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Everything posted by Link

  1. Link


    idk what this means. 56 miles! I think most I've done is 13 miles each way round trip, so 26 with a break in the middle.
  2. Link


    Haha, it's kinda weird sometimes what I do and don't keep track of, I guess. Thanks. I added the rack and doublewide milk crate. I want to add a front rack, too. The other upgrade I got is a bigger chain ring at a friend's recommendation. I think I went from 42 teeth to 46; now I wish I had gone bigger.
  3. Link


    Uh, ↑ there's my bike. I got it for a song on craigslist, definitely the last time I ever found something good there. As for me, for fun? Not exactly. It can be fun, just like driving, but commuting, shopping, going out, I live in a big city and my motivation is moreso convenience and saving money. I do it all year round. But I don't know how far I ride, aside from single trips. Like I know it's about 2½ miles to work, but I've never tracked or calculated cumulative numbers.
  4. Link


    First of all as we've talked about it before, @Jeevan I'm glad you're long term taking care of your health and also that you are enjoying it!
  5. I'm flying on Monday but liftoff is after 3 PM EST so we probably wont see anything in the air.
  6. Last time, it was really overcast here so we saw no effect. It appears so https://time.com/4897581/total-solar-eclipse-years-next/
  7. 3/14 Ministry (Aragon Ballroom) 3/15 KMFDM (Metro) 3/18 The Deals (free Monday at Empty Bottle) 4/2 Girlschool (Thalia Hall)
  8. Funny this was posted an hour after I was thinking about the show on my way home from work for no reason. I adore the early seasons. Even (especially?) the first two - as raw as they were and as crude the animation. But it was more relatable, and it told stories, and it was dramatic. As the success machine wore on, it became more about jokes and less about that stuff. I can't fault it for the beginning of that progression. The writing was groundbreaking at the time, stuffing everything full of jokes and quotable lines such that it permeated our society to a degree few shows have since cable TV came around. That approach is still influential today. But slowly it became only the jokes, shedding the framework of characterization that's almost a requirement for any fictional series to be good. First five seasons, love. Recent ones, for as much as I've seen, dislike or hate - and Zombie Simpsons episodes far outnumber the great ones. So I'm kinda having a hard time deciding what to vote. Do I hate it, based on what it is today? Do I go neutral, assessing the balance of the show as a whole? Or do I simply love what it was from the beginning up until... let's just say until Maude died. Today I would put it earlier, but that's commonly cited as a turning point. I was definitely still tuning in every week at the time, and for several years after. Ultimately, I'll go with the latter. After all, nobody's forcing me to watch Zombie Celebrity Simpsons. I do love at least the first five seasons. Although, I need the internet in general to focus on something other than Marge vs. the Monorail.
  9. I've been on the other side of this. I had a Hogan's Alley sticker seal copy. The box was really beat up. I posted it on eBay with a BIN for $35 or something like that. Somebody bought it within 5 minutes. I realized my mistake but I honored it anyway. The buyer immediately flipped it for 10x the price
  10. Oh, hey, look what I got a couple months ago
  11. The minigames, maybe. The platforming stages look fun. With the variety of settings I hope it feels fresh. Cowgirl, Ninja, Pattisiere, Swordfighter Thief, Figure Skater, Detective, Swordfighter Mermaid, Patissiere, Cowgirl and Mighty Peach Thief, Detective, Kung Fu, Ninja Figure Skater, Patissiere, Cowgirl, Mighty Peach That's 20, plus 10 stages in the last world. I guess that could feel fleshed out enough.
  12. I kind of expected that as a possibility, but not being in that community this wasn't clear from what bit of digging I could do. It completely makes sense with the card being out of print very shortly.
  13. I wanted to try this contest. But I have an unusual schedule and not have much time for playing old games. Regardless, @BeaIank thank you for setting up this type of ruleset. For a while now you've been making them less time-consuming by removing grinding as a strat, and with goals that are clearly specific to the games, while still offering challenge to seasoned players.
  14. . Not to say I ever knew anything about the MTG scene, but what am I missing here?
  15. Was that the style at the time? ummm. Wait a second. What is this code for? And what was the asterisks for? Never mind, I'm not sure I need to know.
  16. Great mod, very cool project. He really went all the way. I love the sharing of the process, and the guy is funny. Too bad NES Open wouldn't play directly, but I can't fault him for finding a workaround by creating a pretty complex passthrough cable. I do kinda miss when this would be a blog with text and photos instead of a wholeass TV show, but I guess that makes me
  17. My suggestion for a recipe would be bacon. Whether it's perfectly cooked and plated solo or making it "the star of the dish".
  18. Were you on the same SA forum that I was? I have no idea what you're talking about here. I was there frequently in 2002-08 or so. After getting some handle on the place I mainly stuck to SH/SC, then YOSPOS / YCS, lurking FYAD, and occasional forays elsewhere.
  19. I think the sim part of ActRaiser uses a Handel song, damned if I could tell you the name though. Anybody?
  20. Kricfalusi as has been mentioned, unfortunately turned out to be a creep. Also as some people have said, it's a little hard to watch now and/or as an adult. But it does have several things to recommend it. In short, it was truly groundbreaking. It was a breakout role for Billy West. It was a real labor of love for John K, in that it pushed boundaries in scatological ways; paid homage to methods and many influential giants of classic animation and MCM culture and was quite influential itself; and displayed true artistry in the painted backgrounds, even as they may be (for example) disgusting displays of dental decay á la Basil Wolverton, or a cat's litterbox full of turds and why the hell not, boogers too. I loved it in its heyday - I was the target audience. It gets an extra boost for me because seeing it was a special treat. We didn't have cable in my house so I only experienced it at sleepovers at my best friend's house. The original 6 episodes, if left as a miniseries with nothing more, would be even more cult classic than the overall show generally is. voted Seen it, like it. I just made a social media gif reference to it yesterday. It doesn't hold up great, but it is better than some contemporaries.
  21. I like this. Simple and guaranteed not to be overdone. How thin? It looks like about an inch in your picture; is that right?
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