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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Well, unfortunately, that is untrue, since if the NESMaker label deters buyers, that is to the direct detriment of Mugi.
  2. I don't think that has any bearing on whether it is somehow beneficial to force a label onto a game, or whether those labels risk prejudicing potential audiences. Let a game stand on its own, in the public forum. If the game's creator wants to add a label, that should be solely up to them, and no one else. Discussions about the engine and toolchain can take place with, or without, the consent and participation of the game's creator, but IMO that is entirely separate from compelling a label that "flags" the game when it appears on a list of upcoming games.
  3. Why? Just let a game stand on its own merits without any potential prejudice associated with forcing a label on it.
  4. But I think it probably matters in the context of you initially seeming to apply your disagreement with SoleGoose to the entire "community" as if there is some shared hivemind opinion on the issue. Painting with a broad brush when it comes to "the community" (whether we're talking homebrewers, the collectors of the site, or whatever) probably isn't the most productive attitude to have, when there is really a pretty broad array of individual opinions to be had.
  5. I think you're taking one guy's opinion way too hard.
  6. Require? No. Offer it as an optional tag? Yes. I don't really see any merit in mandating that a poster use a particular tag for their project.
  7. Last I watched in theaters was Jojo Rabbit. That led to finally getting around to watch What We Do In The Shadows.
  8. They're releasing one episode at a time, similar to how HBO does their streaming.
  9. ^^^ Man... no offense, but whoever put that together is really whiny. The gripe about "said it was for long-time Pokemon fans but is still targeted at Age 12"... I mean, it's Pokemon -- nobody should expect it to be anything but kid-friendly and kid-focused. Sometimes you grow out of a media franchise being completely age appropriate, until you have your own kids to share it with later.
  10. It sounds like it would probably be worth spending some time off with your wife browsing jewelry and getting a better sense of what she actually likes. (make a weekend date out of it) The nice thing about women's jewelry is that there is a pretty broad selection of "artisan" stuff that is nicer than old-school costume jewelry but not so fancy or expensive that she can't wear it all the time. (i.e. necklaces in the $20-$50 range with various semi-precious stones or hand-made beads) Not saying you should have read her mind that a replacement should have been "obvious"... but if that was her only go-to necklace, it sounds like you have some small gift-giving opportunities you could be taking advantage of so that she ends up with a few to choose from.
  11. Pokemon is the largest media franchise by a pretty healthy margin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises It is 50% larger than Star Wars. (just the licensed merch is the size of the entire Star Wars franchise all-in)
  12. Could be. Though if that were the case, seems like it would have been a lot easier to just do the awful looking Sonic for some promo posters and a much shorter teaser, rather than what seemed like a full length trailer. That is a lot of CGI investment in a marketing ploy.
  13. Oh, so not really a twin stick shooter then. Still looks great.
  14. I think it is incredible that the original design shown in the trailers was ever given a green light.
  15. I had forgotten that 6-button pads existed for Genesis, as I think my friends only had the 3-button originals. So how are they doing it without the 6-button pad? Would it work like NES Smash TV? (seems like it would be less comfortable than twin-d-pads on the NES to do it that way)
  16. Looks wild. How does the twin stick thing work on a Genesis?
  17. I am amazed that these kinds of buyer premiums don't draw lower cost competition to the auction-house marketplace.
  18. Zaxbys is the best non-mom-and-pop restaurant chicken, period. They just fall into this weird grey area where you expect them to be fast food due to the restaurant layout and having a drive thru but they aren't. It takes awhile to get your food. Faster than a sit down restaurant, but considerably slower than fast food. There sauce (Zax sauce) is pretty special. But their wing sauces are pretty good too, if you want something spicy.
  19. So why do people want to have a game-breaking "feature" like that? Seems kind of silly to me.
  20. How is this part not completely game-breaking?
  21. So how did importing pokemon from previous games work? Did they come over leveled and ready to rock? Or were they reduced to some minimum level? Was there a limit on how many you could import? Was it something that was blocked until the late game? Just seems like a crazy thing to have to design around, when you also have to design to accommodate people who are playing it as their first-ever Pokemon adventure.
  22. Is that really the shortening of Pokemon that people use? Don't know what else would make sense, but just looks hilarious to see in text
  23. Kind of. https://www.zaxbys.com/locations/ They started in Statesboro GA and have fanned out over the last few decades. Their reach is a lot farther than it used to be, but looks like nothing in Ohio yet. In all seriousness, if you wanted to make a shitload of money as a franchise owner, opening a Zaxby's in a state that doesn't have any yet would be a license to print money.
  24. No need to get into a back-and-forth over CFA. If Link doesn't want to eat there, that is his prerogative. Another contender I hadn't considered lately was Zaxby's. Their chicken is overall the best out there for chain restaurants, but they don't quite make the bar for "fast food", given the variability in their service time. Their sandwiches are their tenders on Texas toast, which is a great combo.
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