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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Tonight I got 5 stars on my save file which is odd, because I thought that signified 100% game completion. However, I still have two levels left to complete in the Crown World. I can confirm that I've 100% completed everything else in the game, so I guess the 5 stars represents 100% completion outside of the Crown World. I'm still missing 23 stars and 7 stamps which I will get if I can ever finish those last two levels (both of which can kiss my ass).
  2. Probably a 6 for me. For me, it's the least played out of all of the Sega home consoles, and I own all of them. It had potential. The cart slot used for storage and memory was an interesting feature, and the controller was super comfortable. If the industry had continued with 2D gaming for one more generation, it probably would have done well. Lots of fun 2D games to play, so I still recommend trying it out, but it's not a console I recommend collecting for. If you can find a working console, there are lots of good ways to play games for free without having to buy original discs. I used to have two working consoles, but I lost one of them to the only bad trade I ever made back at NA (the guy took my Saturn, but didn't send everything we were supposed to trade for).
  3. If the PS1 console on the bottom shelf is sealed, it might be a reseal.
  4. Nice collection. You should share your pics here as well.
  5. I really think we are talking about two different things. You keep mentioning people buying large amounts of gas or hoarding. But I'm talking about someone putting gas in an empty milk jug. That should be a concern regardless of a shortage.
  6. Yes I know. But you said you didn't particularly care if people put gas in proper containers. I was just saying that you probably should. Especially if you are nearby someone who is doing it incorrectly.
  7. I mean..... you really should care. Especially if they are filling up at the same time as you.
  8. Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition includes Bioshock 1 and 2, plus bonus content.
  9. It's nice to know that the videos of people filling bags with gas are old and not from this most recent panic (now that I've read that, I vaguely remember seeing those videos before). Also, as I mentioned in another thread, just because someone is filling up a bunch of 5 gallon gas cans, doesn't mean they are panicking and hoarding gas. Some of us go through that much gasoline every few weeks and fill up that many cans all the time, gas shortage or not.
  10. Fortunately, I've played many versions of the game including the original arcade, so I feel confident in my vote of a 9. Oddly enough, my Dave & Buster's did have an arcade version of Donkey Kong (or at least it did the last time I was there). Sadly, it was tucked away in a corner and I could play it all I wanted without another person ever walking up to it.
  11. This game is sort of like Tetris. There are so many ports for so many different systems, one's experience with the game might be based on a lessor quality version of the game.
  12. If the lack of a cord counts as part of the "layout," then yes.
  13. It doesn't really matter to me. The only reason I brought up the PS3 earlier was because when you said "too much tech too soon makes it too expensive for most people to give it a fair chance," that basically described the launch PS3 to a T.
  14. I've seen stuff like this before, but it's usually for a bundle of games and all of the games in the listing are commons. I'm ok with that because it can be used as an easy way to get rid of commons for a seller and an easy way to pad your collection with cheap filler for a buyer. But it's pretty shitty to throw in some good games to get people's hopes up.
  15. I'm going with a nine. One of the things I truly love about this game is that during the time of the repetitive, single screen arcade games, this one gave you 4 completely different levels before looping back to the first. Games like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Centipede are fun, but playing the same thing over and over again gets old for me fast. At least with DK, you can see 4 different levels before starting over. I always thought that was an amazing idea for the time. Plus the game holds up well even today.
  16. No idea, and I don't really care. All I know is that a pack of Pokemon cards is the perfect quick & cheap gift for the kids when they have had a good week, or been helping around the house and you want to give them something small as a reward. It's easy and I know the kids will be happy with it, so it's annoying when I can't get them.
  17. Wait. Is that for ONE game????? So some smuck will pay $10.75 hoping for Makio Maker or Splatoon and obviously end up with Disney Infinity.
  18. It's a pretty good idea on Target's part. A pack of trading cards costs, what, 5 bucks? What's the margin on that? Even if their cost is under a buck, they aren't making that much money compared to the annoyance of having that type of crowd lined up outside the store every morning plus the mild risk of violence. They can sell them online with no risk. Let the scalper crowd fight over them online. Eventually the bullshit will die down, and I can go back to buying a pack of cards every other week for my kids when they are acting good.
  19. The funny thing about this picture is that we were doing something similar last night, filling up about 5 different 5 gallon gas cans and one 12 gallon can for our normal usage. I wonder if anyone thought we were ignorant hoarders. I didn't even really think about it at the time, but now I'm going to feel dumb every time we fill up those cans, which is about every 2-3 weeks.
  20. Better late than never, but I finally started a game on my backlog list. I got my new Super Nt hooked up and I started Super Mario RPG. I rented this game back when it first came out, but I was not really familiar with RPGs at that time and I wasn't sure what to make of the game. I only played it that little bit during a single rental and I haven't played it since. Tonight I got to the first star and decided to take a break. I'm enjoying it so far although I don't feel the graphical look to it has aged all that well. Luckily as a big fan of the Paper Mario games, I was more than ready for the special button timing for attacks and defense, so that's been pretty easy to get used to. I have a feeling that I will enjoy the game. Any idea how many hours I should be expecting for a first time play through?
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