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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. In the Savage Sinusoid Igorrr used chiptune style music from a Commodore 64 and NES as part of the album to (IMO) great effect. Houmous is a good example (relevant bits at 2:57):
  2. Ok ok let's please move on. The thread has been derailed let's get it back on em, please n thanks.
  3. A few months ago while I was playing Oldschool Runescape, a popular Runescape Youtuber posted a video claiming he was the first in the world to get a specific item in a time limited mode. He wasn't, however - I had it well before he did. I'm just not a popular Youtuber and he's out there tryna get them views. It's the same thing here. We know it's not the world's only copy of whatever game, this and that, etc.. But like with the Youtuber, it really wasn't worth me wasting my time typing out and potentially having to then defend my position on the situation, and at the end of the day who gives a shit; it's just a game. Dude's on ebay tryna make a buck, so he's gonna hype his wares. Same deal as R@RE L@@K HOLY GRAIL bullshit, they're just trying to get any attention at all on their item. I'd focus my energy on the bigger fish, personally. Not that I think this thread or your thoughts are moot or pointless or anything, by all means continue to discuss; just my thoughts. Your time is valuable!
  4. If you're concerned about a member I'd generally ask that you report it or message a staffer/mod. Not really something that needs to be public. That said, since it's public anyway - I had considered this already and no, they do not seem to be the same person as far as our reporting is concerned.
  5. Wata definitely wants you to believe they are the authority.
  6. Gloves


    Will you ship to Canada?
  7. It's a take on a famous painting by Magritte, though a rather lazy and unimaginative take. There's other variants on the theme such as "painting of an invisible castle" (or something to that effect) which is just a blank sheet of paper.
  8. This one? https://www.ebay.com/itm/224206705697?epid=4444&hash=item3433c2d421:g:fPkAAOSwp6xfoLg6 I LOVE how they're using the images from HA for their ebay listing:
  9. Welcome to tank controls lol. I actually love the controls in the RE games, though RE1 is obviously the clunkiest of the bunch. You'll get used to it, I'm sure. Suffer through RE1 so you can play RE2, the best game in the series.
  10. I'm fairly thick skinned lol, nothing to worry about. I honestly prefer to get punched on here every so often, I like being treated like people would treat any other member.
  11. You can create custom activity streams here: https://www.videogamesage.com/discover/?do=create That should do everything you want, and some stuff you never thought you'd want!
  12. Just checked, my Mario doesn't have anything at all on the flaps. No stars for me, alas.
  13. People lie on ebay all the time, I'd not try to use that as my smoking gun for market manipulation, personally. That said, yes, we absolutely need pop reports. There's a lack of transparency in the market in general that will simply continue to harm hobbyists and only benefit investors.
  14. Yeah I was just poking fun man, no need to get all hostile lol. Lotta that going around lately for some reason. Gotta chilllll.
  15. I gave it an 8 for the memories. The ending is a tad cringe today, but it's a thing outta time.
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