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Everything posted by zeppelin03

  1. The Wii U seemed slow to start and quick to end. There was a great 18 months or so for first party stuff them it just ended. I'm relieved that Xbox turned it around over the last few years with back compat, gamepass, and some nice studio additions. Same for Nintendo with the Switch. For a bit it looked like PlayStation was the only one with any idea how to make a console and games.
  2. Anyone seeing any rumors for Splatoon 3? I could see the splatfest and now the tournament being a lead in to an announcement.
  3. Not to fuel the flames but I'm sure there are plenty of us who emulate or use a rom cart for games we own. I enjoy modding Breath of the Wild despite owning it on Wii U and Switch. Need to emulate for that. I use a hard drive or romcart for many of my consoles. Saves me the wear on my carts and disc. Given the option I would rather keep my small collection in the best condition possible. Sure these devices can be used for piracy but it isn't the only use case. Going back on topic now. Did you have consoles you were hoping to run? Perhaps that is a quicker way to get you set up.
  4. I have been really happy with the output of the UltraHDMI on an original console. If someone can get the responsiveness of OG hardware with the upres of an emulator I would be really happy. I've seen tweets about people working on FPGA N64 but its still early development much like the PS1. Is bizhawk the new go to emulator for N64? I tried it once for a goldeneye randomizor and wasn't wowed.
  5. Picked up my old Stardew Valley file. Lately I've been finding large games tough to play(Fallout, etc). Roaming around the town after tending to the farm has been perfect for me. Now if I can just get back to Majoras Mask..
  6. I got in a mood and started going after a complete N64 set. I quickly gave up and sold the extra stuff I bought. If you aren't confident that you want a complete set I would hold off. It's a commitment.
  7. You really should. Capcom CPS1 released to the public today. I hope to have time to test that one soon. Maybe I can get into arcade UN Squadron.
  8. Did you try the multiplayer for X? Curious if it is worth it.
  9. I have my preorder with GameStop. I opted to save $10 and wait a few days for shipment. I played an hour or so on 3ds and never aent back. It should be a treat on switch. 2 was great and people seem to like this one even more.
  10. I never thought about that. Project 64 and others look about the same as they did 15 years ago. Lead me to real hardware. Maybe we will get a good fpga version soon. I bought a USB to N64 adapter and that helped. Mapping the emulator controls to an actual N64 simplified to process for me. No more c buttons on an anolog stick.
  11. MiSTer got TurboGrafx CD support this last week. Now Rondo of Blood has an FPGA implementation. FPGA when done well continues to amaze. I have no regrets selling my consoles and moving over to one device for all my needs.
  12. I chatted with someone testing it out. He is happy with the results. I plan on getting MODE eventually.
  13. Yeah you can probably run most anything. If you are trying to push 4k that might be different. Best thing you can do is just load up an emulator and test it.
  14. I checked Ohio and it was arranged by name. Also there were drop downs for address, zip, etc as sorting options on the upper right. Seems to work for that state. Perhaps the issue is when a chain of stores is listed it orders them at random instead of using city or something like that as a secondary sort field.
  15. I followed that project for a couple years and was comfortable abandoning the plan to buy GDemu. So far, chatting with some people I trust, Mode seems very nice. I'm trying to figure out if I can convince my wife to get on for our Saturn.
  16. I used the gdusb for a while. It was ok. Gdemu was never up for sale when I looked. Chinese clones came out but I would rather send money to the creator. Terraonion has MODE available for order. It works on dreamcast and Saturn.. From what I have seen it is no solder for both consoles. That's where I would be going if I was in the market for an ODE. Very happy with the neoSD I got from them.
  17. This seems like the circumstance where it would be collectible. Similar to prototypes. Softmods are fairly straightforward so most digital games aren't as lost as they may seem. Most who really want access will find a way.
  18. Hey guys. I'm looking for a few different items. If you have any of the stuff listed below let me know. Animal Crossing Fall Puzzle Dragon Quest XI- Switch Persona 5 R - PS4 Sakura Wars - PS4
  19. MISTer got PC Engine CD support. Checking Rondo of Blood and a few other games. This plays great!!
  20. I've been picking up my Xbox games during steam sales and other bundles. The Xbox stuff gets traded after. I'm curious to see how the exclusives going to PC impacts console sales. Microsoft gets paid either way so they likely don't care.
  21. I've started keeping a separate folder of encodes. It came in handy on a trip to Japan. All those small files kept us from buying plane wifi. A robocopy script mirrors any changes to the drives to an external. I should probably run it again now that I am thinking about it. My hope is one day I can cut a few streaming services and do it all locally. I have a habit of watching the same stuff anyhow.
  22. I have both console this gen and have been a big fan of what Xbox is doing. Despite that I think I am going ps5 this time around. Might even sell the one x. Mainly because they are putting everything on PC too. It has become an expensive media player.
  23. That message definitely has the sound of worldy freshman.
  24. Same. Haven't bothered with handbrake since hard drives are so cheap. Thanks for the info.
  25. I'm glad to hear you like the built in player. Kodi seems nice but visually isn't too great. The different customizations I've done haven't helped it look user-friendly. Plex handles that a lot better but I don't like Plex pass or some of the way things stream. If their built in stuff can direct stream with subtitles it could be perfect for me. Also a UI that my wife doesn't hate is a plus.
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