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Everything posted by SNESNESCUBE64

  1. Youtube has some neat functionality so you don't see a user's content. Being mad at someone who makes content online is a waste of your time. Time you can effectively use to make a sandwich or scream at the squirrels chewing through the top of your garbage can in order to get to the delicous garbage.
  2. Oh my god, this might be mine too. That was ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL. The problem was that enemies would keep spawning, so you would have to get lucky and just push through. The last two missions in particular took me forever because of the respawning. Well they say the German soldiers were on Meth during the second world war, perhaps they were making the AI like that...
  3. Isn't it great when you are having a terrible week and you get a "gimme"? When the fix is super easy or super silly? I had that happen yesterday with an Asteroids Deluxe board. Currently I am just starting a restore on an empty Asteroids Deluxe table, it was empty so I am currently sourcing everything for it. Well I got to the game board after rebuilding a junk AR1 supply I bought years ago on the cheap and building a little test harness that just runs power. Well at first I got nothing. So I pulled the board out to inspect it, see if there was any damage. Sure enough, the crystal had broken off at some point in the past. I borrowed a crystal from another board that I will have to repair at some point, and it fired right up it seems. Now it's hard to tell of I am going to run into any issues because I didn't hook up the Z axis, hence why everything is connected. But this is a good sign that this board is working at least from a video perspective. What was your favorite "easy one" story? Doesn't have to be an easy one. Just could be a guess you made that ended up being the issue.
  4. That's a lot of money for something with no board pics...
  5. For thanksgiving, mashed potatoes are better for logistical reasons. Kind of a pain to serve a bunch of baked potatoes. Baked potatoes are better in every single way otherwise and I will die on that hill. A nice baked potato with sour cream, green onions, shredded cheese, and bacon bits is great.
  6. 1. Beating the shadow queen in paper mario and the thousand year door. This game was a childhood favorite of mine but I was never good enough to beat the game. I finally did it some 5 years ago and it was such a good feeling because I was finally able to see the ending. It was also super close, almost didn't win. 2. Fixing my Atari Millipede cabinet - it was my first real arcade repair that required in depth troubleshooting. 3. Not really a particular moment, but playing games with my mother as a youngyin. Those moments and her constant emphasis on the importance of utilizing technology to not only have fun, but also work hard and help others with it helped define myself as a person especially later on in my late teens and now young adult life. I owe a lot to those times playing games with her. It gave me a career path and goals to work toward.
  7. It's an interesting thought. I've never had goals, just passing "hey this is interesting". For myself and many, when you are done with one thing you move on to the next. For me I moved to arcade stuff I moved on to arcade collecting and reproducing boards and other boards because I found I enjoyed it more. What do I do when I ultimately grow to hate everything electronic or can't do it anymore? Travel and enjoy something else.
  8. Gorf is an arcade game released in the early 80s by Bally Midway. It was a very neat game with speech synth and featured a very appealing cabinet for the time. The gameplay was also nice because it featured variety in the saturated space invaders genre of the day. It was based off of similar hardware used in the Bally Astrocade console (I don't know which came first) and was fairly high tech for what it was. The reason I hate the hardware so much is because of the astrocade part. It used custom components that fail often. These components are a pain to source now and have gotten to be pricy (something I had to deal with when I was working on my Gorf cabinet). Midway also cut corners whenever possible with electronics as well. Super fun game, just not a fan of the hardware. Being that there was a shooter theme in the image, I just made a guess...
  9. We can talk about how much fun gorf is but how much the hardware sucks. Words cannot describe how much I despise astrocade arcade hardware.
  10. Sell them so I can live in the woods with all my gold and gasoline. No need for plastic toys made for babies in an end of the world scenario.
  11. I use alcohol and simple green for everything consoles. Basically I just go "oonga boonga" on it with cleaner until it is acceptable to me. For arcade cabinets I take different approaches. Lots more "fun" stuff with that. My super punchout was a good example of this, it had mice problems! Gloves and mask are required for this kind of stuff. For cabinet interior, I use Scrub n Bubbles + a scrub brush after running a shop vac. It won't damage the wood and it good at disinfecting and removiny odors. I am unsure how this effects paint, I used simple green for the exterior as it won't destroy the artwork or exterior gel coat. Everyone cleans the PCBs differently, but what I do is wash it with distilled water, scrub with simple green, then rinse with distilled water again. Before: After:
  12. Conversions are hard for it without mod work. Available mods are dependent on the model of the tv, each one is very different. If you are technical, the best place to start is to find a service manual. Some televisions can be modified to take in RGB, but in terms of composite or component, odds you are out of luck. I would find a CRT community such as the ones on reddit to see if they have more information. If you aren't technical, odds are there are no easy/plug and play solutions. You might have to source a new television set. You can try converting using a modulator, but it wouldn't be the world's greatest picture quality.
  13. It's perfect in every single way. It emits pure goofballery. It's just super excited to be part even if not officially part of inktober.
  14. Sorry, nothin 8bit, sorry if I didn't see all the requirements!
  15. My boy beta yoshi, he never really had official artwork...
  16. This was a neat one because I have not encountered a soundboard issue like this one before. In my short experience with Williams sound boards for games like stargate and joust, they have been an "all or nothing" kind of deal. This one however was missing sounds. To troubleshoot this one, I did a few things. When I booted the game up I pressed the test button on the soundboard, it should play game sounds in general, but this just played tones. What this told me was that the CPU, DAC (probably) and amplifier area was working on this board. My guess immediately turned to the EPROM or 6810 Bipolar RAM. I started with the EPROM, what I did was that was dump the ROM and validate it with ROMIdent. The ROM checked out just fine. From there, I decided to test and socket the 6810 since I have had the worst luck with RAM ICs this year and I was replacing the sockets for the ROM and CPU anyway. Using my ABI Chipmaster, I verified that the RAM was indeed failing. After putting a new one in and testing the sound board again, it was working as it should. I did a little video demonstrating what I was hearing since sound is not the easiest thing to describe:
  17. Makes me really wish I still had some wall space left. Here's my favorite: Early 2000s Nintendo magazine ad. I didn't believe it existed until I saw someone had it for sale on ebay. I just wish they cut it cleaner. Turned out alright though.
  18. Prices do NOT include shipping unless listed otherwise. Anything above $50 is recommended to pay the extra for insurance because I will not refund for lost mail. Local pickup is an option if you are local to the metro detroit area. Paypal if I am shipping to you, cash preferred if you are doing local pickup. Feel free to message me with questions, always happy to answer questions. If you don't like my prices, tell me more! We might be able to work out a deal! NFR Stuff: Mario 64 NFR - sold Wii demo video compact flash (properly dumped) - $40 3ds Steel diver demo - $10 3ds nintendogs demo - $10 3ds lego star wars demo -$7 3ds pilotwings demo - $10 3ds pilotwings EU NFR - $10 Dynasty Warriors 6 press preview disc (identical to release) (comes with retail copy for extra) - $40 Nintendo switch pre-launch cardboard standee - $50 3ds XL kiosk unit - $150 Demo/NFR pics Famicom stuff: CIB Family Basic set - $90 FDS Exciting Baseball - $3 FDS Dr. Chaos - $15 FDS Family Composer -$5 FDS Exciting Soccer - $3 FDS V.S. Exitebike -$25 FDS Patton-Kun (the one that says flip to side 'b' and insert into f***ing box) -$30 Golf/tennis (2 games 1 disk) -$5 Kid icarus bootleg - sold
  19. I dig the professional electronics workbench, I would totally put equipment on the top shelf to make it easier.
  20. I was gonna call you a madman for pulling out the whole playfield until I remembered that some of those williams games are a nightmare to work on because you can't pull the playfield forward and rest it on the backbox.
  21. Love this game to death. It's one of my favorites and is one of the games I can play any time and still have fun. I'm overdue for playing it all the way through again, so maybe in the near future I will.
  22. Yeah depending on what you are looking to get and if you are willing to separate the set I might totally be interested/know people who are interested.
  23. I would really rather not split it up, it took long enough to get it together! Sorry I do not currently deal on facebook.
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