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Everything posted by zeppelin03

  1. Attractive characters from Anime/Video Games. BOTW reminds me of Elder Scrolls in a lot of ways so I tend to just think of it as some sort of adventure RPG anymore.
  2. It looks great. I've heard people say this would have been perfect on Wii U, but I am glad it's one Switch. Give me traditional controls so I can look at the great environments on my TV.
  3. I find it hard to believe the creator of the RPG waifu thread wasn't aware of this. Plus you still get to find out what impact they have on the story and gameplay
  4. zeppelin03


    I can see those prices. The parts are not cheap but they cannot afford to go much higher. Also dropping $100 off for the digital only model might be enough for a lot of people to skip the drive. I will be tempted to save $100 and keep my Xbox One X as a Blu-ray player.
  5. Hopefully a few people picked this up. I was able to add 10 or 15 games to my backlog. Cheapest way to add Celeste, Pyre, and a number of other great games.
  6. If I am remembering correctly the carts were 16GB and couldn't fit the game. Downloads were needed. Now there are 32GB cats so it is mostly companies trying to save a few dollars.
  7. I remember train taking a while for some reason. Not sure if I was overly cautious since the narrow halls actually gave the NPCs a good chance at shooting you.
  8. Thankfully there is a community that works of custom firmware and other homebrew for actual hardware. The ability to mod consoles to accept backups is a very convenient feature that would help people play games how they were on the actual system. I view it as the modern version of an everdrive. My N64 games stay safe on a shelf and I use the everdrive for convenience. My hope is that people who want the true experience will look to this over emulators. I don't want to sound like I am endorsing piracy or something by bringing up these options. It has plenty of convenient uses. I like the idea of being able to backup my physical cart and the saves on a 3ds for instance. Should my cart become corrupted (unlikely but things happen) I could still play the game somehow. I view it as even more important for disc based stuff like Wii U that will suffer bit rot. People are already archiving digital games (Scott Pilgrim for instance) and I hope it continues into the future as it goes all digital. I think a lot of the problem is preservation vs copyright. I will gladly support a developer but also want the ability to store and use the media as I see fit. If we are not distributing copyrighted material whats the harm in backing up, format shifting, etc for personal use. I know copyright holders would offer a number of reasons that it is bad but I think the general public is punished due to claims of piracy. Pirates crack DRM anyways. Why not let honest people access their media in a reasonable fashion. This is why I love GOG. They just give you the game. It isn't locked behind a program or console. The ability to store Switch, PS5 or any other games on my computer or cloud storage for personal use could follow me for the next 50 years if I want. Buying a used PS5 in twenty years and transferring an old game I bought to it instead of popping in a disc would be great. I would gladly support the first console company that does this. A way to support a devs work and truly own a digital file would be amazing but unlikely. I can't blame anyone wanting physical due to these limitations. Until something changes people are stuck doing questionable stuff to protect their digital investment. Our copyright laws haven't caught up to a digital world at least in regards to consumer rights. I hear of little wins out of the EU but nothing that has really changed things for consumers yet. I will keep supporting devs digitally and hope that changes.
  9. I'm just joking that a portion of the internet seemed to be real excited that Zelda got black yoga pants in BOTW. I can only imagine the outfit options they would want.. Saved recipes! The elder scrolls figured out how to save recipes you dicovered years ago. Give me that and I will be happy.
  10. I don't play souls games so my difficulty preference is likely different. I agree that Master Mode got easy after a while. It just takes some more time to get hearts and equipment. It will likely be the way I play from now on, but I don't know if I will be able to beat that DLC dungeon where they take everything from you. The return of proper dungeon variety would be great in the sequel. I would love to see what a forest or water temple looks like in the BOTW engine. Sheikah everything, while fun, lacked variety. Let me play as Zelda and give me more options for yoga pants please.
  11. You mean those streamed games that have disappeared forever unless you have an everdrive or emulator? I wasn't in Japan in the 90s but I have played the Satellaview games. Homebrew and other communities take care of this. Really it comes down to how you want to secure your access to the games you buy. You can do it digitally or physically and it all comes down to preference. The poll is showing 50% would buy digital. It isn't asking at what pricepoint. I have a few physical games I would like to buy but am waiting for sales. The cost isn't changing the fact that I would buy them physically in that case. Seems fair to handle the poll the same way.
  12. I do like the breakable weapons too. It's frustrating early on but you get a few more weapon slots quickly. Plus it adds some tension to the gameplay. You could burn through a few weapons during a battle and have to fight your way somewhere with a rusted sword. The only weapon I could see a complaint for is the Master Sword and it's recharge. I've considered mods for it on PC but haven't committed yet. The From Software combat can stay with Dark Souls though. The Zelda combat has been great since OOT. It may not be the most challenging but it just works well.
  13. It's interesting that 50% of the people on here would still keep gaming in an all digital future. That seems plenty high for a collector heavy forum. I can only imagine what the numbers are like for the general public. Most people I know don't want to mess with discs anymore.
  14. I was going to bring up Steam refunds but you beat me to it. 2 weeks since purchase and under 2 hours of play has been enough for me to decide if I keep a game plenty of times. It was a great move on Steam's part. Also, Steam Family Sharing allows you to share your entire library with others. I have used it to expand the library on someones system and it works great. Updating a setting in Steam is much easier than dropping off 300 PS5 games at their house. The only loss is trade/resale but I don't mind. Instead of buying a game at $60 knowing I could trade for $30 if I don't like it I wait for a sale if I have doubts. Games are $40 or less in no time. I will gladly buy Hotline Miami 1&2 on sale for $4 digitally instead of $30 for a cart/disc. If the physical version truly had the full game I would get it but it is missing day 1 patches, updates, dlc, etc.
  15. I haven't been in a D&B in years. Are they any good? I enjoyed myself at a round 1 but have Main Event and D&B closer. I guess all forms of arcade are just not on my radar anymore.
  16. It has. The community makes patches or mods to restore it. Sometimes you can select your patch version on steam too.
  17. zeppelin03


    Hopefully you are right. I could see the quality of assets bringing the game size back up. Maybe efficiencies and quality will balance out and we stick with 100GB or so.
  18. I cant argue with the form factor. The vita is much more comfrotable than a Wii U gamepad.
  19. zeppelin03


    Instead of hackers creating ways to run games off of SD/HDD they begin working on means to use external blurays for your bootleg disc based games. Physical won't even be practical by the end of next gen. Triple layer discs store 100gb. Red Dead Redemption 2 was 90GB. A launch window game like Black Flag was 20GB. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that games will at least double in size over this gen. I can't imagine Sony wants to pay the expense for high capacity discs. Could only imagine the cost for a limited producer compared to a giant corporation. At this point I would begin expecting physical to get more expensive than digital or to disappear completely.
  20. Man I must be missing something when it comes to the Vita. There isn't anything that has interested me on that handheld. Wii U first party was great and kept me going for a few years. PS - might be a Vita hitting the FS section soon.
  21. zeppelin03


    I think the average user here approaches physical media quite differently than the general public. 25% here is likely much lower among the overall consumer base. Despite that I bet LRG and others can keep going. They could probably create their own disc based stuff without a hassle. Cart based might be a bit more trouble. Prices would likely increase quite a bit though.
  22. My copy of Pilotwings Resort is that way. I recall seeing it cheap on eBay and it being compatible with US consoles. I wanted the US label but not enough to get the beat up copy from a local shop. Now I want a new Pilotwings.
  23. I see a lot of love for the multiplayer but once Perfect Dark came out I didn't see a need for Goldeneye's take. It's all about the single player now.
  24. This is a bigger reason that the digital issue for me. I've been noticing AAA drifting away from what I like. One day I expect the whole industry to be doing something I want nothing to do with. That will be my true cut off.
  25. I'm also digital only on PC. Planning the same for all releases except for a zelda/Mario for nostalgia sake. It's the way if the future and I want to continue gaming. No sense fighting it in my eyes.
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