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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Believe it or not, but a flash cart for the Fairchild exists. It's not SD card based. It already has all of the games, along with a prototype game included in it. There is a guy over at Atari Age who makes and sells them. They aren't cheap, but it provides a full library that is playable on the original system. I would have bought one a few years ago if my system was working.
  2. That reminds me. What about a full set of e-reader games?
  3. I never thought about it, but it is like Bop It. I sort of wish I still have my Fairchild, but I don't know what I would have done with it. I also have an Odyssey2 and ColecoVision, but I've slowly been selling that stuff off. I've found that the 2600 is the only console from that generation that I have any gaming interest in.
  4. We usually go out to eat on the day of, but we go to a place that is never that busy so we don't have to worry about reservations or waiting for a table. This year, since it's Friday, my wife decided we would just get carry out from the same restaurant, and just eat at home, which is totally fine by me. Also, I didn't get a chance to look at them, but I know that my oldest son took Super Mario Valentine's Day cards to his school today (Kindergarten). He was pretty excited about finding those since we've been playing Mario Odyssey lately.
  5. Another interesting system (or add-on is probably a better description) is my Atari Starpath Supercharger. It's an add-on for the Atari 2600 that increased the RAM of the 2600 from 128 bytes to 6,272 bytes (yes seriously). The add-on itself didn't play any cartridges. You would insert the add on into the cart slot, and plug a cord into the headphone jack of your cassette tape player. Then you would play the games which came on cassette tapes in your player to download the game data through the headphone jack into the add-on to play on the 2600. It sounds crazy, but it works really well and allows you to play a much more advanced version of Frogger compared to the original 2600 port. There were only around 12 games released for it, of which I own about half. Today, you can buy digital versions of the games and play them through an mp3 player to skip the cassette tape player if you wish, but you will still need the actual Starpath Supercharger add-on to play the mp3s without using emulation.
  6. I had a Fairchild Channel F up until last year. I only sold it because it didn't work, and I didn't have enough passion for the system to try and fix it. The person who bought it seem really interested in it, so I think it went to a good home. While I had it, I was really interested in the design of the controller. It had the typical 360 degree joy stick. But you could also push it down to use as "button 1" or pull it up as "button 2." The joy stick would also twist in either direction to act like a paddle controller. All things considered, it was pretty interesting.
  7. I actually get what you are saying, but at this point in my life, it's not going to be enough to get me to watch it. There are way too many things I need to watch first. I've seen In the Army Now and Bio-Dome, so I think I've seen enough Paulie Shore in my lifetime. Edit: I've also seen Son in Law.
  8. That's the way I remember it too, and I think it's the best way to do it. The entire thing is on the honor system anyway because it's not really important enough for admins to take the time to truly police the thing. (I wouldn't wish that on anyone)
  9. I was going to guess $10k, but I really have no idea.
  10. I've never seen it either, so i won't vote, but I'm guessing my opinion would be similar to any other Paulie Shore I've seen which would put it around the 4 marker.
  11. I'm certainly not going to defend the "smart gamer." If I went through that same situation, I probably wouldn't pay Infinite simply on principle. With that said, I have played Infinite and it's an amazing game. I still prefer the original, but I highly recommend Infinite. I can't think of any modern FPS that is FURTHER from COD than the Bioshock series.
  12. I'm obligated to recommend the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus remaster for the PS3 and the Shadow of the Colossus remake on the PS4. You don't really need to play both versions of SOTC. Either one is amazing, and both games games are easily purchased for under $20. Also, if you are into God of War, check out God of War Saga. It includes HD remaster of GOW 1 & 2, along with the PS3 version of GOW3, plus digital downloads of the HD remasters of both PSP games. It's basically every GOW game except for Ascension and the new PS4 game and it sells for about $15. If you don't like the idea of digital downloads for the two PSP games, you can get them physically on GOW Origins also for PS3 for under $20. And I would definitely check out Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4. Absolutely amazing game, and the first game I ever attempted to get a platinum trophy for because I couldn't stop playing the game.
  13. I really wanted to like Due Nukem Forever. I didn't hate it as much as most people, but it certainly wasn't great. I would have been a lot more pissed if I had pre-ordered it or bought some kind of collector's edition. I bought it brand new at Best Buy for $9.99 about 6 months after it came out, and I feel that I got my money's worth, but the game was never what it should have been.
  14. Based on the definitions, I have to go with 5. I certainly don't dislike them, but I just never really go into their music despite the fact that I enjoy that style of music. Edit: I always thought it was a cool band name for sure.
  15. I've said this before, but while the Wii U was certainly a failure as a Nintendo console, the quality of the library of games was still amazing and the fact that so many of them have been ported to the Switch really supports that notion. It's weird to think that in the not too distant future, the Wii U will be a truly obsolete console.
  16. *Immediately checks for Axiom Verge* OK good.
  17. I know the gameplay is completely different, but Super PM is still pretty fun. But I totally understand the frustration in the PM series never getting back to the original core concept.
  18. Obviously none of the specifics really matter. The important take away is that it's fair to say that only 1/3 of the MVS library is fighting games, which I think would surprise most people since they would probably guess it was higher.
  19. That was the same spreadsheet I was using last night. But I only came up with 53 games which is why I said almost exactly 1/3 (33.9%). Not that it matters of course, but I'm curious which extra 4 you were counting. Edit: It looks like at least one fighter gets counted under "compilation" which I wasn't looking at earlier.
  20. Yeah, I assumed that you mean Everdrive, instead of generically saying flash cart. Everdrive is a brand name, and it's well established as to which consoles they are available for (of which I have one of each). There are of course, other brands of flash carts, and it would be difficult argue whether they should be included or not. Probably not a realistic badge to create, but I would still love to have it.
  21. You're right. I looked it up last night and if you count boxing and wrestling games, it's almost exactly 1/3 of the library is fighting games.
  22. Fun fact. I was in an episode of The Sarah Conner Chronicles...... ......well actually an actor with the same name as me (real name, spelling and all). Not a big deal of course, but considering I have a less than common name, it's always fun to see it show up in the credits.
  23. +1 for that. Probably my only chance to get a badge.
  24. I also would have accepted a ballpark estimate.
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