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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Man you've put together quite the backlog for me, eh?
  2. If I watch the show on Amazon Prime does that count?
  3. MMMMMMmmmmm. An interesting group. I am not reading Wheel of Time, you cannot make me. Not again.
  4. Hey it's me, the positivity fairy! Popping in to say that I've not sat to read through the novel that is this thread over the last day, but I can sense a bit of an aura emanating from it. So here I am to sprinkle some positivity dust. Please everyone be mindful of the humans on the other side of the screen, and be respectful of each other. You can discuss the pop reports without personal attacks, I BELIEVE in you, you CAN do it! POSITIVITY DUST, GO!
  5. I really love how I set the mood for this thread overall right off the bat. Very happy with that.
  6. Hey now, Astyanax is a really fun game with a great soundtrack!
  7. In 30 years I expect to be deep in the resource wars, and we'll all look back on such conversations like "is Mario 64 really a 1.5m dollar game?" and laugh, then cry.
  8. All of my money is in SHIB man, I'm in DEBT.
  9. I'm still pissed at myself for not buying that misprint Metal Gear Solid. I should have just tossed all my money at it honestly, I seriously regret not buying that. It always seems that I come into the right amount of money to buy something I want mere months after that something becomes entirely unavailable.
  10. You can tell the pop report came out cuz this is the only thread on my feed.
  11. I just bought 10 copies of... Let's see here... Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing... Frick.
  12. I believe @guillavoie is going to be catching up so he can moderate in here in a bit. Let's give him some time to digest what's gone on and see what he thinks is ideal. I'd say he has carte blanche on how he deals with the situation, tbh.
  13. Seriously, you may not have read the rules so I'm probably going to have to just let it go this time, but I'd encourage you to read up on them here: VGS Posting Rules
  14. Everyone's real thoughts on how the contests go is very relevant. Those who agree with you, and those who disagree. For something like this to succeed, we need to be all having fun. When people aren't having fun, whether it's because they disagree with the rules, or the games aren't fun, or really ANY reason, it's best for it to be brought up. The issue here honestly, reading back, is that you've been abrasive about it, and perhaps a tad too blunt. Bea and Guil work HARD on this behind the scenes, I've seen it, and they're NUTS for doing it. But we appreciate these nuts. I'd suggest taking a step back, re-evaluate your approach, and maybe come back with a new outlook. I'd encourage you to consider that they DO work hard - coming up with 32 games is NOT an easy feat, ESPECIALLY when picking out of 1500 or so games, AND with a decade of past contests to consider. These guys have learned over that time and the rules, while never "perfect" for everyone, are very much tailored to the group. Maybe we need to regroup on our approach. I can acknowledge that, and I promise you so can Bea and Guil. But it's not gonna happen on the back of personal attacks. Remember too that there's been a whole-ass pandemic going on and everything. Life's been hell for some people and being negative at volunteers isn't helping. So I'd ask you to please just step away and try coming back when you're ready to be constructive without attacking. And to any who agree with him about rules, or anything else, I say speak up. But keep the above in mind. My memory sucks, but I believe we usually do a post-mortem feedback thread at the end of the year don't we? If not, we probably can/should. We're OPEN to feedback, we're NOT open to personal attacks. It's that simple.
  15. And so we find ourselves in a contest that is a decade or so old, replaying the same crappy arcade ports over and over again. Best case being we're all masters at Galaga now, but new people never join. Worst case, it just collapses in on itself cuz everyone is bored.
  16. Don't laugh, there's a very real chance she gets banned for this.
  17. Batman on NES is a fun game. It has a scoring system. You can sit in one place early on and just mash the punch button for infinite points. Can't play Batman without "convoluted rules". Repeat ad nauseum for basically every NES game.
  18. I'll take hard over tedious any day, personally.
  19. @docile tapeworm the real MVP of the drama:
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