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Everything posted by SilverspoonGaming

  1. Well, atleast the earth is flat... We have that going for us...
  2. Maybe they have technology that gets them from there to here within hours or days, or maybe their lifespan is 500+ years and they can afford to go on a mission where they travel for 100 years to reach us. Nobody really knows. Anything is possible at this point.
  3. @foxI have to disagree with parts of your list. Goof Troop and Tiny Toons were probably top 10 90s cartoons so you cant say that they were bad but had a great movie adaptation. And Waynes World is one of the best skits SNL has ever had.
  4. Yes the two 90s Brady Bunch movies were campy, but I find them hilarious, and I absolutely hated the show.
  5. Honest question, do you think it could be a repro or a label replacement for that reason?
  6. I saw something crazy once with about 5 other people to back me up. As Ive gotten older and wiser, I still cant explain it as I have seen many shooting stars and 1000mph jet flybys as we are close to an AFB and can count those out. I believe it was around 1996. I dont jump to conclusions, but I think its crazy to believe were the only intelligent life in all of space.
  7. I have a long list for everyone to either agree with me on, or burn me because I didnt give the tv show a fair shake. So basically Im saying that these shows sucked, but the movies based on them are really good. Keep in mind, to qualify, the film has to be a reboot or revival of the original series being made many years after the show has gone off the air. 21 Jump Street A-Team Addams Family Beverly Hillbillies Brady Bunch Movies Ducktales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp Starsky and Hutch Honorable mentions for being great as a show and as a movie: Baywatch Flintstones George of the Jungle - well the movie was funny when I was young and it had just come out.
  8. I have never heard that, but I may be wrong. PSX was definitely a different console tho, Japan exclusive.
  9. I always hated the name Playstation. Its very Japanese, go figure, but its super dumbed down. Play new Sony Video Game Machine Raaaaaahhhhh! Xbox is a solid name, but the 360, One, Series X, I really feel like they probably have the worst later model names.
  10. How likely are they to stay around for like 65 more years or so?
  11. If the GVN collection tool disappears, I dont know what Ill do...
  12. Nothing irritates me more than someone referring to the PS1 as the PSX. The PSX was a different console completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 2 businesses, no FB ads because they are worthless.
  14. I have always loved the name of the Sega Saturn. Atari Jaguar would be my 2nd place finisher, but Sega had great names for a little while in the 90's as Genesis was a solid name, and 32X sounded cool, but the Saturn is the ultimate console name. Had the Neptune been released, I dont feel like it sounds as good.
  15. The day this thread rendered itself useless - When Golf was presented at an angle where the oval badge looked slightly rounder causing mass hysteria...
  16. I dont think Crash or Spyro will shoot up dramatically because of their remakes being so successful. I really wish they would tho cuz I have an abundance of them to get rid of.
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