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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I was envisioning that you'd put what you have for sale under the Selling subforum, and what you want to buy in the Buying subforum, and in either or both you can state that you're up for trades (and link to each other if you do both).
  2. Happy birthday @T3rra! I hope the day is pleasant unlike the rainy day here in Toronto! Maybe you have some snow and don't have to shovel it, that'd be cool. Havagoowa!
  3. I'm gonna try my damnedest to sit and play The Red Star today on PS2.
  4. Welcome, loving the graphics! Please share as much as you can, it's really exciting to see this stuff!
  5. Not gonna get into it but fuck cancer.
  6. As a collector and not an "investor" I don't GAF about the "value". Frankly they're never near accurate enough anyway. I'd personally focus on accuracy of information, availability of variants where possible to choose from (i.e. "I have X variant"), and just overall robustness and searchability of the data. Not me, but someone out there wants to be able to filter to "All Black Box Mario NES variants" and someone ELSE wants to filter to "All Adventure Island games across all systems". I'd focus on the "collecting" aspect of it, personally.
  7. Let's try to avoid name-calling and rise above. But yes. Gocollect purchased GVN, for the same reason as NA. To mine its data for their own tools.
  8. I might make an effort if I find time (or someone else can volunteer!) to download all the images and reupload to imgur.
  9. That said, Gocollect owns that bucket, so they may eventually decommission it if they decide to take their forum down.
  10. The images people hosted on NA may or may not keep working. They were on an S3 bucket, not tied to the server, so they may be fine.
  11. No I really appreciate it man, thanks a lot.
  12. Damn, shoulda bought THAT url! I wonder if someone already owns it...
  13. That turned out to be an issue on Amazon's side - S3 was running into issues. Happily it was resolved quickly.
  14. That's the plan. Harassment isn't going to be tolerated here. We have a Warning system that lets us track quite well the history of a user's infractions, and will be taking negative behavior seriously. Be good to each other, guys. If Pat or literally anyone else comes "back" - open arms. Second chances all around. But of course it goes both ways - if someone comes "back" and is a dick they'll get banned. Simple.
  15. Hey Doug. It's me Doug. Have you met my friend, Doug?
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