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Reed Rothchild

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Everything posted by Reed Rothchild

  1. Does this banner also attack you with sound waves and ruin your theatergoing experiences?
  2. Self-righteous and myopic judgments on standby
  3. Gross. Unless it was like an Usagi Yojimbo skin or something... Samurai rabbits are my only weakness. Someone please make an Usagi game. Preferably with no digital items.
  4. I dunno, hot take? TLOZ is more 'must play' than OOT, BOTW, or ALTTP. I consider the other 4 NES games I listed to be more quintessential experiences for their respective franchises than TLOZ. Retro enthusiasts like this community aside, I feel like most people feel that way. But it definitely could go either way. Fuck it, the whole list could go every which way
  5. Making this up off the top of my head: 25 games everyone needs to play: Pong Pac-Man Tetris Super Mario Bros. Contra Mega Man 2 Mike Tyson's Punch-Out The Secret of Monkey Island The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Street Fighter II Super Metroid Doom Chrono Trigger Super Mario 64 Metal Gear Solid The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 Resident Evil Remake Minecraft Dark Souls Portal 2 Grand Theft Auto V Fortnight The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Kinda ran out of spots there, but I think that gives pretty decent coverage of gaming history and notable franchises. Maybe 3 Zelda games is overkill.
  6. I have 5 platinums I think. Dark Forces, because you automatically get it, Astro's Playroom that my boys got, Ghost of Tsushima and Control both because organically playing the game got me close enough that I felt good about investing a few extra hours into "closing the loop" for both of them at the end, and then some other game that I can't even think of what it is off the top of my head. I do have quite a few completed achievements lists for my long-abandoned Xbox profile. Some because I wanted to play the game that much (Dragon Age), others because it was easily attainable. Couldn't for the life of me remember the full list.
  7. Just finished D-Day by Stephen Ambrose, 25 years after adding it to the booklog. Funnily enough, I read Citizen Soldiers long ago, I got to Band of Brothers 10 years, and just now did D-Day. So I did the Overlord/Easy Company stories in reverse order, in a sense. Whatever works I guess.
  8. I started Silicon Valley and it's stressing me out. That never happens to me with movies or shows.
  9. Someday the Internet will wake up to your channel and your subscribers will jump exponentially
  10. Energy drinks and gravy were the first two things I cut when I got to the age where I felt like I should probably limit what I eat or drink lol
  11. Ours died 4 years ago. We never went back.
  12. Yeah I got to 60% or so for trophies on Kiwami and Kiwami 2, but the platinums seem like they would be highly unpleasant to chase.
  13. I'm struggling to come up with one. Some people might say Resident Evil 3, or The Last of Us, or Tomb Raider, or whatever, but none of those are "bad" games.
  14. Filled a bunch of gaps in my 1980s adventure movies collection. Star Wars was $30 and I had some discounts to bundle with that. Castle Crashers was briefly in stock. Found the sweet Ducks jersey at a thrift store. I pretty much buy any jerseys I come across for my boys. This one is gonna be a few years before it will fit any of them, but I couldn't pass it up.
  15. Dark Forces It was fine. Kinda frustrating, janky, and repetitive. But I don't know what I was expecting considering it barely came out after Doom. It certainly looks and plays like an FPS from 1995. I was pretty obsessed with it as a kid. So much so that I coveted the PC version hard, and even read the entire strategy guide at the store at one point. Glad I finally got around to it, but it ain't gonna challenge Doom on my best ever lists. And you can see why they went in the direction they did with Jedi Knight. Something to set it apart. Bloodborne (9.5/10) The Witness (9/10) Tunic (9/10) Yakuza 2 Kiwami (8.5/10) Firewatch (8.5/10) Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (8/10) Bayonetta 3 (8/10) Rise of the Tomb Raider (8/10) The Stanley Parable (7.5/10) Resident Evil 3 (7.5/10) The Talos Principle (7.5/10) The Quarry (7/10) A Plague Tale: Innocence (7/10) Bravely Default (6.5/10) Pikmin 1 (6.5/10) Dark Forces (5.5/10) Beyond Oasis (5/10)
  16. NCAA Football is done. Just a few sports games left that are easy clear, then I'm tapped on that front.
  17. I'm the opposite. Starctaft and WC3 are 9/10 for me, whereas going back to WC2 after the fact (and after a bunch of other RTS) was painful.
  18. You should read the book Press Reset. Very insightful. And not flattering of the AAAs.
  19. I was gonna say, I love SMT games, but I would never try to "catch 'em all" in one of those. That shit's for crazy people.
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