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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I don't think saying something hasn't aged well has anything to do with comparing to games today. It's simply saying that something isn't as well though of today as it was back when it was new. One example that fits in my mind would be the Gran Turismo games on the PS1. When those games were new, they looked amazing. But by today's standards, they look pretty awful. However, that's not just because those games are older. Some games from that same era still look good. In my mind, the Crash Bandicoot games look just as good visually today as they did when they were new. Even with the HD remasters of the Crash games, I can still go back and play the originals and think they look good. Both games are approximately the same age, and both look amazing when they were new. But Crash still looks good today and GT doesn't. Therefore, in terms of visuals, GT hasn't aged as well as Crash in my eyes. And that statement is true in my opinion regardless of what is available on the current systems for those same series.
  2. I'm a huge fan of Paper Mario, TTYD, and SPM, but I've never played Color Splash. What about the graphics would prevent it from working on the 3DS? I'm curious because they've done other ports of Wii U games over to 3DS such as Woolly World and Mario Maker.
  3. The biggest thing for me with the SSD3 is the ability to play CD based games without the moving parts of the CD drive. The Core Grafx is way more reliable long term, plus I don't have to worry about keeping my CD burner going either since those are also starting to get more difficult to find. Although, with that said, if I'm truly looking really long term, I'll probably eventually just switch over to emulation on a raspberry pie. There will eventually be a point where it's too expensive to keep the original hardware going to justify it. Like I said before, I don't have the nostalgia for the PC Engine, so going with emulation isn't nearly as big of a deal as it would be for NES/SNES ect.
  4. I was going to say the same thing. And it's a damn good move on Nintendo's part due to the super low number of Wii U's on the market vs. the Switch. They know they have am amazing library of games on the Wii U, but no one is going to buy them if they don't have the system.
  5. Thanks for the purchase and quick payment. I'd love to see pics of the Jaguar collection someday.
  6. I've been buying from LRG from the beginning, but I've always stuck with the mindset that I only buy either what I want to play, or what I want to own as a collector's piece (like Night Trap). Someone online once listed the total amount of money one would have spent if they had bought every release up to that point, and it was pretty eye opening to how much this hobby can cost.
  7. That sounds about right. Of course with it being Bioshock, if there is anything physical, I will probably get it.
  8. I've seen that before and it's pretty funny. All jokes aside though, that tree probably produced some pretty cool cuts of lumber.
  9. That would be awesome, but I seriously doubt they will be sold separately physically. But if so, I would be all over that.
  10. Several years ago, I lost out on a great deal on an N64 lot due to a local reseller who backdoored me. After I called him out on in publicly, he offered to sell me the games as a way to "make it up to me." Obviously I declined. He is well known locally for doing similar things with other people, so this wasn't the first or last time.
  11. I would agree on the part about the Arcade Card except for the fact that I basically got mine for free. When I bought my Duo R, I paid the going rate at the time, but I was also able to get an Arcade Card (CIB), multi-tap, 6 button pad and 2 button pad thrown in for the price. Overall, I did pretty well. Since I kept my Core Grafx, if I ever get around to getting a Super SD System 3 or similar, I might be able to sell my Duo R, Arcade Card and Everdrive since they would be covered by the Super SD System 3. I just haven't decided to pull the trigger on that yet.
  12. This reminded me of something I thought was odd. In Horizon Zero Dawn on the PS4, getting 100% in game completion (tracked in your statistics) does not complete everything needed to get a platinum trophy. Also, completing everything to get a platinum trophy does not complete everything needed to get 100% in game completion. I've done both to confirm. I just thought it was interesting that the game offers two different methods of "completion." I'm sure other games work the same way, but that's one I know of for sure.
  13. I think for me, it just depends on the game. Others have said something similar, but if getting 100% is fun, i will go for it. If not, I just don't care. Here is my example: Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games. In Crash 1, getting 100% is pretty tricky. To get a gem for a level, not only do you need to get all of the boxes, but you need to do it without losing a life. That can be pretty frustrating in the later challenging levels. However, in Crash 2, you have to get all of the boxes, but it doesn't matter how many times you die. For that reason, I have only completed Crash 1 at 100% once in my entire life. However, I've completed Crash 2 at 100% more times than I can count. And that doesn't mean I won't play Crash 1. I still love the game. But when I play Crash 1, I play it until I beat the game. When I play Crash 2, I play it until I 100% it.
  14. I love that game, but the bonus levels are killer.
  15. Has Nintendo released a portable dock yet? I would love to have something that "docks" the Switch to a TV, but much smaller just for the purposes of traveling. Mainly, I would use it in the van to hook the Switch up to the TV, but using it in a hotel room would be nice as well. This is exactly what I want, but I can't bring myself to buy a third party device for such a thing: Portable Switch Dock
  16. MGS4 is probably my favorite in the series. I didn't play it until about 2 years after it came out, but after I finished the game, I immediately began to play it again and I ended up playing it straight through from start to finish about 8 times in a row. That's the only game I ever done something like that for. I was such an amazing experience, I just couldn't get tired of it. The Shadow Moses visit is obviously my favorite part, but I also loved the part where you have to follow the guy through the empty city without being caught by the military patrol. When I played it, trophies weren't available yet, and I remember when they became available, you had to start from scratch in order to earn them. That's something I've never tried to do. I have several comments about Twin Snakes, but if you haven't played it yet, and you plan to play it soon, I will wait. I want to hear your thoughts and opinions before you hear anything from me.
  17. You make me want to play through this game again, and maybe I will. It's probably been at least 10 years for me as well. Quick question since you are clearly pretty familiar with this game. Did you ever play MGS4? Specifically, the part in the game when you go back and visit Shadow Moses? Talk about amazing. Also, what are your thoughts on MSG Twin Snakes? Do you play to play through it at all for this blog, or are you focusing just on PS1?
  18. I'm probably repeating a lot, but I didn't read through the entire thread first. I love the PC Engine, but I have no desire to collect for it. I originally bought a Core Grafx and a Turbo Everdrive which allowed me to play all Hu Card based games. I eventually upgraded to a PC Engine Duo R with a component mod and an Arcade Card. Now I can play the same Hu Card games from before, plus all CD based games including the Arcade games. Since I have the Everdrive and a CD burner, I can play just about anything without having to buy games. I love playing them, but I don't have enough nostalgia for the system to justify paying the going prices for the games. My suggestion would be to do something similar to what I did. The PC Engine stuff is a lot cheaper and easier to find. Buy the Japanese hardware and then go with one of the many ways to play ROMs and ISOs, or just play them on the Raspberry Pie.
  19. I thought the same thing at first. As always, Twizer's shelving setup looks fantastic.
  20. I'm actually the opposite. I don't have a problem with the "aging poorly" argument. I may or may not agree with what has aged poorly, but regardless, I certainly understand the mindset.
  21. So is the New 3DS its own console with a library of approximately a dozen games?
  22. Agreed. While I will admit that I'm not personally interested in the Arcade 1Up pinball machines, I'm still happy to see these exist. And I would classify them as somewhere in between "virtual" pinball, and a real table.
  23. The TMNT cabs were $299 on Black Friday, but I never go shopping on those days. Even though they were announced at $399 at launch, I always see them for $350. Even though it seems like a fair deal, I still don't want to pay that much right now.
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