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Everything posted by fox

  1. Travel/Work outside the country. You could learn a lot and have an experience you will remember the rest of your life. No job, aren't married, no kids, nothing to tie you down. You aren't going to have a chance to 5 years from now.
  2. fox

    Children of Morta

    Thanks for the heads up. Currently it's on sale on the eshop for $17 and there are physical version available at retail. Check it out, anyway you can!
  3. #nitpicking Feels like everything is kind of lumped as Action/Adventure or Adventure. Doesn't seem like there is any clear distinction. Even games you think would be straight up Adventure like Zelda are Action/Adventure. Mario 64 is straight Adventure, is it more of an Adventure and less Action packed than Zelda? When you say arcade shooter I think of top down shooters but you seem to be talking about Flight games so maybe call them that and get Pilotwings into the mix? Vehicular Combat, Battle Racing, and Cart racing seem all over the map. How is Diddy Kong Racing not Cart Racing? Extreme G is Battle Racing, but F Zero is just racing?
  4. This one must have went under my radar between all the other big releases, but man is this good. It is kind of a Diablo style hack and slash with rogue-like elements, good graphics, and tight controls. All of the heroes are members of the same family tasked with holding back the darkness, and each family member is a different character class with their own skills and playstyle. Now sometimes rouge-like games are a bit too punishing, making you pretty much have to restart the whole game if you have a bad run. But what is nice about Children of Morta, is even if you die and lose progress on the dungeon you are on, you keep all your experience and gold allowing you to level up your stats and get new skills and check back in on the family home for new story bits. On top of that, each family member unlocks passive buffs that benefit the whole family, so you are encouraged to switch up between the different characters. It is pretty tough early on, but once you start unlocking some of your character's kit, the combat just stars to flow. Also there is 2 player local co-op if you want to hit it up Gauntlet-style.
  5. Looks fantastic. The original was pretty confusing and difficult, but a lot of fun. Pretty cool that one of the characters is a pretty obvious homage to the Gunslinger from Stephen King's Dark Tower series (unrelated)
  6. I didn't have Duck Tales or Contra I had Rockin' Kats and GI Joe. Also: I had a pretty weird collection of games
  7. I like my pixels as big as cats
  8. The redone texture-work in the Twilight Princess HD version make it hold up better Wind Waker will always be trapped in that early-mid 2000s era where hipster cel-shaded animation was cool. The only time you see cel-shaded games now is from funky indie titles trying to look like early 2000s titles.
  9. Joe also has been injured a ton and slowed down a lot. He is still one of the best mic workers and he was even ok on commentary. Seems he is on the verge of a face turn and the crowd are always behind him. Feels like they see him as a solid upper mid-carder.
  10. 15 is a good number. Going to need to cut the fat as far as roles. Setup should be something like: 2 Fire Wolves (Poisoner, Ninja) – Snake, Schoolboy 2 Ice Wolves (Poisoner, Ninja) 1 Town Doctor – Enforcer 1 Town Follower – Referee 1 Town Vengeful - Screwjob 7 Vanilla Townies - Workers 1 Survivor - King of the Ring The game will take place in the game thread in the club, I will get create it and send out roles in the next day or two. Sign ups are closed but if you would like to be a backup please PM me.
  11. Last call for sign ups. 6 slots still open. If you are game let me know today, or we will just roll with what we got. Game starts this weekend.
  12. NES/SNES used Canoe for those titles and retroarch cores for the other systems Pretty sure hakchi2 just turns the genesis mini into a retroach machine, doesn't use the M2 emulator or stock UI, that's why Lunar is preferred. My buddy is messing with Emulation Station, still uses retroarch but has a more friendly UI for multi-systems, so that is another path to take. He is going hog with a usb drive and Sega CD, 32x, Master System, and Game Gear stuff.
  13. 3 way battle: BabyFaces/Town vs Heels/Fire Wolves vs Tweeners/Ice Wolves. There is a public game thread -All 3 talk in the game thread There are two private threads -Fire Wolves and Ice Wolves each have private threads to talk to their own teammates. Winning -Town need to eliminate both sets of Wolves -Fire Wolves need to eliminate Ice Wolves and Town -Ice Wolves need to eliminate Fire Wolves and Town Fire Wolves and Ice Wolves are different factions, they cannot win together. You follow?
  14. Join the Werewolf Club and check out Kokiri's round he hosted a couple months back it was a good one, that should give you a nice idea. Quick and dirty explanation
  15. Not sure what’s up with Buck. Unliscened and import stuff is hit or miss too. Try a different revision or force NTSC? A future update is going to to allow you to choose if you if you want to launch games with the M2 emulator or Retroarch from the stock UI, so that should fix issues with a few of the titles and let you add games from other systems.
  16. @behemos @Commander Santa @attakid101 @Yoshi @spacepup @Fluff @Grondorr @Nesfanatic @Ted Playa @DoctorEncore @ZeldaFan042 @ZeldaFreak @MasterBigCat @nesking80 @Alakhira @ap123 @Wasg13 @Boosted52405 @Splain @CasualCart Toss your hat in the ring, we need more players!
  17. I can still run a more streamlined version with 12 or 13 players. I'd have to cut some of the roles to keep it balanced. I put a lot of thought into how to expand things and make a big dynamic game, so I would like to get more people. If not then a smaller more intimate version would still be fun. I'll make it work either way. Spread the word, get your friends to play, should be fun times.
  18. Props to @CasualCart and @BortLicensePlate Great work!
  19. I know I’ve seen that image before, who is the artist? He should be credited.
  20. When I turned 18 after 9/11 and the war on terror was ramping up the sergeant I talked to didn’t make it sound like a “silly” formality or reassure me that they were well manned enough that I would be unlikely to be called upon. Kids today have grown up in a constant state of political, social, and economic anxiety. $hit is about to boil over in Iran. But hey man, why worry?
  21. Yes. Unclear if the title is on the line or what would happen if he won, but he will be #1 in the rumble
  22. 4k support would be nice, esp if it is added into older titles. Bigger carts is BS thought. Switch can already support larger carts, but hardly anyone is making them due to costs. Personally I’d love an OLED screen, but the Switch’s screen is already quite good.
  23. Game I paid the most for and cleared: Snow Bros Game that is worth the most and cleared: Panzer Dragoon Saga
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