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Everything posted by Gamegearguy

  1. I decided to make some small changes to the Stupidman game, which actually IMHO helped the game out somewhat. Stupidman's feet now face left when he walks left. I think that was a big part of what the game needed. I also made a couple other small changes to the sprites making up Stupidman. Stupidman now looks a lot better than what he did, even though they were small changes. Another thing I noticed were the grocery store aisles being really crappily drawn. So I fixed that: Still crap, but less so when compared to what I had. One thing I'd like to change is this: right now main() is just one giant collection of while statements. But two things are preventing me tackling it: 1.) the while statements are numerous, and 2.) the game works. I fear if I mess with it and make, say, level1(), level2(), etc. it may break the game. I remember having lots of page problems when making the NES burgers game. But when I compile Stupidman in its current form, it works. So next times, tomorrow or sometime, here's what I need to do: compose eerie sounding music for the hideout and another one for the big fight. design the floor plan for the hideout design an 8x8 sprite for Mr. Germ program that all in there. I am also wondering if I should make the beginning score 9,999 instead of 999,999. The score gets lower and lower until the game ends. I plan for it to display your final score at the end. Another thing I need to do is check for a score of 0 and if it actually reaches 0 make the game go back to the title screen.
  2. I was working on my Game Boy game of Superhero Man when it occurred to me that I never finished the game I was basing it off of. So tonight I dipped my toes back into NES C. I have to get re-used to doing stuff, re teach myself because it's been about a year since I did anything. I am not going to get the poor reviews for HERTS to stop me, I still want to finish this project. If it's crappy, so be it. I just want it to be a FINISHED crappy project, Follow my progress of this at the official Stupidman NES game webpage. The last time we left Stupidman, he was on his way to Mr. Germ's hideout to try to kill him with the soap he bought. I have a new idea for Act 6: Go through the hideout to find Mr. Germ. Once Mr. Germ has been found, Act 7 will be the battle between Stupidman and Mr. Germ. Mr. Germ's hideout is a large palace. I first thought of Stupidman when I was in the fourth (?) grade, and here I am, a few decades later, still working on Stupidman-related projects. I had to go back and fix a bug allowing you to effectively skip Act 4. I had just finished Act 5 when I quit for some reason: Stayed awake until 5 a.m. and got up at 3 p.m. I hate sleeping despite the fact that when I do sleep, I sleep for 14 hours. It's almost 3 a.m. as I'm writing this now. And I don't want to go to sleep! Sleep is stupid. We should just renew our energy with FOOD, not force the body to be inactive for long periods of time. I guess it's two fold: 1.) My mind is always active, I always like to work on my projects or start new ones, and 2.) It's because of this I can't shut my mind off, so I lay in bed for like an hour trying to force sleep on me.
  3. Spent the last half-hour trying to beat a Donkey Kong Land level in level 1 with invincibility and infinite lives with Game Genie and my Game Boy Player. Now my thumb hurts. And the game is too hard. I have Paperboy, and now I bought Paperboy 2. I wanted to know the difference between the two. And, you know, collecting.
  4. So I had to go back and fix a bug in the zap game. I think I finally got it fixed. While I was at it, I put in some code to go to banks 0 and 1, which I hope will have something in both of them. I got an idea for one of the two banks. It is going to be Whac-a-mole. I know, there is already a whac-a-mole game, but you need to go to a website to play it. I want this one to work on a real Odyssey 2. It will feature two grids and will use the controllers (instead of the keyboard) to play. I made a mock-up of the boards. After trying to go with slashes and failing with it, I decided to go with squares: Input for bopping is the same as the tic-tac-toe game: up for the center up, up+left for the square in the upper left, etc. Center square is the Action button. I used a grid editing tool to make the boards, so no programming was done. I still plan on resuming work on this after my birthday is over with (a week from tomorrow).
  5. A short YouTube video of the o zapping game so far: I fixed a bug I found where it awards you a point when you enter the game a second time.
  6. More work. I'm at a good stopping point for now. Everything works good. I'd be happy with just this as a game, but I'd like to add more stuff in the main game. And I have the room to do it too. Not so much in the tic-tac-toe bank. Apparently "clearchar" does not clear the quads (score), so the score of the main game was showing during the tic-tac-toe game. I had a real hard time trying to put in score clearing code. I was just going to omit the word "tie" when a tie happened, but then I noticed a little patch of code that wasn't being used any more. So I replaced that with the tie displaying code and it works! I think it's going to be just the tic-tac-toe game and the x shooting o's game unless I can fit in some code in the tic-tac-toe bank to put in code redirecting it to a third game in a different bank, but I don't know if even that will fit. Stayed up working on this thing then spent an hour laying there trying to go to sleep. FInally got to sleep at about 4 a.m. or so. I woke up at about 2 p.m. and worked on the code some more. But I'm sick of working non-stop on this game so I'll quit for now and pick it back up soon. I tried it on an Odyssey 2 and it works great. I only have one SD micro card converter so I thought I lost the card I had with my backup stuff on it when I switched it to the card that I had all my Odyssey 2 games to put in the Odyssey 2 flashcart. But I found it. My question is why do they have to make stuff so freaking small? A micro sd card is tiny. And it's a really big wonder how it fits GIGABYTES of info on it. Really blows your mind when you think just 60 years ago we had none of this.
  7. Working on the main game now. So what I'm aiming for is (no pun intended) for the O to move around the screen and the X to shoot it. Sometimes the O will move in a straight line across the screen, sometimes the O will move up or down while moving across the screen, and sometimes the O will move randomly around. Right now, the O will only move across the screen because I haven't gotten to the random movement part yet. So it's basically Space Invaders without the invaders. Because I feel Alien Invaders Plus is way too hard with all those invaders shooting at you. I can't even get 1 point on it!
  8. Or rather, the way to move it left. So I worked all yesterday and part of today on the game. I had it working fine, but the display crapped out on a real Odyssey 2, plus I couldn't move left. So today was spent restoring left movement, which is tough when you don't know why. I also got rid of the tree. Someone pointed out that the tree should be getting larger as it nears. Since I couldn't, I just decided to get rid of it. I have some more room for more stuff now. Once left movement was restored, my next job was to make the white numbers not appear on the left side of the screen after a little bit. Again, I have no idea why this happened, So I did that. And I'm left with what I have now: An O going across the screen and an X shooting at it on the ground. The missiles I put in (sprites 0 and 1) are temporary unless they're good enough here. I also went to the store to get some medicine. I got a Snickers bar. I don't remember the last time I ate one, but it was good. Except the caramel. I really hate caramel because it sticks to your teeth and it's sticky. And it doesn't taste very good. Hm. Oh well. They should make a caramel-less Snickers.
  9. I've been working on what I have for X vs. O. I added a flying O that goes by. This is what you're shooting at. But the most troublesome part was making this okay on a real Odyssey 2 because the screen part where the score is kept crapping out on me and I had to make it stable. Now after about three hours of programming, my right hand hurts because i've been typing and working the mouse too much. I've been going to sleep later and later. Yesterday I fell asleep at about 2:30 a.m. But it's not my fault. I started attempting to go to sleep at around 10 p.m. but after a couple tries I just couldn't shut my mind off. I kept thinking about stuff I wanted to do because I was so bored just laying there trying to sleep because I knew it was futile. And the ants are back in full force for some stupid reason. I don't know what they want. I don't know why they're here. I don't have much sugary things in my house. I have to keep my food on the dining room table instead of the cupboard because they're not on the table for some reason.
  10. Thanks for the help! I got a working code now. I just changed one thing. get_new_o mov r0, #seed ; Load seed address into R0 mov a, @r0 ; Load seed value into A swap a ; Swap nibbles anl a, #63 add a, #48 ; Add 48 to scale it between 48-127 mov r1, #letter_o_y_position ; Load y position address into R1 mov @r1, a ; Store new value at y position call gfxon call waitvsync ret I just changed anl #15 to anl #63 because I noticed that with it set to #15, all the locations were near the top of the screen. Changing it to 63 made some more in the middle.
  11. I'm trying to make a random number from 0-255 change to between 48-127. And I can't. The computer just completely ignores my code and does its own thing. Why does it ignore my code? get_new_o mov r0,#seed mov a,@r0 mov r1,#letter_o_y_position rr a add a,#30h mov @r1,a call gfxon call waitvsync ret This SHOULD divide letter_o_y_position by 2 and then add 48 but it won't listen to me and the y position still is between 0-255, which I don't want it to be at!
  12. I just spent three hours on this: Fortunately, I had the scrolling all done from a previous project I gave up on, I just needed to add a tree and the X. I need to change the colors of the ground (x's can't walk on water and trees don't grow from the top of the water neither). Since I'm sleepy I'll go to sleep now and come back and read any feedback in the morning.
  13. I'm having a bit of a problem here. I want the lines to get the visual effect that the game is moving forwards. Right now I have this: I need some more eyes to look at this. What do you think? I have three grids rapidly changing to create this effect. I was thinking along the lines of an ever-moving Battlezone type game where the Xs shoot at Os on the ground. If this is good enough I'll add some trees to move along with this.
  14. Hi all. I'm working once again on the Odyssey 2. I made a short video of what I have so far of this game I'm making. It's Tic-Tac-Toe basically, but that's a minigame. The other 3 banks of the game will be something different, but involving the letters X and O. I thought I found a bug when I made another video of gameplay, but when I watched the video there wasn't anything wrong. How weird. You can get the rom of the game at the official X Vs. O website.
  15. I decided to spruce up the game I had so far. Instead of turning the grid a color for wins, I decided to put in a message saying who won whenever they did. The X in "X WON" is sprite 0. Since I didn't have much room to work with, I decided to just make a sprite mimic a character. It certainly made things a lot easier. I was having trouble trying to make the game decipher two separate key presses. I had to give up, and instead to start the main game (the tic-tac-toe thing is a minigame), you need to press fire on the joystick instead of pressing x on the keyboard. I started work on this last night. I worked and worked until at least midnight. I wanted to attempt to put in a second key press code but it was after midnight and I figured I could just do it when I woke up. So I went to sleep. I woke up at around 11 a.m. or so and continued. That's when the trouble started. Until about 1:30 p.m. when I realized I could start the game with a fire press instead of pressing x. I don't have any more room except for minor changes.
  16. I'll start with this one of a rainbow a couple of hours ago. We had a downpour and then the rain stopped and there was blue sky. The rainbow was much brighter than my phone picture.
  17. I have this game for N-Gage and Saturn. I felt like playing my Sega Saturn. After I played Bug! which is too hard and I can't beat even the first level of, I tried Pandemonium. I thought I'd do better since there was a password system. Again, I couldn't beat the first level. I almost got to the end though, which I learned. I went to GameFaqs to see what info I could find. I found some cheats. Infinite energy sounded good. So I tried it. And it worked. I got past the first level. Just for reference, that password is HARDBODY. So then what I needed to do is order a new disc battery since I am getting quite tired of going past the system settings screen every time I turn the power on even though I have a save cartridge. I went to eBay to see what I could find and, after narrowing my search, I bought a few of them. Now I just need to wait for them to come. I like to buy stuff close to me. It's very hard to do though since I'm out west and everyone is over on the east coast. I need another platform game I want to play. Actually I'd like a kart racing game for the Saturn, but I don't think there is one? I have a couple of racing games but they're serious ones. I think the closest I can come to is Wipeout. But I have it for PSX. What I don't understand is why every single Saturn game is expensive. Even sports titles are >$10.
  18. Here is the instruction sheet. six2instructionsthedefinitefinalone.pdf
  19. So I was trying to make two palettes for the sprites in Super Game Boy. I discovered that isn't possible and I needed to scale back the number of colors of the sprite down to 3. This is what it looks like in Super Game Boy or Game Boy Color now: And this is for a regular Game Boy: Because I wanted to keep the Game Boy colors like that, I had to make the lemon on the title screen black. although it is yellow on Super Game Boy and Game Boy Color. I only have one palette for the sprites and three available for the background, but I didn't plan on having a background for the game so the food would be more visible on Game Boy. And all the food sprites have to be colored orange, yellow, and/or brown.
  20. Just returned from the Post office. They're all mailed out. Sorry for the delay.
  21. So I worked on that Game Boy game I was working on earlier but quit working on to focus on my Virtual Boy game. I decided to play around a little bit to see if I could use more than just four colors. After a visit to the documentation, I was able to get this: In case you're wondering, I figured the best bet would be to have the guy wear a Sesame-Street-Ernie type shirt. Why? Because of the shoe color for the black and white original Game Boy. It only supports four colors instead of the five I use for the Game Boy Color. This is the same sprite in an original Game Boy: I wanted his shoes to be dark gray on the Game Boy. I got five colors because I'm using different palettes for the top 8x8 and the bottom 8x8. Only because I can because they're different sprites. The guy is made up of two different sprites. Each palette can only have 4 colors, one of which is transparent, so it's really only three. I made it so the lemon on the title screen be yellow because backgrounds use a different palette. So in conclusion, the history teacher is wearing that shirt because he has to. Just noticed that when I italicized the a, the little thing sticking out the top of the letter a shape disappeared. How odd.
  22. Work resumes on Minigame Mayhem. I didn't feel like doing anything else, so I figured I might as well work on this. It's a clone of the Game and Watch game Manhole, which I discovered in the Game and Watch Gallery for GB. The plan is to make 12 minigames. Six minigames to start with. Each minigame has another minigame to unlock when a certain score is reached. I finished the six minigames, and am working on making the unlockable minigames. This will be minigame #8 and it's almost done if not done already. Now I need to think of four more minigames, work on them, and then the game will be finished. I had a hard time trying to make unlocking on a real Virtual Boy, but I think I made it work.
  23. I hope to go to the post office some point next week. I know I really need to get these mailed out.
  24. While I'm trying to think of some new ideas, I thought I'd look back on Minigame Mayhem's first couple of games and see if I can change them and make them better. Today I took "Cartful Dodger" and made it better. I made it go faster every ten points until it gets its fastest at 90. I also changed the peoples' graphics a little. It now looks like this: I also changed the menu a little to show that you have the ability to unlock some. If you try to open a locked game, a buzz will happen and you can't get into it. Upmonster will be the first locked game, but it's open now so it's easier to get to and test. I had to work a little to make it so trying to open the locked games doesn't make the text blink. I don't know why it did, but I think I figured out how to stop it. Next up is making The Candyman better. I think the rest of the minigames are good.
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