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Everything posted by SNESNESCUBE64

  1. So a few days ago I obtained a Nintendo Helifire cocktail table. The problem is that I like having all my games on free play if I can help it. Mainly because I don't want to keep a bunch of quarters around. Helifire unfortunately does not have a free play mode, so I had to mod the ROMs in order to support it. It was pretty interesting altogether. I used the MAME debugger to go through the disassembly in order to figure out what routines did what and where coin stuff and start stuff happened. The approach I took was to remap the coin switch to the start buttons, rewritting the routines to determine which button was press to add an appropriate amount of credits. From there I set up the game to autostart after coin insert. I tried just jumping to the start of the game but that did not work, it does some goofy stuff when it goes through the coin routine. After rewriting the routines to do act as a free play, it was just rewriting the "insert coin" and "credits" text. This is what I ended up with. I only ended up needing to change two of the ten ROM chips to support it. One with actual code and the other with the free play text. This was a bit more complicated than the free play mod I had to write for Head On N. I can't wait to try this on real hardware, I just have to fix the game board.
  2. Neat. I've never used epoxy or anything after a pin repair, but looks interesting.
  3. Why? With modern tech like Google Maps it warns you about accidents, slowdowns, and even speedtraps. No need to get upset over someone using something to their advantage. Consider this, if they have trouble navigating even with GPS, perhaps they aren't great drivers. Personally I use it when I am going somewhere I don't know the route to. I also use it when I start noticing slowdown on my commute to and from work. I also use it to get to locations I know are pains in the ass to get to during rush hour as it will give me the fastest route.
  4. I absolutely love Primal Fear, they just came out with a new album not too long ago, Code Red. Some of my favorite songs are Supernova, The Sky is Burning, and Face the Emptiness. Also a big fan of Another Hero from their new album. They also did a couple pretty good covers, like Die Young which was originally sung by Dio. Also, I love their album covers. I think they are some of the best metal covers out there! Angry bird is the best.
  5. I finalized the hardware stuff this weekend. I designed a new ROM board to be able to switch between upright and cocktail versions as well as freeplay versions. I also modified my power supply adapter for use on a different supply more suited for this application. I also rerouted the power switch to be inside the coin door area like I did with my other Nintendo cabinets. Nintendo put the switch on the back and it is really inconvenient. The last thing I did was make a back door sheet. I cannot do the artwork, but I made this one in the style of Radarscope/early donkey kong back door sheets. Attached it both as an image and pdf due to compression. Head On N Backdoor Sheet.pdf
  6. I wonder if they were the same hardware as the other tetris keychains of early/mid 90s. I had one that was shaped kinda like a gameboy.
  7. Apologies, skip mine if you want. I didn't follow the rules, I'll see if I can find something neat.
  8. I couldn't think of anything so I nominate my boy but baby.
  9. Well I am done messing around with the ROMs. I finished making the upright version of the ROMs. On top of that I even made a freeplay mod because most of the rest of my games are freeplay. What's next: - Custom artwork - Update power board to support RQ-125B power supply and switch to that supply - Update ROM board to have switches to enable/disable freeplay and switch to cocktail table mode.
  10. I feel that way about most Dragonforce songs. You hit it right on the head with that statement. You really see that with their newer album "extreme power metal" where they kinda lean into that. I will say that there are some songs that they have that I think are genuinely good like "Seasons". They really scratch a certain "itch" and are nice to listen to sometimes. I wasn't gonna comment on the placement of any these songs on the list because opinions are cool and everyone has slightly different tastes in music, but Dragonforce ahead of Gamma Ray? Come on man... I have tickets to see Dragonforce in November, I am super excited because it seems like their shows are parties.
  11. That whole album is pretty dang good. Toxicity is such a fun song to listen to and just hits hard everytime I hear it on the radio. I think my favorite song on that album is prison song though. System of a down was my first concert actually and was a former favorite before I started getting into heavy/power metal. I saw em at Pine Knob (called DTE amphitheater or some bullcrap at the time) in 2015. It was a fun show, Le Butcherettes (probably the worst performance I have ever seen out of any show I've been to) and the Melvins were there too. I would have loved to see them back in their prime, I have a hard time listening to Serj's solo stuff. The songs he does are alright but he changed the way he sings or something and I can't say I'm a fan.
  12. I am still working on Head On N, I have most of the modifcations I need to make to the ROMs to make it work properly in an upright cabinet done. Just a couple things left. From there it's just art. https://youtu.be/3UxzfF92F0I?si=a9lsUj5Z0hCYg6Uy
  13. The only thing those old power supplies are good for is throwing through windows. A power supply is a power supply. You either have OEM or aftermarket with varying levels of performance. As long as you have power that is relatively clean no harm no foul.
  14. Rigged up a control panel harness and modded the roms to be single player only. Reason I chose single player only is because I am trying to figure out how to make two player mode work without flipping the screen. Head On N is meant to be in a cocktail table, unfortunately there is no dip switch for setting it to upright from what I can figure out.
  15. Coins are dumb, or at least the way they are handled on this board. So the way it has to work, is there are three wires that hook up to a coin switch: Normally Open (N.O.), Normally Closed (N.C.), and Common. Head On N uses all three, where as most other games later on used just N.O. and Common. So I have a coin door harness for a Donkey Kong machine, so ideally I would like to use that, so I have to adapt it. Well this morning, I had a thought: what if I use a mosfet to drive N.C.? The whole idea is that the coin signals are pulled high via weak pullup resistors. When the switch is flicked N.C. becomes high and N.O. goes low. That said, if I add the mosfet, the weak pullup will be enabling the driving of the mosfet. When the coin switch gets flicked the mosfet is no longer engaged so the signal goes back high. So to test I just soldered the transistor to the back of the board. It worked as it should so I will make a cleaner implementation as I had to bend the transistor legs as the pinout wasn't ideal. I'll probably make a little board so I can use an SMD component, making the mod better hidden.
  16. I just hit the misbehaving device. Why would I reward it for disobedience?
  17. The last picture is a bit fuzzy, you should try a retake. But seriously, neat post. Light guns are cool and it's fun to see all the designs floating around. It's always cool to see the revolver style ones too. My personal favorite that I have is my VS System gun. It's closer to the famicom one. Some even came in black (they had a weird rubber coating that sucks). What's even more interesting is that Konami used the same exact gun in their cabinets later on, but those came in blue and pink. They also lacked the Nintendo logo.
  18. Well I finally had time to assemble my power board and build the power wiring harness. It worked out pretty well, so I finally had this game booting for the first time in the cabinet. The only thing I had to do was add a cord cap for the light fixture because someone cut the end off. So here's what's left: Upright cabinet romset Controls wiring harness Art package needs to be made Finish ground wiring (almost done) Monitor adjustments One thing that I am a bit agitated about with my power setup, was that I decided to use the RT-125B, which was great because it has a 5V, 12V, and -12V. I used the -12V rail to make a -5V rail using a 7905 regulator. However, meanwell makes ANOTHER power supply that also includes the -5V rail built in: RQ-125B. So I might switch to that and make a new power board.
  19. Because it's a meme and nobody wants to sell it for less than what they paid, so it only goes up.
  20. Kamelot is cool. "When the lights are down" ane "Accross the highlands" are great songs. They are part of what really got me into power metal. I remember hearing a lot of them when I first got a pandora account in highschool. You are right, it gets kind of generic sometimes, but if it has a good beat to it no harm no foul. Power metal in itself is like 80% crap, but then you get absolute gems like Gamma Ray, Helloween, Primal Fear, Twighlight Force, Sabaton (I think they are considered power metal), Avantasia, Iron Savior, and Angra (of which I've been enjoying a lot lately). The gems are what makes the genre so worth it. Even some of the lesser bands are a ton of fun. I like Dragonforce for example, a lot of their music is cheesy but it is fun sometimes.
  21. Not fake. That is battery backed (I think) RAM chip, not ROM. The base part number even matches what is on bootgod. LH5160 is an 8k x 8 SRAM (6264 pinout equivalent) made by Sharp and discontinued many moons ago. Exact markings are gonna vary a little depending on when it was made and which factory made it, but it is definitely not new. Furthermore I see no signs of modification on the board itself.
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