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Everything posted by galacticlint

  1. I gave it a 4/10, a solid "Meh." I have mixed feelings about it.
  2. I basically find all my new music through Youtube AI-generated recommended playlists. Almost any song I watch on YT, it makes two playlists for me in the sidebar. One is called "My Mix" and it is a nearly neverending music playlist that seems to be loosely based on everything I've ever watched and liked while logged in. The other long-ass playlist it makes for me is called "Mix - current video title" where it makes a list based strictly on the video you're currently watching. Always lots of wild stuff I've never heard, some closely related and others a bit of a stretch. I'll attach a picture showing Youtube doing its thang. So many rad jams, just waiting to be discovered. Too bad it can be a time wasting rabbit hole, but sometimes it's worth it.
  3. Been listening to two extremely sleazy 80's jams.
  4. The way it all collapsed into a pile of absolute rubble is extremely weird.
  5. I saw a big puff of smoke lookin' thing go down the road in a remote wooded area once when I was a kid. It stayed together real tight, without dissipating, and covered about 60 yards of street before it went out of sight following the road around a bend into woods. It scared the living shizzle out of me. There were no passing cars or campfires nearby that could have made the smoke, I tried to rationalize it away but couldn't. The way it kind of stuck together in a tight plume as it traveled was very strange. Clouds of smoke from car exhaust and campfires usually blow apart and disappear quite easily. No idea what it was, can't explain it. Outside of UFOs, that was my first and only paranormal experience.
  6. I'm mostly a dumb NPC human, I'm not very talented these days. I used to be a bit skilled at making silly music when I was a young whippersnapper. I seemed to have sort of an intuitive knack for arranging sounds together. I also used to be really good at identifying mushrooms, but I haven't gone hunting in years. Too many tick bites, pesky little devil spawns. I still have some residual skill, but the old timers on Shroomery forums would smoke me. I used to take lots of mushroom pictures. Here is a beautiful picture of an Amanita Cokeri I took. I suppose I am semi decent at photography, but like the other things I listed I'm just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.
  7. PS2 is my favorite console of all time. I have spent countless hours playing PS2. Counting the backward compatibility with PS1, the library of games is just out of this world.
  8. I used to have a job that I hated, they would play R.E.M. while we were working. Now every time I hear their songs I have flashbacks. 4
  9. "It's all ice cream and lollipops. That's what the nice man on TV said." -woman in the clinic in the original Deus Ex "The stone cannot know why the chisel cleaves it; the iron cannot know why the fire scorches it. When thy life is cleft and scorched, when death and despair leap at thee, beat not thy breast and curse thy evil fate, but thank the Builder for the trials that shape thee." -Thief: The Dark Project
  10. Some of the cicadas are gonna be doped up. There's an interesting parasitic fungus that infects them and releases psilocybin and the amphetamine cathinone into their system. "Infected cicadas behave strangely. Despite their horrific injuries, males become hyperactive and hypersexual. They frenetically try to mate with anything they can find, including with other males." https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/07/massospora-parasite-drugs-its-hosts/566324/
  11. I've been watching a documentary on how castles were made called "Secrets of the Castle." There are no explosions or laser gun battles but if you're in a mellow mood they're pretty neat. I didn't know they used human hamster wheel machines to lift heavy stones and things up to the tops of the walls. "In the series the team takes part in the medieval construction project at Guédelon Castle in Treigny, France. They reveal what kind of skills and crafts were needed to build a castle in the 13th century by using the techniques, tools and materials of the era." https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL72jhKwankOiwI5zt6lC3eQtsQDxOaN_g
  12. I think that would depend on the nature of the aliens. If space is the way pop science says it is, and aliens were real, they'd probably just come down and completely dominate us with a bunch of Lovecraftian nightmare machines. To me the little green men theories are mostly just fear porn though. It seems like the sky is alive with many manner of strange supernatural critters that have probably been here as long as humans have. Of course many people these days live lives completely devoid of God, or belief in anything supernatural, so the very idea of sky critters seems completely preposterous to most. Just keep the agent Mulder style "I want to believe" attitude and take a peek at the sky whenever you're bored. You will eventually see neat things. With some persistence you may come across some classic blinky light UFOs, they're not that uncommon. Here is a good video example of the blinky light UFOs And again watch out for weirdo living cloud entity thingies. If any of you are super bored, hit me up in a pm and I can send you many pictures of cloud funk. There is certainly something strange going on in the sky.
  13. She tried to speed off and rammed another car. At that point, as far as police are concerned, she's using a vehicle like a weapon and potentially harming innocents. The one thing I've learned from watching police videos, don't spook out while driving a car around police who are on foot. If you so much as seem like you might run over someone's big toe, you're gonna get blasted. It's unfortunate someone died, but the driver shouldn't have totally cracked out in response to a simple order to get out of the car. Technically both sides are at fault and contribute equal parts to the tragic situation. Running from modern cops? Just about the dumbest thing you can do. It reminds me of the meme youtube comment "...So you have chosen death." And the cops actions, squeezing off a few rounds? Probably uncalled for, they could have just been like "Well we got the plates, we'll bag that babe at a later date." But again, you NEVER squirrel out in a car around cops on foot. It's a recipe for "Crazy a-hole commandeering giant metal weapon, light 'em up!"
  14. I went 2, 1, 1, 2. As far back as I can remember, I've never liked Come On Eileen.
  15. I gave it an 8. I think it's a pretty good movie.
  16. I gave it a 5. It's like some weird fever dream.
  17. I've been revisiting a small stash of dank old 80s toe-tapper jams.
  18. what do you mean by "on the wrong side" Is that just a different way of saying "people I disagree with" or is it more of a racism accusation? Or is it just suggesting the people with different viewpoints than yours in this thread are wrong, and you are right? Just trying to understand, thanks. To me the terms black and white were never meant to be exactly literal, they're just linguistic shortcuts and/or rough approximations. Instead of saying "Melanistic Humanoid Organism with Ancestry Primarily Originating from Africa" you can just say the one simple word.
  19. It's a close up shot I took of a rainbow-tinted "weirdo cloud" showing some unusual textures. Weirdo clouds are my jam, yo.
  20. I know it all sounds crazy. Ten years back I would not have believed anyone telling me about UFOs. And the camera breaking thing could very well just be coincidences, I'm not going to rule out that possibility. Just keep your eyes open, and stay curious.
  21. You're the third person I've heard claim "Took a picture of UFO, camera broke." I wouldn't be surprised if some of the funky thingies are able to dick around with electronics to some degree, just like they do in spooky movies. Luckily I've never had a camera break, but there was one particular time I had a few pictures that came out a bit glitched with an unusual horizontal line pattern all through the image. Most UFOs I've seen are relatively tiny; they're squirrelly little buggers and it's hard to get the camera to focus right.
  22. I used to see lots of UFOs in the San Luis Valley Colorado. The first one I ever saw was just a ball of light. I thought it was a plane at first and didn't think much of it. Was just casually going in a straight line like a conventional aircraft would. Then it suddenly came to a stop and just sort of hung out for about 15 seconds. I knew at that point it wasn't a plane. After hovering in place for this short time, it went off very quickly at an odd angle in a different direction then it was originally headed and disappeared off into the distance. It seems like a lot of UFO sightings are similar to my first experience. Weird, sometimes blinky lights that fly around funkily. There seems to be some historical context to these experiences. Juicy search terms include "foo fighters" from WWII, atmospheric ghost lights, will o wisp, jinn, onibi, ball lightning, and hitodama. I think most UFOs are some sort of spiritual entities as opposed to technological or alien ones. It seems to me like some of these beings can take different shapes and forms on a whim. If your a curious person, keep your eyes peeled for "weirdo clouds." It's not just the blinky light stuff that act strangely, sometimes what at first glance appear to be clouds assume very strange, uncanny otherworldly forms. Sometimes the weirdo clouds take on a sort of rainbow gradient and can have eye spots and extremely unusual textures. There was one time in particular I got one of my best UFO pictures, I was just meandering around outside under a crisp blue sky, saw what I thought was a bird out of the corner of my eye, turned to look at it and then immediately observed it was some sort of aerial anomaly with blinky Christmas light spots. It was hard to get the little bastard in focus but I lucked out and got a fairly clean shot. Most of my pictures are of the weirdo cloud ship things; The blinky light UFOs seem a bit more uncommon. Whipping out the camera and then getting the focus right before they fly off is pretty challenging.
  23. Sinbad of The Seven Seas w/ Lou Ferrigno. I thought it was the shizzle-dizzle bees' knees when I was a kid. Do not have the same feelings for it these days as an adult. I'd have to be in the rare mood for some stinky cheese to re-watch it.
  24. ^ I thought that phototoxic effect was mainly from the oils found in the rind, is the juice the same way?
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