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Everything posted by ICrappedMyPants

  1. @phart010 It looks like preorders went live again at Target and Best Buy about 6 and 4 hours ago while most people, myself included, were sleeping.
  2. KH 1-3 coming in cloud format. Why couldn’t they at least do the first two physically or digital download? Yuck.
  3. I wish we could get some old PC games like the Dark Forces games since we got all these SW ports.
  4. I totally understand on the LRG front. I bought all these games from them. I am hoping that as we see more and more of these games republished, the publishers will realize that there is still a demand for physical editions of some of these games from the bigger publishers that they will skip the LRG FOMO process.
  5. Yeah, that’s my point. The Internet has made my job as a parent drastically more difficult in this area than it was 30 years ago.
  6. This is a sure fire way to be put on my ignore or block list. It doesn’t matter to her, but I’m not interested in seeing this kind of stuff. Having kids in an era where this and much more graphic stuff is prevalent is pretty daunting. Sure, I can get filters, not allow laptops, tablets, or phones until a certain age or in private spaces so that our family can do our best to avoid this stuff. However, kids of a certain age are likely to test boundaries and find ways around safeguards. I don’t look forward to that battle a few years from now.
  7. 5/10 Seen it once, wouldn’t watch it again. Like many movies, seeing it for the first time as an adult made it hard for me to enjoy it. I’m looking at you Goonies.
  8. I just realized that I preordered two copies of the Collector’s Edition, lol. I still haven’t seen any new postings for it yet.
  9. The reality is that gaming is growing, but console gaming is losing ground to mobile and pc gaming. I agree that VR is the future outside of mobile gaming.
  10. The price issue was a huge deterrent and put it in a large hole compared to the 360. Multiplayer games generally ran better on 360 versus the PS3. Xbox Live was vastly superior to PS+. PS3 eventually caught up to the 360 in sales, but it took almost the entire generation and was a huge fall in console sales compared to the juggernaut PS2. Go read old gaming articles and look at Sony’s financial results during that time, PS3 was considering a disappointment and that made the hype for PS4 much less than it could have been. Generally, people still look at the 360 as more successful despite Sony making up on the sales front toward the end of the generation. How do I know this? I frequent the most popular forums, Reddit, and discords that talk about these two companies and the general consensus is that yes the 360 lineup limped through the last couple of years of that gen but that it had built a great fan base for the next gen. They screwed it up with pushing Kinect, trying to restrict game sharing, and making an underpowered console with the Xbone. In full disclosure, I did not own a 360, but I did own two PS3s.
  11. The PS3 was a huge disappointment for many, so PS4 was in a worse place market wise than the PS5. PS4 was an incredibly successful console, putting PS5 in a much better position for higher sales. Personally, it would take significantly better VR or AI, especially adaptive AI to excite me because the graphics jumps are no longer so drastic at this point.
  12. I don’t want to derail the thread too much, so I responded to you privately. Personally, I’d probably prefer around 1994, even though Jordan retired from the NBA.
  13. I am 100% certain I’d rather live back in the 90s for several reasons. I remember what it was like and I could easily give up many modern conveniences to return to that era. This isn’t nostalgia. I am not happy with what the world has become since then.
  14. Anyone pick up Ys VIII or Disgaea 4 from the NIS America store restock? I was able to get both but Ys is now sold out on Switch. It’s still available on PS4.
  15. Yes and no, cinema is different. Technology can actually improve the movie, like 4K HDR. Plus, there was never really a huge demand for the old film. There is a demand from purists to faithfulness to the original film and audio. Emulation on other consoles, does not always run as well as the original and is not comparable to the movie comparison. The comparison for casuals will be similar though, but it will just be through ports and emulation on the main consoles/pc game retailers or on phones just like streaming movies.
  16. Hmmm, I read your list and I’d gladly go back to life like that over what it has become. A world without social media alone would be worth it to me.
  17. My dog got hit by a garbage truck when I was 4. I never liked any of our dogs as much. I refuse to get a dog to this day. I’ve been scared for life. It’s tough to lose a pet like that.
  18. Yep, story of my life. I would sometimes get a game from my grandma or cousin so I’d get a few extra a year.
  19. I’m personally against pirating games, but my biggest problem with repos is them being passed off as authentic and ripping people off.
  20. Don’t the other consoles not support Bluetooth audio and that’s why you have to use the stupid dongles for headsets?
  21. 4/10 I saw it once in a hotel room on a trip. I’m good never seeing it again.
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