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Everything posted by Br81zad

  1. Yeah, the kit cardboard doesn't display well. Lol I have a few of them, but I keep them stored with my collectable statue boxes.
  2. I've got a CMVS with a pair of AES sticks that I put Sanwa buttons in. Love the thing. Big Metal Slug fan and the vertical shooters on the system are awesome
  3. I'd calling "fitting", before I'd call it "irony". lol
  4. I think Ol' GoCollect Jimmy used Oct 30th in his announcement. That's probably where that came from
  5. What's going to be sad is booting up different devices that I use and having to trash all of my NA bookmarks...
  6. You're giving them WAY too much credit... A group of current VGS staff made every effort to pry NA from GoCollect's souless hands. Our intent being to archive/port NA the right way and maintain it as a standalone forum. Don't give them ANY credit for holding NA hostage and ensuring that it dies in a subsection of the GoCollect site... They killed the site. It didn't have to die.
  7. Nah, we had nothing to do with their servers shutting down. Furthermore, we had pleaded with them for months to make the necessary changes to NA to PREVENT that sort of thing from happening to the site, and they either told us "no", or ignored us. What happened to NA is entirely on them. We didn't affect their timeline at all. They could have been better prepared, or planned for a better transition, but they chose not to. We waited as long as we could afford before giving up on GoCollect and NA. But if we had truly known how shitty GoCollect's plans for NA were, we'd have began work on VGS even sooner, and had this place polished up a little more before going live.
  8. GVN will either be nuked or assimilated. GoCollect will use the data to make their own pricing guides.
  9. We sincerely tried to warn everyone. And even WE didn't foresee GoCollect butchering it THIS badly... RIP, Nintendoage... Good times were had, great friends were made, and a terrible end was met.
  10. Congrats! They start to really fun when they learn to laugh
  11. I'll post my thoughts at some point. 6 month old is keeping me busy for now. (Anyone wanna babysit? Lol)
  12. I'd let wata decide what to do with them for a CIB grade. lol
  13. Welcome! I tried to reply to your post on NA and suggest you join up here, but I think the site crashed while I was typing. I'm glad you found your way here
  14. Wait a sec? Is this the Godfather of Spank?
  15. I think every pokemon caught with this method will be at level 7. so you'll have to level up the Mew (of whatever else you catch) a little before Misty
  16. I've spent countless hours fooling around with this glitch. You can actually initiate this glitch WAY before you reach the gambler used in the walkthru you linked. If you catch an Abra in the patch of grass to the west of the nugget bridge, you can 'Teleport' away from the trainer just above that grass. Pause and save your game when you're in the position shown in pic 1. Then step down 1 space and immediately pause/teleport to begin the glitch. Just be sure that the PokeCenter in Cerulean is the most recent Center you've been to (that's where the teleport will take you). After you battle a trainer to unlock the pause menu again, teleport once more (to the Cerulean Pokecenter) and walk up the nugget bridge. Walking north on the bridge will trigger the encounter the exact same as walking west on Route 8 does.
  17. Is that a true story? Who hurt you, Doug? And what's their home address?
  18. You can catch several Mews if you have a pokemon leading your party with a special stat of 21 (the key factor driving the glitch). The reason that Youngster is commonly used is because his slowpoke has a special stat of 21. You just need trainers to battle to unlock your pause menu, then instead of heading to route 8, you just fly to where all of the ditto nests are. Once you encounter a Ditto and it transforms into your party leader, run from the battle, then fly to Route 8 (like it says in that walkthough). The special stat value of the last pokemon you encountered before going to route 8 determines which pokemon you will encounter to complete the glitch. (for Mew it's 21)
  19. Might have to try one of these bad boys now that the hype has faded
  20. That's just a self portrait of you in your bath robe. You aren't fooling anybody. Edit: And you didn't even use purple!
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