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Everything posted by TylerBarnes

  1. I imagine if people started to make CRTs again it would go down just as badly as modern companies these days trying to make cassette tape decks. The components made are not good quality anymore since they are not the leading technology nor are they really in demand. While retro gamers like them, we are a niche (sure a large one). The general population would still not be buying them in the same numbers as the past and broadcast companies are not buying PVMs anymore. So there is no real market for high end CRTs right now.
  2. Logic chips will have inputs and outputs. In most cases it will compare two inputs, and based on a set of rules (called truth tables) will output a specific value. These will include the AND operation with AND gates, the XOR operation, the NOT operation with hex inverters, and the list goes on, (NOR, XNOR, OR, etc) They are vital in designing a computer and are what you will find are used for simple mappers like UNROM and CNROM for bankswitching. You should google 'Logic Gates' and this will become clear what these chips do. A Hex buffer is basically a logic gate that takes a signal from another source and makes sure the peaks are at the full 5v signal height they are supposed to be. It takes in a 1 and spits out a 1. It takes in a 0 and spits out a 0. Its only job it to ensure the signal is not degraded. Since when running through resistors and diodes the voltage can drop slightly. In analog electronics it is like running a signal through the positive input of an OPAMP with the output connected to the inverting input. The rest of the chips are in a similar vein. They perform a specific function with voltages and signal you give it. Look up the part number and find a datasheet. The top page will have a description of their function and there will be pinouts, and example application schematics you can look at. However ultimately, If your focus is programming, you might gloss over hardware that are not directly related to programming. Especially if this is meant for beginners. It will conflate the learning process and you mentioning a logic gate or buffer will make the reader think that is info they will need in order to code.
  3. Thank you both for the suggestions. I see many more resources about how to setup meta tiles so that seems to be the common way to go. For arguments sake, if RLE is the way I want to go is there a decompression routine that is standard? or just build one purpose built to your program? I'm not sure how would be best to set it up, but here is how I imagine a theoretical decompression routine to work (untested). For clarity I'm only compressing/decompressing a 32 tile row, and I'm imagining the PPU is off and NMI disabled. More or less the concept? data = $10 ; Address Pointer dataH = $11 arrayLength = $12 LoadStream: LDA #<RowData ; Setup pointer to data stream LDX #>RowData STA data STX dataH Init: LDA #$20 ; Load PPU address to write LDX #$00 STA $2006 STX $2006 LDY #$00 ; Init an index counter LDA (data), y ; Load first byte in stream STA arrayLength ; Declare size of array to read INY Fetch: LDA (data), y ; Fetch segmentLength TAX ; Set as decrimentor INY ; Incriment Index LDA (data), y ; Fetch tile Loop: STA $2007 ; Write Tile DEX ; Decriment segmentLength BNE Loop ; Loop segemt until #$00 INY ; Incriment Array Index CPY arrayLength ; Compare with total array length BNE Fetch ; Keep fetching until array end Forever: JMP Forever RowData: .db $09 ; arrayLength .db $08 ; segmentLength .db $02 ; tile .db $04 ; segmentLength .db $2A ; tile .db $0A ; segmentLength .db $34 ; tile .db $0A ; segmentLength .db $00 ; tile
  4. So, I am slowly easing my way into more complicated aspects of NES ASM, and was curious about compression. I am still not really what you would call experienced. (only a simple project under my belt, with no games physics, mechanics, or levels) I'm going to play with a simple level uncompressed, much like the Nerdy Nights week about scrolling, however I know the next step is compression. I was curious to what is the general opinion for what compression method a beginner should look at first? If it matters, for arguments sake, lets say it is a platformer and I want to compress nametables/level data.
  5. Even though I use RGB through a pvm to develop on, I always keep my trusty hello kitty crt around to run composite and coax through as a sanity check. The bad quality and bad overscan help developing with a higher compatibility to other’s setups. Also so that is a gorgeous screenshot.
  6. TylerBarnes

    Dead Tomb

    Really sick graphics! I love the look and palette. It’s pretty hard to use those browns effectively.
  7. Depends on the parameters set before play regarding what you are claiming and what viewers expect. If you say, ‘I beat this famously hard game’ with no other context to your method, it is reasonable for viewers to assume that you used the same limitation present in the stock hardware and rom. So if you instead also had an advantage unspoken of, you are cheating to gain accolades and cheating yourself in thinking you compare to those people that actually beat the game unaided.
  8. Yes, My opinion is that there are lots of grey areas. And it will have devastating effects on many peoples youtube channels. As much as I am not a fan of their content (I am not their audience), The highest paid youtuber right now is going to go from 100 to 0 overnight due to this implementation of the law. This type of effect happening tells me that there is a currently a large gap between what they are trying to force happen, and what actually needs to happen. You may ask yourself "Is it moral to advertise to children? To monetize your content for commercial gain if children are your market exploit?" I suggest you take a good hard look at 90's television, specifically their saturday cartoons and advertising budgets of toy manufacturers and fast food chains during that era. Advertising to kids is nothing new. Making money from advertising would not be where it is without it.
  9. I love speedrunning. Always have enjoyed from the perspective of a spectator. Love watching: SM64 SMB1 Doom Quake I casually try speed strats and routs in SM64 to impress my more casual friends.
  10. @MrWunderful I'll take some boards if you are selling. That Konami looks to be UNROM. How many in total, and/or what is your price each? And how much for the lot?
  11. Thanks so much! I indeed saw the different developer rates. I sent them an email with some questions. Awaiting a reply. I'm sure they are busy planning for their upcoming showing in Pasadena.
  12. Apologies for not getting back to you sooner @erockbrox Shells are $3 each. You can buy 33 at a time. Blue might look good for your game. (pretty sure they have grey if you ask) https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32752797967.html?spm=2114.search0302.3.29.112f309f9R7iOr&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_0,searchweb201603_0,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=ce220ef4-45be-45c3-9441-3239bbe2a894&algo_expid=ce220ef4-45be-45c3-9441-3239bbe2a894-4 Labels can be purchased here: https://customstickermakers.com/ Front Label Cut Settings: (about $0.70 each) Front Label File Settings: (size is larger than cut size for bleed) Rear Label Cut Settings: (about $0.35 each) Rear Label File Settings: (size is larger than cut size for bleed) Protip about working with customstickermakers. They expect your files to be in JPG and in the Adobe 1998 color space. I suggest working with your design in that space
  13. As stated here are some comparison from listing to what's received. All conditions match the listing and the same sort that is pictured, but not always the exact one. In fanct I see that this was put in all the listings I have bought from them: " THE PHOTO SHOWN IS AN EXAMPLE. YOUR ITEM WILL BE SIMILAR BUT MIGHT NOT MATCH EXACTLY" Links to listings I bought: https://www.ebay.com/itm/BLADES-OF-STEEL-NES-NINTENDO-GOOD/372403430109?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 https://www.ebay.com/itm/BLADES-OF-STEEL-NES-NINTENDO-ACCEPTABLE/292678882375?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Pics:
  14. I buy from JJ all the time. The images they put up are usually one out of the several copies they have listed in the same condition. I buy in bulk from them when I see a title with more than 10 copies of the correct mapper I need. They usually have a listing for GOOD and separate ones for ACCEPTABLE. So for any listing even with only one left, could have been originally posted with multiple copies available. I actually just bough about 20 carts from them recently I have not parted out for the boards yet. I will post a screen shot of the listing and a picture of every cart received so you all can see what I mean. I will do this later tonight when I am home.
  15. Love the genny. Done some circuit bending on them and love the games.
  16. you are 100% right! I literally had no idea. I’m signing up for sure!
  17. Very cool!! Looks great. Glad people seemed to enjoy what you created. Also I had no idea about this convention. I’m in dallas so not a terrible drive to make it out there. I would love to come out as a developer with my homebrew and join the fun. When im back at my desktop sometime this week I’ll get you some details on cart shells and labels. At least where I get them from. In short shells from China and labels from customstickermakers.com I can post my file dimensions and settings I enter on their site when I’m at my desktop in a few days.
  18. Because processing power and speed are not growing at the same rate since we are running into the physical limits of silicon chip manufacturing regarding feature size. Nowadays it is more about power consumption improvements. Another big factor is now that we are more or less at a point where the cost effective tech companies are putting into the consoles are not as much a limitation for how good the graphics look, but rather it’s more on the artists to make it look good or bad. So generally there will be a plateau of graphical quality that is possible in the deadline driven and team collaboration environments of games studios.
  19. Here is an abbreviated one. I also realized I didn't sample to proper purple from the site. fixed. Use the same #7B0096 as the 'Reply To this topic' button. Also color border is tighter.
  20. Consoles I spent time with: Commodore 64 NES Genesis Consoles I love seeing content from: Atari ST ZX Spectrum Console I think the future will hold: X-box One X-2 マイクロソフト
  21. Just some additions. Ideas/Alterations. favicon.ico (16x16 px): One way color could be implemented:
  22. There is some room to grow into something more colorful, but here's what I got.
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