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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. I have an ancient X-Arcade trackball (smaller than the tankstick, PS/2 interface!) and it actually feels good. Pretty nice design for the whole thing too. I had a MAME cabinet with a U-Track that felt worse.
  2. I can't imagine slogging through Aidyn Chronicles, but Blast Corps would be a lot of fun. So no matter how hard it is I don't think 100% in Blast Corps would be the worst N64 game to beat.
  3. I know nothing about Xbox 360 but bought a copy of Autobahn Polizei once because it seemed cool and uncommon. Like most of the games discussed, there’s still a bunch available or sold, but it seems maybe in the same range? I am much better versed in Xbox and I tend to say there are no truly rare regular black label Xbox games, which could be the same case for 360 beyond NBA Elite 11
  4. I didn't realize how popular Christine was. I can't remember a conversation I've ever had with anyone about it. The Thing is obviously my tops followed by Big Trouble in Little China. Action movies aren't my favorite genre so I had low expectations going in but that movie is delightful.
  5. Post Void. It's an FPS roguelike that's literally 5 minutes long. It's fantastic. The people who complain that adults need easy modes to respect their time are wrong. Games need skip-the-easy modes that lets you play only the most engaging content and not waste my precious adult time with bloated BS to justify some pricetag. I wish more games had the balls to be this short and focused. It's like if Robotron was an FPS.
  6. Yes, we don’t know what we’re doing either
  7. I’m too busy thinking about werewolf usually
  8. I never read Getting Things Done but this is one thing I picked up from my wife I think. If anything would take less than 2 minutes, you have to do it now. It prevents little stuff from building up.
  9. Productivity tools are a waste of time. You dive into Notion or Obsidian, then you're spending hours making your productivity tool more productive and juicing every last gram of potential productivity gains!, rather than actually just doing the stuff you're supposed to be doing. I have a single text document with Today, Soon, and Someday headings that I throw all of those kinds of things into. Never had a better system.
  10. I mean sure I guess you could release Panzer Dragoon Saga on the moon but no one in the real world is going to care.
  11. A port of a Saturn game?? But then it would lose all of its exclusive mystique.
  12. Oh I'm in. I was only tagged twice, so I forgot twice. Gotta tag me like 4 times.
  13. Got a new TRS-80 Zork variant. I’m seein’ double!
  14. That can't be true Atari is TRUE CLASSIC gaming. Atari will always matter. It's the base that all other games are built off of. Even kids growing up today are going to look back and remember Atari. Oh sorry you're talking about NES? That can't be true, NES is TRUE CLASSIC gaming. NES will always matter. It's the base that all other games are built off. Even kids growing up today are going to look back and remember NES. Atari is garbage boomer shit btw.
  15. Complete, less ambiguous. CIB stands for “Cintellivision IamicoNFTcard inBox”.
  16. This post was just a trick to get people to think of more walking on ceiling NES games, thanks.
  17. 9, I dunno what more you'd want from an NES platformer. You can walk on the ceiling. Only 4 (??) NES games let you do that? Metal Storm, MC Kids, Battle of Olympus, and Little Samson, the four ideal video games.
  18. I got taken by friends to The Avengers because it was a huge deal when it came out. Just a big dumb superhero movie with an over the top CG dragon fight at the end. Then my wife watches them and wanted to see Shang Chi. Just a big dumb superhero movie with an over the top CG dragon fight at the end. I rode the Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster at Disney World. That was pretty rad. I'm going to change my vote to that.
  19. I'm going to go ahead and be the only vote for Shang Chi because I've only seen 2 MCU movies and at least Shang Chi had a pretty cool scaffolding fight scene. Just not my genre.
  20. I barely remember it but think I saw it multiple times as a young kid
  21. Also I wouldn't buy them at any price. Me electing not spend $40-60 will surely reverse the trend of giant companies lazily rereleasing ports of old games to non-discerning masses.
  22. Do Wii U people have so few exclusives that they hold a freaking rerelease as a precious exclusive, lmao
  23. Idk that movie looks awesome. What is a Z movie? Is Who Killed Captain Alex a Z movie
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