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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. Boomers who want ramps aren't old enough. Back in my day we didn't have ramps.
  2. Who the heck doesn't like the theme or music?
  3. Since this was at Half Price Books, they paid $1 for it to begin with I would have zero qualms about paying HPB $2 for one if I had the chance.
  4. I think it probably is/was a fair price for a nice looking copy. Someone spent $63k for a worse one this summer. It was in stock when I posted it. I figured it would not last long for someone in the market.
  5. lol https://www.hpb.com/nintendo-world-championships-1990-cartridge-no.-0149/R-384091170.html?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
  6. Yeah but that Tomb Raider has an A+ seal which stands "Eyyy plus your money up and buy a better seal grade". Damn I'm good with wordplay.
  7. I dunno what we're talking about now but I just want to argue. Counterpoint: This VGA 90 from 2 weeks ago is ugly afff
  8. Yeah Perfect Blue is great. I rewatched it recently. There's a bunch of good thriller/mystery anime, but I dunno, I want more Junji Ito or something. Gimme the spooky.
  9. I had a neighbor turn on their Christmas lights as their turned off their porch lights for trick or treaters last night. I feel like we have officially reached the limit of how far the season can be extended.
  10. I dunno, maybe someone can recommend some horror anime, but all the horror recommendations I watch are either super drawn out (Higurashi, especially the VNs, jeez) or mostly just really gory.
  11. There's a lack of torture porn in this thread. Besides Saw... Human Centipede 2 (just an outrageous movie), Martyrs, and maybe Hostel Part II would make my list. We need more Asian horror too. I want fcgamer's list.
  12. Creep was almost on my saddest movies that didn't make your list list, but I didn't know if I just personally love it so much because it's in the same vein as Funny Games. Creep 2 is good too, but seeing the character for the first time in Creep is unbeatable.
  13. I dunno, at some point a lot of the best buys in the collectibles, antiques, art, etc. industry comes down to people with more knowledge using it to get deals off people with less knowledge. I have tons of Ebay alerts to see if people list a dumb BIN for some rare variant that 99% of people would overlook and I don't have the alerts set up to message the seller "Hey dummy, you priced this the same as all the other copies but it's actually worth 50x more!". Utilizing decades of experience and obscure knowledge in game collecting and exploiting that knowledge gap (without any social engineering involved) is usually how I get my best deals. You can pay for the good stuff or you can "work" for the good stuff, and this is the work. That isn't to say in this situation I would lie to my boss about what it's worth, but if I'm a flea market and someone has an NWC with a $10 price sticker, I'm taking it.
  14. Brigand: Oaxaca. No one's going to play it, but it's a cool CRPG in a late 90s/early 00s style. A real achievement that one guy just woke up one day and made it with no budget or experience. It's got me in the mood to procrastinate Baldur's Gate 3 more and play more stuff like Gothic or Daggerfall.
  15. The real horror is that Showbiz Pizza/Chuck E Cheese is a real place
  16. The saddest movies you're missing (if they count): No Saw movies The Lighthouse, Funny Games, Tetsuo the Iron Man if they are "horror" and not "arthouse bullshit" The Wailing Videodrome The saddest movie on the list: Rosemary's Baby The movie you're the coolest for including: The Invisible Man
  17. Same, and then I bought all those clearance DS games.
  18. It… it has Super Mario Bros. 4 in the title. Unless you’re talking about the bastardized localized versions.
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