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Everything posted by ICrappedMyPants

  1. I got Wario, Dread, and Advance Wars B2G1 from Target. Wario came this week.
  2. Two things I cannot stand in modern gaming: long cut scenes and open world games with side quests. For the former, I’d rather watch a movie, for the latter, I’d rather work than feel like playing a game is work.
  3. I assume many of these were on the Switch too, which I have bought.
  4. I personally prefer my games to be pick up and play and beatable after a few hours. I don’t have the free time to play games for 6+ hours straight and I hate picking up games after a long break. Therefore, most major games are not for me. Honestly, I think I would need something like excellent 3D gaming without the use of a large headset to make me feel like there is a huge evolution in gaming. Otherwise, most of it is quality of life improvements to me and lacks the significant jump that we saw in the 80s to 00s.
  5. I just watched The Thing as the 4K UHD was just released. The movie is phenomenal and looks amazing in 4K.
  6. Not the collector’s edition, but it comes with a free mug
  7. Amen! I grew up similarly. My dad had a great job, but there were five of us kids. I got some of the big name games growing up, but not most and so I was grateful for what I had. I remind myself that when I wish I had other games. I don’t deserve any of it and I am grateful to have much more than I need.
  8. I agree, the thing is retro gaming has grown so much more popular due to the ideal demographic getting older and having plenty of disposable income, the Internet making information on game sales so much more available, as well as gaming collector’s showing off their collections and talking about retro games and new ways to pay them via videos and Instagram. There are a few games that I would like to have that are now out of my price range, but I just accept that the ship has sailed on those for me and maybe if the bubble bursts I can get them. I would love for games to be cheap again when people thought I was nuts buying old games. However, I mostly only collect what looks of interest for me so I don’t worry about missing out on completing my set.
  9. I think this, combined with more qualified competitive grading options would go a long way to structuring the industry in a positive manner.
  10. I get what you’re saying. My biggest issue is that WATA has the ability to highly influence the market landscape in providing values because there isn’t much of a competitive market for their services like the example you provided. Also, they are telling the world the value on a game that they graded versus providing a value to a customer. This is why I’d argue that they cross the line where conflicts of interest become problematic.
  11. Lol, I preordered the collector’s edition of that with the backpack!
  12. Beat em ups are my favorite. I’ve probably spent the most time playing FPS though.
  13. I still feel like the art style on this game is off. April’s head seems huge to me, and I get the 80s hair was big. Hopefully this is even half as good as Streets of Rage 4 because I was skeptical of that art style as well and that game was awesome for me.
  14. I like the simplicity of setup. It looks very clean. I really like the Turtles display and I have that case somewhere in my parents’ basement with my old toys. Hopefully you can mostly recreate this setup elsewhere. I’m sorry to hear about the more recent changes.
  15. This is why I think it’s prudent to be careful of what you post online. It’s pretty easy to find people once you know their name and the general area they live in. I think it sucks that his name is out there for so many people to see, but it’s not like it wasn’t available with a little searching.
  16. At least there’s no mention of anyone packing it in their ass.
  17. I’m sorry, can we please stop hurling personal insults at people we are mentioning? It’s really unnecessary. I personally don’t agree with some of conflicts of interest and some of the ethically questionable situations that have been uncovered, but I think it’s poor taste to be name calling or insulting people. It’s just not constructive criticism and doesn’t add value to the conversation.
  18. NewsRadio was really good. I forgot about that one.
  19. Welcome! Good luck in your quest for a complete N64 set. Is your game room going to be a spare room or will it be in the basement?
  20. Would that include the bundle? The bundle isn’t just two separate cases. It comes in a box. Anyway, the preorder doesn’t hit my card until I pick it up.
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