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Everything posted by captmorgandrinker

  1. ...they're trying to blow it up your ass in this case. From seeing the staff side of it both before I stepped down and some of the things I've been privy to after, I don't care for anything the new-NA stands for. I get that they're for profit and all, but either give a shit about the place or don't instead of half-assing (or in their case maybe one-sixteenth-assing?) everything there.
  2. Just an extra reminder- try to have some class upon your exit over there and not be too dicky on your way out. It's okay to let people know where you're heading, but let's not shit all over a bunch of threads there. They do still have people that plan on staying there, and that should be respected at least (even if you have zero respect for the new owners like me).
  3. Did anybody tell Miles where we are? He's good cop bait to keep the heat off the rest of us.
  4. We might be kicking something else mister feature tester.... Although that does remind me of something I need to do.
  5. Meh, I'd rather start over anyway. I am impressed that I got to 572 without a single coin ding. Usually you run into one blazing asshole with that many transactions.
  6. Just make sure if you're done there for good to delete all your PMs so they can't be used for anything. Easy to clear them all at once on Vintage; there's a button at the bottom that says "clear before" and poof! (Thanks to whoever pointed that out before; way easier). And at least somebody there is paying attention. Technically they see us as a competitor even though we have no corporate agenda, so it would make sense. I'm logging out of there on my last device today. May peek in as a guest next month to see what they ended up doing with the place.
  7. With Garry Kitchen and David Crane of Activision/Absolute fame. David Crane is a tall man!
  8. F-Zero Climax on GBA Hard to stomach $50 for a GBA game I wouldn't play a ton. I saw it was digital on the Japanese e-shop a while back, but didn't look too much into how to get that on a US system.
  9. I think I actually have a Fight Night and F-18 Hornet for sale. It's funny you found Midnight Mutants cheap; that was the last game I needed to wrap up my 7800 collection (before I started in on the variants anyway). I definitely paid full retail since I hadn't seen it at any shows I went to.
  10. Just keep banking whatever surplus you get. Like Jone said (and you already know) the monthly costs can go up. Plus there may be update and feature software fees down the road as well. Better to have too much than not enough and have to scramble.
  11. I only use those places if I'm trying to get a general idea on pricing a bunch of commons/semi-commons at once. If there's a price that looks out of the ordinary, I'll go research that on ebay completed listings.
  12. It's still a pretty easy set to knock out. There are a couple more games creeping towards $100 these days (Ninja Golf is getting up there and Tank Command has been there), but the majority of these you can get pretty easily in a few lots. Beware of fake Tank Command and Water Ski. Seen a few of those pop up and they look good enough if you don't realize what the cartridge itself is supposed to look like.
  13. Are you using denatured alcohol? That's the stuff that takes off marker well, not just regular rubbing alcohol.
  14. If NA wants to still do Secret Santa, more power to them. From the skeleton crew that's left for staff I doubt it'll happen. As far as the "casual lurkers" that enjoyed SS, I've always been of the mind that it should really be for active members, not these peeps you only hear from when it's SS time. Let's let the dust settle here first. It should be do-able as we get into early November, but I want to make sure there aren't any major issues that need taken care of before something like that is assembled.
  15. I'll be digging out my show bin shortly if you wanted to buy some?
  16. I have a few of the boards around here somewhere. Pretty much you sacrifice a busted 2600 controller for the wire, solder it to this board, and drop it in the NES controller. The Euro 7800 controller is awesome. I think Best Electronics may still sell them. There's also something called an EdLaddin adapter that makes your Genesis controller work on the 7800 if you like the Genesis controller.
  17. Details- retrogamecon.comLots of vendors, several cool guests (David "Solid Snake" Hayter, Patricia "voice of Zelda in BOTW" Summersett, Dan "Crackpots/Tomcat" Kitchen, John "feed me videogame cereal" Riggs, and others), pinballs, tattoos, tournaments, and music!At the Oncenter in Syracuse NY the first weekend of November
  18. Nice! By the way, I accidentally moved this yesterday to the Small Scores area, so I moved it back to where you had it.
  19. That freak double-shutout from Sunday may have jump started me! Or not... For collectibles, I also have hockey memorabilia (like game used sticks and equipment), some hockey cards, and I still have my M.A.S.K. stuff. My favorite purchase as an adult was getting a Stiletto (what they called Shark in Japan for some reason) so I could finally have a Gloria M.A.S.K. figure.
  20. Preliminary list added! Since I discovered that italics Robotron variant yesterday, I added that clause to others from that release timeframe (i.e. all the shit that was in the O'Shea warehouse by the thousands) that may also have a variant like that. The "color pic" means it has a black and white pic instead of a black and gray one. I know there's one for Xevious, I think there's one for Galaga, and I'll search the others. I can get some pics up if anyone's interested.
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