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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. Yeah I like bashing my head and memorizing screens like that in action games too. It means the enemy placement is deliberate and probably well designed. I like the build up of everything seeming impossible at first then every time the game starts over, just breezing through all the parts of the game I've already figured out.
  2. Stop tempting me with random stuff I've never heard of. I have THINGS to do.
  3. Lame, gotta wait until 2028 for media-free game consoles?? Man that's so far away.
  4. Good, that's pretty soon! Let's just have other big box stores follow as newer consoles go all-online then maybe there will be enough room in the market for independent game stores to open back up. I want collector focused, well stocked shops catering to a wide audience like comic or record collectors get, not freaking Gamestop. We are definitely destined to be one of those dying hobbies for weirdos in the coming decades though. If they stopped making baseball cards in 1993, I don't think as many people are collecting baseball cards today.
  5. Before you laminate it, restore it to mint condition. The stationary store is so useful for preserving games.
  6. Got the Talos Principle DLC for $1.50 on sale and played through the main part of it. It's so good. It throws you straight into interesting, challenging puzzles with no tutorial and easily skippable pretentious story BS. My main issue I had with the original game is that it has filler, often repeating the same concepts without adding a new aha moment. But this is shorter, more focused, and less BS. It's all the best parts of the original game. Dammit, I want video games to be this. I'm going to buy Talos 2 and I know it's going to have so much boring ramp up and story and filler
  7. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134754066273 I know this isn't exactly vintage computer collector land, but this is a crazy piece of RPG history. Finding this version of the game alone is incredibly hard, let alone a one of a kind (I assume?) item like this. I know @BreaKBeatZ actually has a copy of this version of the game
  8. I never beat it but just thought it was kind of okay. I thought it was going to be unplayable but I dunno an action adventure game in a cool gothic castle can only be so terrible.
  9. My dad was obsessed with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (and my mom with The Exorcist). I 100% grew up thinking it was based on true events. When giving a movie recommendation when I was like 6 years old he would frequently say "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!" in an ominous voice as if it was the most forbidden thing I could possible watch. Also Black Christmas is one of my very favs It's crazy how good it is considering how early and influential it is, but I guess that's why some things become so influential.
  10. Oh, second vote for poison slug. I love those guys.
  11. I played every Channel F game not Astrocade, how could you confuse two game industry titans The okayest one is Video Whizball! Everything else is a bad rip off of something else. It is astounding how much the Channel F lacks both creativity and fun.
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276084467595 I've never even seen one of these before. Here's pics of all of them for your comparison pleasure. M6: M8: M82:
  13. The earlier games are just more represented in general. It's funny to see Japan's "NES hard" games include Spelunker, Mighty Bomb Jack, and Chubby Cherub when every American list is probably going to have Contra for some reason.
  14. Damn 9 games scored higher than Rockman 2 for best music. We are so basic compared to the Japanese. And Milon's Secret Castle is charting. How many Americans are going to vote Milon's Secret Castle for best in any category. I would never have guess 10x as many people say Zombie Hunter is a more memorable high score game than Tetris. These polls are great. So different than US tastes.
  15. Film bros considering the deep messages and directors intent of Salo.
  16. Looks like Salo is the next Criterion-Collection-But-Shouldn't-Be artsy bullshit horror movie up on the docket. Let's see if more that crap makes it Black Christmas is coming up next too. I'm counting on you Reed.
  17. Oh man I just realized this is chronological. There's so much to potentially complain about as we go now Also Rosemary's Baby is 130 minutes too long and boring. It's all vibes and I did not jives with the vibes. I am an uncultured man who does not want boring movies.
  18. Got my finger ready to ignore this thread once you include Rosemary's Baby with all the other film bros who somehow pushed it to the top rated movies in every horror list.
  19. Path of Exile screwed up my wrist. Don’t play it.
  20. Of course the corporate goons want him to uphold “the law”, they wrote it. The first thing ED-209 does is take a goon out, the real public servant.
  21. Only remember playing this a little as a kid. Literally the only thing I remember is being mad at respawning enemies.
  22. 9/10. Probably deserves a 10 though. “It’s too violent”, uh duh it stars an American cop serving capitalist overlords.
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