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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Speaking of... our "Like" button or Emoji field is in need of an update on that one! (can live without the nutsack emoji...but Purple Ganon had a lot of versatility!)
  2. There was so much potential the second Startropics could have had...
  3. Did you play Castlevania Adventure Rebirth?
  4. That wouldn't have had NES compatibility, though, which was somehow key to the rumor I recall. EDIT: and the more I think about it, I wonder if my original memory was toned down by having read about the CD-add-on system years ago on the other forum. I have the tickle of a memory that the original rumor my friend was circulating was that he read that the Playstation would play EVERYTHING (not just Nintendo).
  5. In my school, before the Playstation was fully announced/finalized, there was the rumor that it was going to be a Nintendo system that had full backwards compatibility with all of the previous systems AND played CD-based games.
  6. Fingers are crossed that this boosts the eBay value of the original McNuggets and Changeables...have a couple of sets of each that I need to unload from cleaning up old toys at my parents'.
  7. There's a meme for that now Wife: "What's an SMB-VGA-85+?" Husband: "Damn taxes..."
  8. Yeah, our usual is EARLIEST it gets set up is the weekend after Thanksgiving, just to have an extra family activity. But teardown is definitely over the New Year's holiday, since that also allows for post-Christmas giftgiving that is still adequately festive later in the week
  9. My parents had enough space that the Christmas tree just stays up all year, since it was a pre-lit tree and my dad didn't want the wires to degrade in the heat of the attic. They at least took the decorations down, though
  10. That's the joke. Commercially, stores practically take down Halloween decorations on the night of the 31st and instantly shift gears hard to Christmas. If Halloween wasn't on the calendar, I'm pretty sure Christmas shopping season would have already rolled forward to labor day
  11. I thought there were fewer than 100 out there, but I could be misremembering. In terms of desirability due to gameplay, I just don't want someone thinking this thing has anywhere north of $100-worth of NES gameplay, unless they've had the opportunity to play it before. (and I thought the original price on this one was pretty darn steep for the gameplay value) But the larger point was that NOBODY PLAYED THE GAME prior to its release -- there were no demos. So the original demand was almost all FOMO at work, along with the frenzy of dealing with the weird selling situation. And as far as I know nobody that has paid the crazy prices for it played it prior to buying, because there is no way to easily do so (so again, SEEMS LIKE a bit of FOMO at work)
  12. There was fairly limited production and high initial demand, because it came out of nowhere unexpectedly. That coupled with eBay listing difficulties (the not being able to sell from China thing). For its time, it was perceived as really good quality AND it was pretty close on the heels of the super-limited Super Bat Puncher demo, so there was a HUGE Fear-of-missing-out factor at play.
  13. Yeah, there was nothing recent when I sold mine (same with SBP), so I was treading into unknown territory with old information and throwing up what I thought at the time was a fairly high price. I think I did BIN with best offer and took a best offer (probably had it listed at $400, though -- but too far back to see the eBay records without digging through my email).
  14. Definitely agree. They have generally catchier songs than a lot of the other samey-samey bands of their time. I paid $5 to see them as part of a summer concert series in Atlanta, back in college. Definitely worth the $5, just for the live outdoor concert atmosphere in a pretty decent downtown location. But not as good of a deal as seeing The Scorpions, Deep Purple, and Ronnie James Dio for $16 total at the same show There are relatively few bands I'd ever pay modern ticket prices for, and Nickelback doesn't make THAT cut, for sure (last one I actually paid for was getting to see ZZ Top locally -- but Weird Al, and a VERY short list of other would be able to extract the current rate of $50-$100/ticket from me)
  15. I didn't have as high an opinion of the gameplay value as others seem to, so other than the eventual cash-in (or if you were trying for a "complete" homebrew collection) I don't think you missed anything worth worrying about. If you manage to play it at a meet-up or convention, you'll have had about all the fun you'll ever want to have with it, IMO.
  16. I wonder if part of the novelty of the tag/topic system could be "banning" people from specific topics alone, if they misbehave in those topics?
  17. Well, I started a side topic suggestion about utilizing our "topic"/"tag" feature to let people "ignore topic" rather than just "ignore user". That wasn't possible on the old forums that I know of. If it was possible here, it would probably go a long way to solving the potential conflicts.
  18. Maybe, and sorry if I misread the tone. At one time it was a fairly common dig on the old forum to try and discredit someone's participation in certain topics with a "why are you even here if you don't seriously collect".
  19. Air Fortress does it perfectly. It probably pushes the definition of the thread, but Star Tropics is a great blend between Zelda-style underworlds and DW-style overworld and towns.
  20. That is a good haul for that one, though if it shipped within Europe, the premium wouldn't surprise me, since fewer copies made it there versus buyers in the states. Mine sold within the US for about $360 back in January, for reference. And it went QUICK. (though not as quick as my Super Bat Puncher :P)
  21. I particularly enjoy the image-clipping style that makes it look like a teen-girl-magazine-collage! Hilarious!
  22. "collecting stuff" is not a criteria for participating in the forums, nor is it a measure of one's worth in the context of the forum.
  23. Maybe this already exists and I just haven't searched through the settings enough to find it. But Tanooki's "no politics" topic got me thinking that instead of just having an "ignore user" option, having an "ignore TOPIC" option would probably help people avoid things they find inflammatory without suppressing what other people might want to discuss.
  24. I'm a firm believer that Everything Else should be anything people want to post that isn't illegal. If the mods want to add a couple of "tags" that more obviously label threads as "Politics" or "Religion", etc, that might be helpful to let people avoid accidentally clicking into something they don't expect to read. (maybe even allowing people to filter out certain tags entirely, so they don't even see them -- kind of like a "foe" feature for entire topics) But people that get upset about those kinds of threads should just avoid them in the first place.
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