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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Yeah man I like it a lot now that I've actually sat an played it. Very good pacing and the graphics are good. No real story to speak of if you don't read the manual, an even if you do it's just "princess stole, go get".
  2. Just did a quick playthrough of Rocket Knight Adventures. Really fun game, I managed to beat it on default settings without using any Continues! Did much better than the last (and first) time I played it.
  3. Help us beat some Sega games brosky:
  4. Rocket Knight Adventures is completed! I didn't even have to play on Baby mode this time! ;D I used this game to test my new PC and capture card broadcasting on Twitch to make sure I'm prepped to do Extra Life part 2 soon, and it looks to be working great! You can watch the whole playthrough here (no sound for the first while because I didn't realize I wasn't recording the audio lol):
  5. No, shit on by people who don't like NM.
  6. This is more meta about the forum as a whole, but honestly guys we've been coming at VGS as a second chance of sorts. There's a lot of history with NA and I get that. But we've let back in people who were banned on NA because with time people can change. Some don't, and that's cool too. But if anyone is thinking Beau is elitist or whatever because of something from the past, let's at the least give a chance to clarify his stance. Calling out individuals isn't gonna be tolerated, so if you have a legit issue with a person please pm a mod or admin. But if you just disagree with someone's views, then focus on that - the views. You can disagree with someone without being a dick about it. He's not called anyone anything just stated his views, to my knowledge, so let's avoid slinging mud eh?
  7. You're right, but what we CAN do is to try to bring some positivity going forward. Frankly @Scrobins can do with their list an they please, but if they want to make the list more definitive, I'd say let's try to expand it a bit and include info on the tools used across the board. More info is never bad IMO and like many of you I'm very interested in knowing how stuff is built. This will have the added side effect of some people seeing "nesmaker" and not being interested in that game. That's fine. I don't buy beat em up's. It's whatever. But if it means that someone sees "nesmaker" and publicly states negativity about that with no other reasoning then that's not cool. It honestly baffles me that anyone would be negative about people dedicating time and effort to a 30+ year old console that we all love. I bought NESMaker. It seemed like a way to make a game without necessarily having to learn a whole new coding language inside out. I get enough of that in my day job as a web developer. I have ideas for some space shooters that I'd have loved to make come to life. It wasn't going to be possible to make my shooter with nesmaker out of the box but it would have been a nice foot in the door, so to say. When I tried to get help and share my progress with people I got shit on pretty hard by a few people. Not real development. LOL NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED. Learn assembly or don't do it at all. I was pretty fuckin disheartened man. And call me weak, but I gave up. Now nobody gets to play Doug's Cool Space Shooter Game. Fuck that. More homebrews good. If someone takes nesmaker and makes a shit game and tries to trick people they'll be TORN APART. This community is one dedicated group, but goddamn some of you can be judgemental. Cut that shit out, take a step back, and remember that you have a whole group of people who just wanna make NES games and some of us don't have the time or aptitude to learn Assembly, at least not from the get go. We learn in different ways and nobody is every gonna see "Worlds greatest game idea X" if it's sitting in the head of some designer who picks up nesmaker cuz it enables them to make their idea happen and people fuckin shit all over them cuz NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED! Fuck that noise get off your high horse and let's make some fuckin games.
  8. I have pretty bad carpal tunnel because I sit on a computer all day coding, and then when I'm done I continue sitting at the computer playing pc games. That's kinda like an injury.
  9. I built a new pc so I've been making use of my new rtx 2080 card and testing the amd ryzen chip. Really great so far, plays the new Modern Warfare flawlessly (great game), and Outer Worlds is really nice, and a different kind of fun.
  10. Yeah that'd be a bit of a dick move.
  11. Yeah man making a connection to the web is easy, probably.
  12. This fuckin guy right here! Get him!
  13. If I type an exclamation mark into my IDE and hit TAB, it auto-generates a basic HTML page. The sky is falling!
  14. There are web developers that would scoff at me not using VIM as my code editor.
  15. Try to keep in mind that SoleGoose isn't the only person here. Frankly it seems rather immature to just bail on the conversation because one guy wants to see a distinction made. We're here to have a conversation and you can totally disagree with each other, but you're being pretty childish about the whole thing, it's really not shining a great light on your side of it. Your game looks great, it's an example IMO of the greatness that can come from using a tool like NESMaker, and why I tend to defend it as just that - just a tool along the way. But I could do without the name calling and attitude.
  16. I see everything about this, you're probably misunderstanding. Put "NESMaker" beside the games that are made with it. Maybe that means that game literally just has the one thing beside it, sure. But try getting info on the other games. It'd be interesting to see wouldn't it? Don't you ever go "Hey I wonder how that was made"? It'd be nice if there was at least a hint at how stuff was made, yeah?
  17. Granted, sure, but my example solves that issue - more info is always better. The guy looking for "handcrafted" will see it right beside the game. The guy who wants to avoid NESMaker games for one reason or another will see "NESMaker" beside those games and move on.
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