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Everything posted by Red

  1. That's it for week nine! Congratulations to @ZeldaFan042 for taking first place. The week ten thread can be found here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/6760-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-final-round-teleroboxer/
  2. 25,090 Stage 13 I better post this now in case I'm in the middle of a game when time is up (I'm still going for under 25k).
  3. I'm at under 30k right now. Under 25k is definitely possible, but I'm not sure if I'll get there tonight.
  4. I guess you could say I'm holding a score, but I know I could do better and I'm still playing, so I haven't posted yet. I use a spare life or two in Stage 12 so I don't have to worry about food/power. On the second half, I just fly as far as I can, lose a life, and fly as far as I can again. If I don't have an extra life there, I'm pretty much doomed.
  5. I played a bit yesterday and beat it last night. I think I can lower my score, so I'm going to play some more later today.
  6. Hello and welcome to the tenth and final round of the Virtual Boy Weekly Contest! This week's game is Teleroboxer. It's like a 3D Punch-Out. Can you defeat all eight opponents? Rules: - Start a new save file - Play until you lose a match or win 8 consecutive matches (beat the Legendary Champ) - After losing a match or winning 8 consecutive matches, end your game and take your picture on the File Select menu - Most consecutive wins wins - If there is a tie for number of wins, fastest time wins - You must start a new game file each attempt - You have until 11:00 PM EST on Sunday, February 21, 2021 to submit your score. For general contest rules, click here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/5999-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-leaderboard-rules-20202021/ Good luck and have fun! SCOREBOARD: 1. 2 wins (ZeldaFan042) 2. 1 win (Splain)
  7. Did you know you can download a demo of it on Switch?
  8. That's it for week eight! Congratulations to @Splain for taking first place. The week nine thread can be found here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/6684-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-round-9-red-alarm/ You could do it either way, but I would prefer a new post.
  9. Hello and welcome to the ninth round of the Virtual Boy Weekly Contest! This week's game is Red Alarm. From the creators of the arguably best Game Boy Shooter, Chikyu Kaihou Gun ZAS, comes Red Alarm, the best Game on Virtual Boy (at least, I think it is). Plays like Star Fox, but with more freedom of movement. Rules: - Play on Normal (the default) - Play until Game Over (no continues allowed) or you beat the game - Highest score wins - You have until 11:00 PM EST on Sunday, February 14, 2021 to submit your score. For general contest rules, click here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/5999-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-leaderboard-rules-20202021/ Good luck and have fun! SCOREBOARD: 1. 169,100 (ZeldaFan042) 2. 166,600 (Splain) 3. 137,200 (a3quit4s) 4. 84,800 (nesmaster14)
  10. When I saw the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Montezuma's Revenge, but it seems you're already aware of it. It's one of my favorite Sega Master System games. If you haven't tried it, there's a sequel on Game Boy/Game Boy Color called Montezuma's Return. It's a lot of fun too. It feels more linear though. If I remember correctly, you have to go through every room (or most of them) to get to the end.
  11. The rule doesn't take effect until the end of the inning, so the other team would actually have an opportunity to beat you by even more (as ZeldaFan042's first score demonstrates). If anyone was wondering about the team selection, I intentionally made it so you played as (what seemed to be) one of the not so good teams against (what seemed to be) one of the better teams, so the low scores aren't that surprising.
  12. That's it for week seven! The tie breaker (difference in number of hits) gives @Splain first place. The week eight thread can be found here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/6618-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-round-8-galactic-pinball/
  13. @Proveaux You need to set it so you bat second for this contest.
  14. Hello and welcome to the eighth round of the Virtual Boy Weekly Contest! This week's game is Galactic Pinball. For whatever reason, there's no ball in this one. Instead, you'll be hitting a puck around the table. I guess Galactic Puckball doesn't have the same ring to it. Anyway, this is a pretty good pinball game. Easily one of my favorite games on the system. Rules: - Play on the UFO table until Game Over - Enter your VGS name (or as much of it that fits) on the High Score screen - You may take your picture on the table screen if you're fast enough - Highest score wins - You have until 11:00 PM EST on Sunday, February 7, 2021 to submit your score. For general contest rules, click here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/5999-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-leaderboard-rules-20202021/ Good luck and have fun! SCOREBOARD: 1. 45,502,000 (Splain) 2. 23,999,500 (ZeldaFan042) 3. 11,325,500 (a3quit4s)
  15. I beat Brigandine Grand Edition since my last post. Pretty enjoyable. The newly added final battles were a great addition. Lots of other nice little additions too. I think I like it more than the original. I'd say it's somewhat import friendly for people familiar with the original too. Many of the menus have symbols as well as next, so they should be easy to navigate. Using magic and reading the status screens might still be troublesome though. I'm still in a strategy game mood and giving some of my other unplayed PS1 ones a try. I tried Wonder B Cruise, another Japan exclusive, yesterday, but it didn't really grab me. I'll probably give it one more try tonight before moving on to something else.
  16. I recently played Low G Man and I think it would work well. It has a nice risk/reward system where you can freeze enemies to make them easier to deal with, but they are unlikely to drop items. If you beat them while they're not frozen, they're guaranteed to drop items. You can keep getting 1-ups though, so I think a one life limit would be needed. Silk Worm is another one I've recently played. It's a decent shooter that gets pretty difficult toward the end. There's a limited number of lives and no point pressing opportunities that I noticed, so no special rules would be needed. There is an option to play as a jeep instead, which would make things a bit more interesting. I haven't played it in a long time, but Back to the Future might work. I've mentioned these before, but Ghostbusters II would work as long as there's a rule in place that you can't keep playing the driving stage over and over and MULE would be interesting change of pace. I've Suggested Xexyz and Tiny Toon Adventures in the past too. They're not fresh in my memory, so they may have scoring problems that aren't coming to me right now. For Xexyz, I'd suggest using the password that lets you just play the shooting stages. As for Famicom games, Atlantis no Nazo could work. Maybe Route 16 Turbo too.
  17. Yes. If one team is winning by more than 10 points at the end of the inning, the game will end early.
  18. That's it for week six! Congratulations to @Splain for taking first place. The week seven thread can be found here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/6551-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-round-7-virtual-league-baseball/
  19. I've been playing Brigandine and Brigandine Grand Edition recently. I had played the demo of the new one on Switch, but it didn't really impress me and just made me want to replay the original (which I haven't played in 20 or so years). In Brigandine, I played through as Lyonesse on normal and then as Dryst on hard. The AI isn't great, so even on hard mode it's not much of a challenge. Still fun though. Now I'm playing as Zemeckis in Grand Edition. For those who don't know, Grand Edition is a Japan exclusive updated version that, among other additions, allows you to play as the Esgares Empire.
  20. Although I never tried it on the Amazon team, there is a trick I discovered that could possibly get you unlimited runs in the game. Every time you pause then unpause the game while you are at bat, the pitcher will move to a different position. You can keep doing this until the pitcher is on the far left or far right of the mound (you want the pitcher on the same side as your batter). If you do this, the pitcher will throw a ball or hit the batter almost every time. I got my score into the 20s doing this before stopping (out of boredom, not because I couldn't keep going).
  21. @koifish @Proveaux @Splain @ZeldaFan042 Don't forget to submit your scores. There is less than 12 hours left! Remember, you don't have to actually beat the game to submit a score. You can take your picture at the furthest checkpoint you reached.
  22. Hello and welcome to the seventh round of the Virtual Boy Weekly Contest! This week's game is Virtual League Baseball. I'm not really a fan of baseball games, but this one seems somewhat competent. Hope you all enjoy playing it more than I had testing it out! Rules: - Select Player 1 VS Computer mode - Choose France as your team and USA as the Computer team - Set it so you bat second and DH is off - Play a complete game - Best positive score difference wins (For example, if you win 6 to 2, your score for this contest would be 4. If you lose 2 to 8, your score for this contest would be -6) - If more than one player has the same score difference, the player who finished the game in the fewest number of innings wins - If more than one player has the same score difference and finished the game in the same number of innings, player with the best positive hit difference wins - If more than one player has the same score difference, finished the game in the same inning, and has the same hit difference, then it is a tie and the points will be shared - You have until 11:00 PM EST on Sunday, January 31, 2021 to submit your score. For general contest rules, click here: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/5999-virtual-boy-weekly-contest-leaderboard-rules-20202021/ Good luck and have fun! SCOREBOARD: 1. 1, 0 (Splain) 2. 1, -6 (ZeldaFan042)
  23. You don't need all the treasures. Just get through it as fast as you can.
  24. That's it for week five! Congratulations to @Splain for taking first place. The week six thread can be found here:
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