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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. Any top scores for past 8-Bit Xmas out there? What about 2019 or 2013?
  2. Got to say, this is very exciting. Wish you all the success. I don't have anything to offer, but my support and a pledge of an order when you are ready to release.
  3. Added 8-Bit XMAS 2018 to the board
  4. @Lambda great work. It will take me a few reads to digest the information to understand and implement it.
  5. I only played 64 here and there at friends' houses during the console's life. I decided to pick up one for myself recently. I have been using a first party controller, but I had some store credit at stoneagegamer. So I order the brawler64 pad. Overall it is good, but the change to the Z trigger is strange. To go from a clicky button to a bumper with a large amount of travel seems like a miss-step to me. Maybe I'll get to like it down the line. Are all of you okay with the change to the Z trigger?
  6. @Lambda page 8-9 contains the list of controller operations. All are bold, but only some are capital and some are lower case. Don't know if it means anything.
  7. Gotcha. Recently finalize a deal for a copy. I'll play around with the code to see what happens. I'll post here if I find anything.
  8. @Lambda slight detour from the topic at hand, how do you know if your copy is LE or regular?
  9. I understand that injection molds are insanely expensive. That's a bummer. Hopefully there is a market to make someone go for the mold setup and shell manufacturing.
  10. Voyage- A Sorceress's Vacation looks very interesting. I am not dialed into the homebrew scene for Master System at all. Have there been many or any physical releases yet for it?
  11. Revised list See my for sale / trade listing: https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/1099-fsfoft-wonder-boy-iii-simcity-nes-cleaning-kit-famicom-disk-system-and-disks-nescape/
  12. @Bearcat-Doug I hope your real life situations work themselves out and all for the positive. Join in when you can. It is still early in the competition and anyone's game.
  13. With the first round closing, the regular season leader board is up. Thank you for all that joined in. It was a blast. For the next and following rounds, anyone can join in. It is still anyone's game.
  14. Deadeye

    FS - Nothing

    Bump. Revamped and added items.
  15. Action 53 Vol. 3 LE (NES Homebrew NESdev entries) $40 https://www.ebay.com/itm/NES-Double-Action-53-volume-3-Limited-Edition-Clear-Cart-Homebrew-with-Poster/164028732458?hash=item2630dfd42a:g:MLMAAOSwDoNd8Z5Q
  16. @ecmyers I believe it is select to switch between skier and snow boarder. There is no difference between them besides in your mind and the sprites.
  17. @DefaultGen this is going to sound really stupid, but I had no idea you could do backflips until you posted that video. It also took me awhile to figure out you need to press A four times very fast to do it, otherwise you die. Is this covered somewhere and I missed it?
  18. I have a PSIO. I haven't kept up with it's development lately, so I might be a little outdated. Their 98% game compatibility is based on the game booting and not about the game being fully functional. Some games work and others are buggy. I think it will eventually get to a very compatible device down the road. If you are okay with the wait and or gamble, then sure get it and enjoy where it excels right now. However your money might be better spent, at this time, on another system. On a related note, is the Free McBoot for PS2 compatible with PS1 games?
  19. Wow that is some serious stuff. James Bond fan myself. Dr. No is a great film, debut for both the James Bond films and Sean Connery as 007.
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