So and it’s a much more fun song, and one of the first songs I learned on guitar.
  6. Haven’t seen any Charlie’s Angels and no desire to watch. MASH is great. Sanford and Son is one of the funniest shows of all time. Redd Foxx faked so many heart attacks on the show, that when he had one in real life no one believed him, and sadly he passed away from it.
  7. Mostly tough day for the MEME stocks. I cashed in 300/400 of my shares of CLOV at $22.94, gonna keep the last 100 shares in for fun to see if there is another big push in the coming weeks.
  8. Agreed, I can’t imagine loving the first one and not thinking the second is a masterpiece.
  9. As someone that has interview lots of people in my day, this sounds awful.
  10. Everything is different now in MEMELAND. I just keep riding the waves, even if they are short term. WISH is the latest ride, bought a couple hundred shares earlier today and it’s moving up nicely.
  11. It started to move up the WSB list last week.
  12. I’m not a big Foo Fighters fan, but it is making me sick to see so many votes for that U2 song.
  13. They are coming to the Fine Line in September, I might go to the show.
  14. I also tried to buy a couple option contracts last night after market closed, unfortunately they had no chance of filling this morning at open.
  15. I grabbed a few hundred shares late last week at $9.74.
  16. U2 is the most overrated band in history. I hope Huey Lewis makes it out of these songs.
  17. I gave up trying to find my copy of this, which is lost in my garage somewhere and bought it digitally today. Will start it tonight.
  18. My advice, act like an idiot and don’t worry about fundamentals. 2021 is a crazy one.
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