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Everything posted by Skorp

  1. I used to workout and bodybuild all the time to the point of 6% body fat and extreme training but last 2 years, real life took over with business and management and boy I lost it all. Boy, do I miss it. Trying slowly to get back to it. My dad is 63 and is in better shape than me with a six pack and all that, so I truly need to get back that motivation I once have. Right now only do cardio 40 minutes straight a few times a week to lean up my body in better shape. Able to burn around 500 calories this way. Then weights once again. The main problem is, I LOVE sugar and it is so hard to stop it. I used to went nearly a year without any added sugar and that is the best thing you can ever do to lose bodyfat dramatically.
  2. Damn! So it is possible to organize the Switch collector's editions. Very nicely done!! I just need a bigger shelf lol. I have nearly 40 - 45 collector editions sealed safely in boxes at storage due to not having any room so it really sucks I can't display it right now. Plan on selling a lot of stuff to make room. At least I do have nearly all of them. Still don't have Zelda Master's Edition.
  3. Woohoo finally near completing the dex. Just one more, which will be to evolve Null tomorrow or whenever I get the chance. Thank you @8-bit_boice for helping me get the final 13 including 9 unknowns I was missing! Hope I helped you out too. Also need to get Mew once I buy a Let's Go Pokeball and some Gigantamax exclusives like Gengar. Otherwise, just need to finish the Battle Tower and game will be completed. Just can do shiny hunting and max raids whenever for fun. Also, gonna plan to put all the Pokemon in order to make sure I have them in storage instead of just Pokedex.
  4. Man, need to finish the first one. I got stuck at a part and just didn't get back to it. Gotta try again to find the way! Very fun game and challenging too, just like how Super Metroid is. The second one looks pretty amazing though like a complete step in a different direction with the first one!
  5. I actually never even looked into her or know what she is doing, so consider me living under the rock over that. Time is irrelevant anyways now, so it is a whatever for me whoever gets chosen. From what I heard, she is the youngest person in history, so good for her.
  6. Many times during Donkey Kong 64. I mean I played hundreds of hours of that game, so it isn't a surprise to get softlocked so many times. I'll post a vid in a bit of one I managed to record. It is pretty hilarious, well I react to it pretty hilariously. There are other games too like I remember on Rocket Power for Gamecube, I got stuck inside the side of the mountain whenever you jump off the ramp into the hole. Had to turn it off and on and just lost like 10 minutes luckily saved before it.
  7. Guess there is just a way too huge supply of them. I mean they are just everywhere I go. Definitely one of the only games I regret paying full price. Yeah, I preordered it.
  8. LMAO should have known. Saw that earlier in the Switch group. I actually read your thread title and was like "there we go that is an amazing dad" and boom.
  9. It is true. The shipping rate for first class international is ridiculous now and it seems to be this year (this year really sucks with all these awful updates and additions to Paypal, eBay and USPS). I learned it last week after trying to ship something. It ended up weighing 9 oz and the price difference from 9 oz to 8 oz was actually $16 for some reason. They are charging different prices now for each weight instead how it used to be usually one price for up to 4 lbs. Just sucks now!
  10. My issue with Wii remotes is they are just completely dead even if you add new batteries after use for a while. No light or connectivity any more. Have around 20 now that are like this. Driving me nuts.
  11. Super Mario Odyssey blew me away on the Switch, so that is my favorite recent one. However, nothing can top Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. Love that one so much and it is such a masterpiece unlike any other.
  12. Yeah they are very shady and should be stayed away from. I remember some people on NA complain about them not getting any updates at all on their orders and also being late for the shipping date for the first ones. No response from them at all when you message them.
  13. Anyone that has Shield want to trade (or Sword too)? My Pokedex is at 384 and looks like I need 4 more Shield exclusives and having trouble finding these Pokemon from link trades on Facebook as we always never get online at the same time missing out. Let me know! @drxandy
  14. Wow really??? That is crazy as I thought Emerald would be since there seems to be an endless supply of them. Yeah, Ruby that I got was the first one I ever seen ever anywhere on forums, eBay, Facebook, locally in the last couple of years. I've seen a lot more Fire Red, Emerald, and I have to say I did see more Sapphire than Ruby, but still put Ruby the same as Sapphire. Leaf Green though, that one is just insanely rare and I am guessing we both agree on that right? That is the only one I always see in everyone's WTB thread.
  15. Have to admit when I was a kid, they were something I did listen too and did not complain. It was just for a short time and grew out from them realizing that they really were a pop band and not really something I'd listen to along the years ever again. I'll give them 4/10 instead of 2/10, because I did listen to them a lot before like Sugar We Are Going Down and Dance, Dance. Even had one of their songs on my Xanga page being played (ah good old days of Xanga).
  16. Pokemon Sword still...210 hours apparently. Nuts as it doesn't feel like I played it that long. Gonna go to Let's Go Pikachu soon so I can get Mew and transfer it over for the dex.
  17. With that deal though, it is probably never gonna get lower, so did buy it myself. Glad I did wait! It will be 50% for not too long. I do wish the SNES ones are back in stock and have the same offer since I do play the SNES online much more than NES, but guess won't happen this season.
  18. Nintendo Switch NES controllers dual pack 50% off on Nintendo site if anyone is interested. https://store.nintendo.com/nintendo-entertainment-system-controllers.html
  19. It was 2 games Pokemon Blue and Tarzan for Game Boy Color when I was a kid on Xmas. My dad had a lot of games before this for Atari, but these were the first that were my own.
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