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Lemon Eaters - Where are you? (Please tell me I'm not crazy)


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OK, so I just found out that I may be a psychopath because I eat lemons..

Someone gave me a dirty look and told me I'm insane for just cutting a lemon and eating it. No, not just the inside part. The skin, the rind, the whole thing.

The thing is, I've been doing this since I was 5 years old...slice some lemons, throw tobasco sauce and salt on it and eat. Sometimes I even add some white balsamic vinegar for extra tang.

Please tell me I'm not crazy :(


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  • The title was changed to Lemon Eaters - Where are you? (Please tell me I'm not crazy)

You're not crazy.  Everyone who doesn't understand is just a pus-pus.  When I was a kid eating grapefruit for breakfast I'd pile on the sugar.  Then one morning I spontaneously decided that I wanted to taste the grapefruit - been eating 'em sans sugar ever since.  On occasion I'll eat a whole lemon, but I'll only eat the rind if it's an organic lemon.  Can't say I've ever put tabasco on but I'm salivating here at the thought of it and I just finished eating.  I also like eating pomelos including the entire inch thick pith.  

Some people can't handle spicy food and have no desire to acclimate themselves to it.  They are missing out big time.  As a forager I'm always interested in new foods/flavors and I've discovered quite few that are very odd and probably wouldn't be liked right off the bat by anyone.  Sometimes a given flavor is so different from anything else I don't really know what to think of it until I've had it a few times.  

Also different people are predisposed to different reactions one way or the other.  Many years ago when I discovered ghost pepper sauce I made my way through most of a bottle, putting one tiny dot on each bit of burrito.  Then when I started to get tired of it I took it over to a friend to give it to him.  So what does he do?  He microwaves himself a hotdog and then just pours the ghost pepper sauce (which he'd never had before - nothing hotter than a habanero...) all over the dog as if it were merely catsup and quickly bites off about a third of the dog in one bite.  So I'm standing there with my mouth hangin' open and thinking our friendship is about to come to an end because I didn't warn him and he's just fine.  Said it was hot but that was it, no complaint at all.  I asked him how in the hell he could handle that without ever having had anything that hot before and he told me that when he was a toddler he'd eat whole raw jalapenos without a hitch.  

Thought this was going to be quick one and it turned into a ramble...


Edited by PII
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@PII : Not a fan of pomelos at all, got a box of them once as a gift for Chinese New Year, my colleague also got a box. He quickly gave me his, so I had literally 40 of them. Broke em open, mixed the juice with cranberry juice, then made wine that turned out amazing, one of my best to date.

But pomelo by itself, yeah no thanks, it's the definite loser in the citrus fruit family.


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3 hours ago, PII said:

You're not crazy.  Everyone who doesn't understand is just a pus-pus.  When I was a kid eating grapefruit for breakfast I'd pile on the sugar.  Then one morning I spontaneously decided that I wanted to taste the grapefruit - been eating 'em sans sugar ever since.  On occasion I'll eat a whole lemon, but I'll only eat the rind if it's an organic lemon.  Can't say I've ever put tabasco on but I'm salivating here at the thought of it and I just finished eating.  I also like eating pomelos including the entire inch thick pith.  

Some people can't handle spicy food and have no desire to acclimate themselves to it.  They are missing out big time.  As a forager I'm always interested in new foods/flavors and I've discovered quite few that are very odd and probably wouldn't be liked right off the bat by anyone.  Sometimes a given flavor is so different from anything else I don't really know what to think of it until I've had it a few times.  

Also different people are predisposed to different reactions one way or the other.  Many years ago when I discovered ghost pepper sauce I made my way through most of a bottle, putting one tiny dot on each bit of burrito.  Then when I started to get tired of it I took it over to a friend to give it to him.  So what does he do?  He microwaves himself a hotdog and then just pours the ghost pepper sauce (which he'd never had before - nothing hotter than a habanero...) all over the dog as if it were merely catsup and quickly bites off about a third of the dog in one bite.  So I'm standing there with my mouth hangin' open and thinking our friendship is about to come to an end because I didn't warn him and he's just fine.  Said it was hot but that was it, no complaint at all.  I asked him how in the hell he could handle that without ever having had anything that hot before and he told me that when he was a toddler he'd eat whole raw jalapenos without a hitch.  

Thought this was going to be quick one and it turned into a ramble...

happy yum yum lemon.png

Finally! And 100% about the organic lemons. I can’t eat them when they have the paper thin skin, it’s like chewing rubber.

I also love extreme heat too. I put pickle jalapeños, or sports peppers on anything that’ll pair well with it...and I love adding ultra hot peppers to my barbecue chile I make.

2 hours ago, drxandy said:

Doood, I want to try them preparered that way now. Sounds like it would be kinda like a spicy pickled lemon. 

The thinner you slice them the more “candy like” they turn. The sourness somehow turns sugary when you slice them thin.

Also, the best way to eat them is to slice in half, make “V” cuts to cut out the cores, and use a fork to pick out the seeds...then using a kitchen sliced make slices no thicker than 1/4 inch.

try a slice with just salt, then try it with the tobasco, and then try it with the vinegar. Each progressing step gives a complete different flavor profile.

11 minutes ago, Scrobins said:

What I wanna know is: do you eat other citrus and tropical fruits rind and all? Oranges and limes? What about a pineapple?

Pineapple no, but I’ll chew on the hard core sometimes.

limes the skins are too thin and rubbery, also they typically have some kind of wax that taste like crap....I don’t think lime skins can be eaten.

Navel oranges I will eat maybe a small piece of rind. Ultra thick and spongey skin with nothing added. Any other oranges though, no.

I hate grapefruit with a passion, but love the way it smells.

...I also don’t mind kiwi fuzz if it’s been washed.

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3 hours ago, ThePhleo said:

.I also don’t mind kiwi fuzz if it’s been washed.

Kiwi I eat whole, the skin is good for you. I eat strawberry tops and apple cores. I've eaten the nectar out of peach pits when they're ripe enough to have split. I don't see what the problem with watermelon seeds is it the insides of melons I'm general. 

It's all good stuff. If it's edible I say chomp it down.

I have a hot tolerance for spicy but a low tolerance for sour. Sour stuff drives me insane like a lemon killed my parents. If the peel makes a lemon into a pepper then I'm interested lol

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Though I find this weird and insane, that doesn't mean it's not worth trying.  There are lots of foods that when prepared together can have really surprising results.  The whole thing just sounds nasty but I can't really pull all of those flavors together in my brain, which I'm usually good with, so I might give this a try before officially calling you a mad man.  Hahaha.

Regarding hot sauces, I like them.  I love the flavor and I enjoy the flavor of peppers. I've never been the guy to ask for hot sauces as hot as they can come to be all macho, but I do push my limits rather frequently because I want to get past the burning heat so I can taste the flavor.  Anyway, I am at a place where I have not met a single hot sauce I can't eat.  I like to stop in hot sauce shops and I've tried many sauces made from some of the hottest peppers in the world.  I can put them on my food and though it is spicy, it doesn't kill me and I can taste the sauce.

But if you give me raw peppers, I can't deal.  Seriously.  The Jalapeno is my threshold.  For any given species of peppers, some batches are hotter than others.  I can eat some jalapenos, seeds and all, but a really hot crop tears me up.  It's way hotter than any hot sauce.  I have no idea what happens when you turn a pepper into a pepper sauce.  Sure it's cooked, but it's breaking down part of the experience and I can consume it.  I just wish I could do the same with peppers.  I tried to eat a very, very, small piece of a habanero once and I felt like I was about to die.  Make a hot sauce out of it, though, and I'll cover a hot dog with half a bottle and enjoy it that way.

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16 minutes ago, RH said:

Though I find this weird and insane, that doesn't mean it's not worth trying.  There are lots of foods that when prepared together can have really surprising results.  The whole thing just sounds nasty but I can't really pull all of those flavors together in my brain, which I'm usually good with, so I might give this a try before officially calling you a mad man.  Hahaha.

Regarding hot sauces, I like them.  I love the flavor and I enjoy the flavor of peppers. I've never been the guy to ask for hot sauces as hot as they can come to be all macho, but I do push my limits rather frequently because I want to get past the burning heat so I can taste the flavor.  Anyway, I am at a place where I have not met a single hot sauce I can't eat.  I like to stop in hot sauce shops and I've tried many sauces made from some of the hottest peppers in the world.  I can put them on my food and though it is spicy, it doesn't kill me and I can taste the sauce.

But if you give me raw peppers, I can't deal.  Seriously.  The Jalapeno is my threshold.  For any given species of peppers, some batches are hotter than others.  I can eat some jalapenos, seeds and all, but a really hot crop tears me up.  It's way hotter than any hot sauce.  I have no idea what happens when you turn a pepper into a pepper sauce.  Sure it's cooked, but it's breaking down part of the experience and I can consume it.  I just wish I could do the same with peppers.  I tried to eat a very, very, small piece of a habanero once and I felt like I was about to die.  Make a hot sauce out of it, though, and I'll cover a hot dog with half a bottle and enjoy it that way.

Try it without the vinegar first. That’s something to put the “sour” back.

For some reason when you cut thick skin lemons ultra thin like I do they go from sour to bitter & bittersweet.

Just make sure you wash the lemon skin well. The wax they put on veggies to make them pretty on the shelves is technically edible but not delicious.

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