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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I believe the risk there would be that we'd be required to remove it. We're pretty clearly not a music streaming/sharing/stealing service. It's not unusual for a forum to allow you to upload audio files in general, it's about being realistic with your expectations. If you start storing copywritten anything on your site it's like to be taken down. Consider for instance that someone COULD copy-paste the entirety of The Lord of the Rings onto the forum; yeah we'd take that down.
  2. ... With the sound of MP3s! The forum has been updated to allow for the upload of MP3 files; they should play right there in the browser, rather than previously where they'd just be a download. This will allow for people to add little music files if needs be; I know it's kind of a niche use on this forum, but now it's there should anybody need it! untitled.mp3 Like magic!
  3. I imagine, then, that you're a huge fan of this song: xD
  4. Huge fan! Baby you're a fiiiiiiiirewooooooorrrrrk!
  5. The lowest requirement for a charm on imports is 25. >_>
  6. Ah right, that's an option too!
  7. Is Usher still making music? Jeez it's been a while since I heard or saw that name.
  8. You jest, but I'd buy that.
  9. If I tell you how much the site makes, how am I gonna siphon money into my personal account?
  10. I have learned from my past, and will be choosing max two games from each console I own to play in 2022. Gotta be realistic with my expectations. Game Boy Final Fantasy Legend II Game Boy Advance Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Sigma Star Saga Game Boy Color Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons GameCube Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Super Mario Sunshine 3DS Pokemon Omega Ruby (alt for GBA version) DS Moon NES Darkwing Duck PS1 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 PS2 Kuon Ratchet & Clank PS3 Deadly Premonition PS4 God of War SNES Joe & Mac Switch Super Meat Boy Shin Megami Tensei V Wii Mario Galaxy Log Jan 02 - Beat Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Jan 03 - Beat Joe & Mac May 20 - Beat Ratchet & Clank May 23 - Beat God of War
  11. Cheers bud, that's pretty thorough compared to my own cursory glance into it. Thanks!
  12. This isn't factual last I checked, it was just the opinion of Seth Rogan. Seems he's getting made fun of on Twitter for it.
  13. I'd like to play Ocarina of Time, for one. It's been forever since I actually played through it. Conker's is another I'd like to play next year, but with regard to this thread at least you don't have to worry about that, I'll be waiting a while anyway. I DO suggest that someone else give Aidyn Chronicles a go. It's a slow, plodding game, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I'd love to see someone else give it a good attempt and let the rest of us know what they thought.
  14. Do you have a source for that info? Not that I doubt your claim, I'd like to read more about it.
  15. I pay for literally everything with credit. As has been said, cash rewards. Simply pay the card off immediately (or at the least don't allow it to accrue any interest by paying it off fully before the bill is due) and you're solid. You're building a good credit score, and getting money back on purchases.
  16. I'm aware that's a possibility. T'was merely an example. As I say, I could have a stopwatch at his home tomorrow if he needs the assist. The event team aren't monsters trying to limit peoples' ability to play or otherwise fuck people over. They're challenged with the task of keeping a decade old contest interesting and I applaud the (previously unbeknownst to me) addition of a speedrun round. If anyone needs assistance with participation they can reach out to me directly and I'll personally see that I do what I can, short of buying someone a copy of Little Samson or other obvious silliness.
  17. A cell phone is just a suggestion; he's posting on a computer, maybe the computer or laptop is or can be close enough to the screen he plays on that he can take a photo. Regardless, we can't just not do fun stuff like a speedrun because some people may not have the ability to count time in this modern age. It's pretty safe to assume that basically anyone who competes in an online forum competition has the means to access a stopwatch. And before anyone's like "That's pretty classist! Not everyone can afford these things!" know that if price is prohibiting you from participating, there's likely something we can do about that. I'd be more than happy to buy a stopwatch off Amazon for anyone who lacks a means to participate.
  18. Actually, full transparency, I considered adding a feature for the mods to allow them to ban a person from a thread.
  19. NEW ICONS!!! First off, I'd like to point out some sweet new icons that we've put up on the forums. You should now see that each section of VGS is represented by a specific character - we've been working on bringing more character to the site, and in this very literal instance that comes in the form of these icons to liven the place up! Example: The icons: If you've been to the main landing page of the site (https://videogamesage.com/) you'll already have been introduced to these friendly folks: They're intended to represent the pillars of the community - playing, collecting, making, and commerce. Pretty cool stuff. PRETTY. COOL. STUFF. SUBSCRIBER STUFF!!! Cool stuff on the horizon: "Gloves", I hear you asking - "Why are you always pushing subscriptions in like, all your posts?". I ask me that a lot, too. We're doing fine I swear. That said, with more funds comes more and better tools for the community, and eventually the opportunity to fund cool projects, have a presence at conventions, stuff like that. Pins and stuff, too (hint hint) - https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/topic/9604-new-storefront-offerings/ And other stuff. Stuff I can't tell you about yet. COOL STUFF. Probably. New subforum: Most reading this probably already know that you can subscribe, but maybe you're not aware of the benefits. There's the Subscription page itself which nicely outline the benefits and everything, but it's a liiiiittle hidden (or you don't like to click around - blame the user, I always say). To give a bit more easy access to clarity and also provide a section where you can ask questions and make suggestions, we've added a Subscriber Section subforum where you can... do those things. Check it out: https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/forum/196-subscription-info/ New feature: There's a new feature in Beta right now which all users will eventually get access to, but is currently only available to Subscribers: You can now view who has posted in a thread, and how many posts each user has in that thread By clicking on the number of replies next to a thread, you will be presented with a modal window which outlines these details. Very handy if you, for instance, want to call someone out for being inactive in a game of Werewolf. Or like... call someone a spammer or something. Am I promoting negative behavior...? Oh god what have I started? Anyroad, that's all I've got for you today. Is that not enough? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?!?
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