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Everything posted by xelement5x

  1. Killer find! It's awesome to know that things like this are still hiding out in a garage or elsewhere just waiting for the right person.
  2. My best "find" for this year was a heavy hitter I had needed for my Game Gear set: Urban Strike. A good friend and fellow collector had one and preferred to sell it to me to for funds towards an almost one of a kind item he was hunting, on a set he really enjoyed collecting. The best part is we both won in the end, since he was able to get his item and I have this one for my own set.
  3. A bit late here, but when my original 360 toasted itself I am pretty sure I just pulled the HDD out of the fat drive casing and stuck it a replacement skinny casing I bought online and stuck it in my Xbox E. It's been awhile, but I'm fairly certain as long as a HDD is formatted for 360, you just need the correct form factor of the casing to read it.
  4. I stopped counting except on specific sets. Well into 4 figures but god I hope it's under 5 lol. However, I know for a fact I have 5 Everdrives and 3 ODEs!
  5. The first thing you should do if you really want a plan for how your stuff is disposed of is: have a will. This avoids everything going intestate and leaving it up to the government to determine how it is liquidated, them taking a larger cut, and how it is divided in the end. In a will you can also specify an executor to manage how it's sold. Give the job to your best friend or your worst enemy depending on how organized you are. I'm old, I've helped a number of family members go through estates and it sucks. If you have your own home and it's paid off there is less urgency to go through it all, but if your executor has to move all that crap within 30 days or keep paying a mortgage/rent it is a bad situation. Large sweeping decisions get made for the sake of time and sanity and don't be surprised how much gets trashed or thrown in recycling along the way. In the end, we're all going to be dust and this plastic will probably outlast us so don't stress on it too much. Your biggest concern should be how your family is going to remember you afterwards if they had to spend several years of their life in probate dealing with all the stuff you left and no plan. My
  6. Sure! Happy to share a couple Here's a Cotton Teacup I found years ago which I was never able to completely figure out where it came from. Best bet after talking with some friends in Japan is it was part of the X68000 release. I've seen lots of others cups but none like this, the EA Victor branding is a bit odd. https://flic.kr/p/k7U6c5 This is two different releases of a promo video about the LaserActive that was released in Japan. The 'Mr. J.H. Long' Video. This is probably the weirdest promotional video I have seen, since from what I was able to understand it promotes the LaserActive as like alien technology and integrates the promo along with a mock interview with someone recounting their abduction experience. Uploads of it are on YouTube.
  7. People want it for a set and there is not a lot of copies so it gets expensive. I'd assume the print run was lower than most, it's already just a hack of Heavyweight Champ with the Buster Douglas branding slapped on it and minor changes. Douglas was the champ for such a short time after taking out Tyson then getting taken out by Holyfield like 9 months later, in between that time Sega signed him as a signature athlete and the branding was practically worthless. Funny that right after that they also signed Holyfield.
  8. One of my favorite items which I own that is rare but practically worthless probably is the Sega Pico Storyware Sampler cartridge. Found it over a decade ago when I picked it up in a Pico lot off Craigslist from a lady. She was late meeting me and even gave me like $10 off for the whole lot (a handful of loose and boxed games and a system), and I had no clue to the rarity until years later when I mentioned it on Sega16 to someone. These were normally paired with the demo kiosk, which was destroyed or sent back to Sega I'd assume. There was a full kiosk with pamphlets and this cartridge which came up on ebay a year ago I think, too big for me to consider buying and storing, plus I'm sure after shipping the whole thing would be destroyed unless the seller was very careful packing. I've gotten a LOT of obscure merch from Japan over the last 20 years or so as well, and it's stuff I've only seen a handful of times, but I'm pretty sure no one cares about here as far as I know.
  9. Thanks! Hard to believe I got it like a decade ago lol. It sits with my SegaCD WD variants.
  10. Still working on a few sets but like many have said, for older sets it can be an expensive uphill battle depending on the system. Most of what I've been trying to finish off are ones I started years if not decades ago. Very close to the finish on some, others will require a fair bit more time if I go down the route. The last easy set for me was Wii U since it was so prolific at GameStop. Was able to buy so many with B1G1 or B2G1 I finished the whole thing pretty cheap. The cost in time was high, but I had a bit more time and it was fun so I didn't mind. So much of full sets any more is just waiting to buy what you need at a good price online, there are almost no local shops with anything, and the fight with Craigslist and other marketplace sellers is hardly worth the time for the numbers of busts that I dealt with.
  11. This Genesis set is pretty cool, don't think I've ever seen a Wal-Mart branded bundle before.
  12. I've swapped backs before but I make sure it's a match in terms of label style and imprint number. Lots of horrible SNES backs are out there from when people would rip a Blockbuster sticker off the back like they were trying to start a lawnmower and just tear the label to shreds. I was often able to find a sports game for a couple bucks and swap then just trade in the sports game later or send it in as a repro donor when people used to do that on NA.
  13. I have a couple I've gotten over the years, mainly only if they show up cheap, are to series I enjoy or the like. Never paid over $100 for them, but normally in the $20-$60 range. This Lunar one is one of my favorites:
  14. Yeah, it's out already. I haven't given it a try yet myself but my copy came in the mail the other day. Posted an instaham picture of it https://www.instagram.com/p/C1A6rm6Rzvv/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  15. This is not my project, but I know the person who built it from a couple shared Discord groups. Strife Sisters is a new Strategy RPG homebrew for the PC Engine / Turbografx The physical version for the PCE/Tubografx-16 (NTSC). Comes with: Strife Sisters HuCard 4 Page Manual Custom made HuCard Tray Available at: https://shop.strifesisters.com/collections/all Here is some gameplay footage:
  16. I have a number of dupes of some of these that you need, but I also have ones on your list that I still need as well. Hadn't planned on starting to sell dupes until I finished the set myself though. I'll follow your thread and circle back later.
  17. I am fairly certain this is just sunfade on the spine. It is hard to tell the difference over the rest of the spine since it's just white text over black, but I have gotten games like this before with Dreamcast.
  18. I still have tons of duplicates from years(decades?) of collecting I'm trying to offload but good lord selling stuff and shipping it sucks. Not to mention the recent tax changes make me even less inclined. Every once and awhile I'll got to a swap meet near me and offload a couple hundred bucks worth of stuff though which is nice since it's all in cash.
  19. SFC, Mega-CD, Promo versions, merchandise, artbooks, soundtracks and more! This is an older photo but shows a portion of my Popful Mail collection: https://flic.kr/p/pqDujA There was a surprising large amount of stuff made for and around the game. It's one of my favorites of all time so I collect things around it when I can find it. I am also a big fan of Working Designs in general so I have collected a lot of stuff pertaining to them and Falcom as well. Indeed! Besides the original PC-88 version, there's a PC-98 version that was released twice! In 5.25" and 3.5" version. I also came across a PC-9801 demo diskette for the game some years back.
  20. Homebrew, normally but it depends on if the box is anything special. Like Paprium and the other WM releases I've kept since they go crazy. Random bubble mailer, no thanks I'll strip the label off and re-use it. Plenty of retail release I keep the shipping boxes on too, like NISA boxes with stock numbers on them, or the phenomenal Summon Night 6 shipping box. Some are also just decent boxes for storage, like the ones from Play-Asia or LRG. I kept like 90% of my LRG games in their original mailers with the inserts (sticker/postcard/redemption ticket) for a very long time. I cleared out a lot of them several years ago when I needed space, ago but did keep some. Specifically my Breach and Clear bubble mailer with the 2015 mailing date which I thought was kind of fun. I dumped almost all the stickers and postcards in a random box together though. Good luck to me ever sorting that out in the future, LOL!
  21. I'm the third person on that selection, which makes more people specifically collecting Game Gear than PS1! Almost done at less than 10 needed, however but the remaining titles are probably going to take awhile. That said, I wish the poll would have options of by console manufacturer. "Sega ", "Nintendo", "Xbox", "Sony", etc. I specifically collect Sega stuff as a focus (and anything Popful Mail). Because while "I don't have one particular system I collect for the most", I do collect based on a general focus of Sega stuff.
  22. The Black Friday Sale from Limited Run Games is never really games discounted, just games that have "sold out" which they managed to find a bit of extra stock to sell. I am pretty sure they almost never sell their own games at a discount, at the most they will offload extra inventory in bulk to another vendor to sell. VGP have becoming like a dumping ground for a lot of LRGs unsellable stuff. https://videogamesplus.ca/collections/limited-run-games
  23. Do you wear glasses or notice eyestrain with a single ultra wide? Personally when I used two side by side I would get eyestrain sooner, so I switched to 2 monitors at different depths to force my eyes to refocus when shifting my attention from one screen to another. Currently I'm using a 24" diagonal from like 2016 and a Playstation 3D display. Neither is amazing but function well for my job and hobbies. Have debated getting something new but lol, my tower is from 2015 so maybe I should upgrade that first.
  24. LOL, when I read this post it was in your voice from CQ almost automatically. I do agree, there is a lot of cool information out there and neat things to see. Weird changes we're not sure why they happen are interesting to learn about. One of my favorites is the red box Wonder Dog for Sega CD, it's so random and I'm unsure why they would have changed it.
  25. Yeah, the goofiness around first print and all the inane details that US collectors focus on has always been odd to me. I feel like the key value points from comic collecting (first appearance, first print, misprint, low print, etc) have all just been pasted on top of video game collecting due to early overlaps in the communities. I'm not discounting these different caveats around collecting games from being interesting, or even fun to learn about and document, but it feels artificially imposed if you look at early video game collecting compared to now. Though, I'm sure if comic companies could spin a way to cellophane wrap a comic book so you had to open that to read it and make another level of new/sealed collecting, the market would lose its mind.
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