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Everything posted by Teh_Lurv

  1. I thought I'd share something interesting I came across in the latest issue of Retrogamer magazine. The magazine featured Josh Fairhurst (co-founder of LRG) in their monthly Collector Corner segment. The segment included a few pics and blurbs of the gems of his collection. One of his personal gems was a copy of Plumbers Don't Wear Ties for the 3DO. Josh was quoted as saying that LRG tried to reprint that game, but the rights surrounding Plumbers is a mess.
  2. It was busy on Friday, especially on the expo floor, but I wouldn't call it packed as I remember the weekends from prior years. @Pendragonx told me it was way busier than Thursday. I think if I attend PAX East next year, I might opt to go Thursday instead.
  3. https://gizmodo.com/nintendo-cracked-open-its-secret-game-boy-stash-to-help-1841905783 Good on Nintendo for going above and beyond with their customer service. It makes me wonder though what else Nintendo has stashed away in their vault? I'm imagining a warehouse a-la Raiders of the Lost Ark with boxes of sealed Stadium Events and other rare games.
  4. Anyone from VGS planning on attending PAX East this year? I'm planning on being there on Friday and I know @Pendragonx will be there as well. https://east.paxsite.com/
  5. This is a game I never thought would see the light of day in a playable form. I remember back in the early-2000s when Blizzard could do no wrong there was quite a bit of hype for this game. Looking at the early build footage, it looks decent but not unlike other 3rd person stealth/action games of that time. I suppose that's why Blizzard canned it, it wasn't going to be a surefire home-run success like most of their games were up to that point. https://kotaku.com/it-seems-an-playable-xbox-build-of-starcraft-ghost-has-1841731450 From the article and Twitter chat, the early build is crash-prone and the available playable missions are incomplete. There are a couple of Youtube videos of recorded play-throughs using Xbox or 360 dev kits:
  6. The link cable didn't attach to the cartridge, but rather the player two controller port on each Genesis. You had to send away for the link cable so the originals are quite rare, however you can make your own link cable by splicing together two Genesis controller cords. There was also someone selling a third party aftermarket link cable, though I don't know if they're still in the business.
  7. Wasn't expecting to see this game get brought back to the current gen consoles:
  8. There was (IMO) a very good proposal put forth by a gentleman named A. Wayne Johnson, a former Trump administration DoE official, appointee of Betsy DeVos, and at one point was the head of the Office of Federal Student Aid. He resigned late last year and publicly stated that the Federal student loan program was "fundamentally broken". Rather than to keep trying to collect what will never get repaid, he proposed mass student loan forgiveness: https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-education-official-to-resign-and-call-for-mass-student-loan-forgiveness-11571909400?shareToken=st9246d46efcc5434dbc06eaeebbee03d5 This isn't coming from a wild-eyed hippie liberal, but a former Trump/DeVos official who had been directly looking at the Federal student loan financial books.
  9. Vindman and his twin brother, who was an ethics lawyer for the NSC:
  10. There are unique times or periods of the year where game values spike. Examples: Castlevania games tend to spike in price in October and games that prominently feature a celebrity will spike if they hit trending national news (like Moonwalker did when Leaving Neverland was released).
  11. Nintendo accessory maker Columbus Circle has got you covered with the first waterproof case for the Switch: https://gonintendo.com/stories/354139-columbus-circle-releases-waterproof-case-for-switch
  12. Pat & Ian discussed the NYT article on their latest podcast:
  13. The limit is 4 per Nintendo online account, so I suspect extras were being bought to flip on eBay.
  14. The store page has been refreshed with a "check back in February 2020" notice.
  15. The SNES Switch controllers became available to purchase this morning on Nintendo's website. According to online comments, the web page flipped back to "out of stock" after only a few minutes. Anyone looking for SNES controllers should pay close attention in case Nintendo refreshes the stock: https://store.nintendo.com/super-nintendo-entertainment-system-controller.html
  16. It's worth reading the whole article, NYT does a good job in communicating the concerns from the retro-game collecting community. This article does a way better job at explaining the hype and concerns of the recent sealed collecting craze, than the spate of "yOU cOULD hAVE a $10,000 nes gAEM!" click-bait crap. I quoted some of excerpts from the article for those who can't read the whole thing:
  17. I believe you'll need to log into your membership account through Gamestop's website and print/download the coupon.
  18. It's highly likely that Coronavirus deaths in China are being under-reported, either through mis-identification or government suppression:
  19. Gamestop DotD: 2 free Gamestop or N64 games with purchase of an EON N64 or Gamecube HDMI adapter: https://www.gamestop.com/nav-accessories-n64/products/eon-super-64--nintendo-64-hdmi-adapter/11097385.html?utm_source=rakutenls&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=Cheap+Ass+Gamer&utm_campaign=10&utm_kxconfid=tebx5rmj3&cid=afl_10000087&affID=77777&sourceID=FKSJxY2VJAk-uLzOFuTutR5IeFxaBwJw0A
  20. https://www.siliconera.com/shakedown-hawaii-wii-u-could-be-one-of-the-last-wii-u-games-retro-city-rampage-sequel/ I expect if the game does get released it'll initially be an digital-only release, but could we see this game get picked up by LRG and become the last physical game for the Wii U?
  21. Ball top. Easier to wrap your fingers around it than a bat top.
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