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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. So you want the consoles to be a lot more expensive when they are new? Because that's what you are saying above.
  2. Like I said before, not wanting technology to improve is irrational. No one is forcing you to buy anything. Just wait longer in between new console purchases. That's what I do.
  3. How much more transparent do you need it to be? Nowadays we typically know about most of this stuff at least a year or two in advance.
  4. The console manufacturers could release new systems every 6 months and it wouldn't change the fact that no one gets screwed over since no one is forced to buy anything they don't want to own. Technology will continue to improve. To want otherwise is irrational.
  5. I'm not a Harry Potter fan at all, but that entire section of the park is outstanding.
  6. Of course they know that. So does everyone else. That doesn't make it a conspiracy.
  7. Except for the fact that such a thing is impossible to do. Technology will ALWAYS improve. It's impossible to release something that won't be improved on in the future. Otherwise nothing would ever be released. If I said that people who bought an NES were dumb because if they had waited 30 years, they could have bought a Switch instead, I would sound crazy. But that would essentially be no different than what you are suggesting. Your argument they some companies are deliberately holding back doesn't hold water either. If the launch model PS4 had the power of the Pro model when it was first released, it would have probably cost close to $1,000.
  8. I recently started a new job at a university, so I'm around a lot more younger students. I've sort of gotten used to seeing young kids walk around while texting, but what has really blown my mind is seeing all of these students walk around with their eyes down on their phone while also wearing headphones. So they don't even hear me when I try to warn them that they are about to crash into me.
  9. I've always been surprised by the hate for MK Wii. I probably have more MK hours logged with that game over any other and I've played every single game since the original was released. With that said, I'm just glad that the motion control gimmick was not forced on you with MK Wii.
  10. That's your opinion. Some early adopters would disagree. For the record, I'm typically not an early adapter of anything because FOR ME, I feel that you do in fact get less by buying early. But again, that's an opinion, not a fact. Anyone who buys something on day 1 makes that choice knowing full and well that what they are buying will be out of date in the near future. It's not unfair if they make that choice and they certainly aren't getting screwed since they knew about it in advance.
  11. That's how it is with ALL technology. The early adopters are NOT getting screwed over because they know exactly what they are signing up for and they choose to do it because they get to do it first. It's not unfair. No one is getting screwed over.
  12. I only had one bad experience which just happened to be on NA. We made a trade. I sent everything on my end, but I only got about half of what he agreed to send me. Oddly enough I should have known better since his feedback included several people saying that he was flaky and took a long time to ship things (he was still positive overall). I gave him the benefit of the doubt and continued to message him, but eventually he just stopped replying. Since no money was exchanged, I had no buyer protection. Fortunately, I got something out of the deal since he shipped one of the items, but overall I got less than what I traded. All things considered, with that being my worst experience, I've done pretty well over the years.
  13. As a Band, I've never been that crazy about them. But the songs Come Undone and Ordinary World are two songs that have never and will never get old to me. Both of those songs are in my car right now.
  14. Except for the fact that many of the prices were outrageous before the sale began. That's simply a product of their pricing strategy which, as many have pointed out, had some flaws. I honestly don't care whether he knew from the beginning or not. I don't see anything worth getting upset over. Some people got some good deals. No one got screwed over unless they made some kind of impulse buy without thinking. Some time down the road the website will probably be back up with what we can only hope are fixes to the pricing. If they don't, I will continue to not purchase from them and I'll be in no worse a position than I was when this entire thing started.
  15. That's assuming that he knew about it up front which is what I doubt. It would have been nice if he could have posted a warning saying that he had a buyer and everyone has 24 hours to make their final purchases, but that could also have an impact in the final sale price of the website. For me it wouldn't have mattered since the prices weren't low enough on anything I was interested in to make one last purchase.
  16. Most likely he took the deal that made him the most money before shutting the doors or transferring ownership. In other words, he did what all of us would have done in that situation. Selling every single game until they were gone would have taken months if not years even with the ever droping prices, which means he would be making less and less money will continuing to run his business which costs money. Again, I'm a little disappointed because I was waiting for prices to drop a lot more before buying some big lots, but I can't get angry about what he did.
  17. I kind of doubt it, but even if that's what happened, I'm not sure I see a problem. No one is forced to buy anything. Some people got some good deals. What's the issue?
  18. To each their own I guess. I can understand if they are too simplistic or short for some, but they are FAR from a walking simulator. Based on the last sentence, the window of games you enjoy must completely outside the scope of indie games.
  19. After finishing the Link's Awakening remake, I wasn't sure what I would play next. I figured it would be Yoshi's Crafted World, but I decided to try both that and Mario Odyssey. I was surprised how much I enjoyed Odyssey so I've been playing it. Really great game and the first 3D Mario game I've played that I've been able to get into. I'll get back to Yoshi's Crafted World eventually since I enjoyed what I saw and I loved Woolly World. I'm also occasionally knocking out races in MK8 Deluxe, but that isn't new for me since I played through it on the Wii U.
  20. I'm definitely curious what you didn't like about Limbo or Inside since those are some of my favorite games period in recent years. I'm also curious how much of each game you played. I'm not asking because I want to berate you if you didn't play them long. I'm just genuinely curious.
  21. I don't believe that I ever bought anything from JJ over the years, but regardless they still made it 20 years using the pricing strategy that they used. And I would argue that the closing or selling of the business is more related to the market itself than his pricing strategy.
  22. Yes, I know. That's what I was saying. James thought you meant they impounded the car if it DIDN'T meet specs. Checking the car in without the ability to handle it again is the same as impounding the car. James just got mixed up because using the word impounded makes it sound like something bad happened.
  23. Some prices were ok. I missed out on a cheap Crash Bandicoot CE that I didn't buy out of pure laziness. I planned to go back to it the next day and sure enough it was gone.
  24. I had been keeping an eye on the prices and was waiting for them to get a little lower before making a big purchase of PS1 games I'm missing. I noticed that the inventory was getting lower each day as I saw several games I was interested in disappear. I just didn't find that most of the stuff got down to my buying level before it was gone so I never got a chance to make a purchase.
  25. I think he is referring to check in. Once our cars are checked in, we cannot touch them until after racing is over. I'm just surprised that they check them in 48 hours in advance. We just check in an hour before the races start.
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