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Am I the only one who MUST have the video with their music? Often you really do need the video to really do the song justice


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So I was just playing some music from my eh, stash of music videos on my computer and that's just the thing...they're not just mere iPod mp3 song/audio only kinds of deals...they're all the song and the video (if it has one)!  It's just that I've always been a visual person (in video games I'm likely to notice most every graphical detail but I can hardly tell much difference between surround sound vs regular stereo) and I often feel like you really need the video to really do the song justice.  This can also be true if the video is merely from a live performance (provided it's a real live performance and none of that fake lip syncing auto-tune garbage 😛 ).

For example, you guys know how I finally found a true favorite band/group?  Well they are the most perfect example of what a difference the videos make!  I doubt I would've gotten into ABBA to nearly the same extent without seeing just how cute the girls are when they perform and how cute the make the videos!  The live concerts/performances are really awesome and make me almost feel like I'm really there! 🙂 

So what examples can you guys give of a song that is alright by itself but the video is what really makes it shine 🙂   I think this right here is one of the most perfect examples I can think of; just try to watch/listen and see if you don't feel some of that physical/mental/emotional anguish from the Man in Black; who clearly knows that his time is about up (sadly his beloved wife would go a few months before he did). 😞 


Edited by Estil
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Events Team · Posted

I actually can't say the same, personally. Most of the time I prefer listening to songs by themselves, even if they have good music videos. I think you and I are kind of opposites in that regard, as I find stuff like the audio and soundtrack to a video game more important than the visuals (Although both are obviously massively important to the experience)

Now, don't get me wrong, I do like good music videos, and there are exceptions where the video really elevates the song to a new level (Thriller being one that immediately comes to mind) but personally, I just like listening to the music alone, especially since it allows me to do other stuff whilst listening to it. I totally get what you mean though, and I'm sure others will have some really good answers. I do at least agree on the live performance part, I do find it a lot more entertaining listening to live performances when I can actually see the band or artist on stage.

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Well everyone knows and expects Thriller to be like that! 😄 


But I was hoping you guys might find some hidden gems?  Like I did for ABBA awhile back 🙂  I'm surprised they even bothered doing music videos pre-MTV (1981) so it's a good thing ABBA and the others had the good sense to think ahead tot hat future, just like the SNES in 1991 coming S-video ready right from the start.

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I remember getting a new album, coming home, going into my room and listening to the whole thing front to back on a 2nd hand stereo (preferably with headphones)

That was it, no tv, no playing with your phone, just getting focused and totally absorbed in the music.  The only visuals you needed was the album art and the lyrics if you wanted to read along.

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1 minute ago, fox said:

I remember getting a new album, coming home, going into my room and listening to the whole thing front to back on a 2nd hand stereo (preferably with headphones)

That was it, no tv, no playing with your phone, just getting focused and totally absorbed in the music.  The only visuals you needed was the album art and the lyrics if you wanted to read along.

But...but...you don't get to see how cute the ABBA girls really are 😞   Gimmie gimmie gimmie more lives after dying, won't this code help me chase the Game Overs away? 😄  (in Ikari Warriors)


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Oh here's some really cute ones...this makes me want to live in Japan!  Did I forget to mention they have kitty cafes and even a whole island of kitties? 😄   I really should be doing more than one lesson a day on that DuoLingo thing...


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This is a really nice one (see how many of these historical figures of you can identify!); the first half shows much of what is wrong with the world, climaxes with a nuclear explosion...and then shows many examples of how to make the world right!  BTW Willie Nelson in that first Farm Aid (4:15) especially rocks 🙂  1:34 is what I consider to be the most tragic school shooting of all time...when you consider who it was that did the shooting 😞 

Hey speaking of the first Farm Aid, here's the king of 70s Outlaw Country (my favorite era of retro country)! 🙂


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Editorials Team · Posted

Depends.  The upload for Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence sounds way too low to me

...and I hate the syncing to Ghost's He Is

So I actively avoid both.  Those are just two examples.

But to your point, it's hard to hear Learn to Fly without wanting to watch the video

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42 minutes ago, a3quit4s said:

The November Rain video for GnR I think does a good job of adding like a movie to the lyrics. I’m a sucker for GnR though lol

Speaking of GnR in movies, here's their most famous song used in the intro to Lean One Me; as nostagic as I may be about the first couple decades of my life, it just goes to show the 80s, like all eras, very much had their dark side:

And the dark side of the 90s:


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25 minutes ago, Estil said:

How do you figure?

If the video doesnt matches whatever I feel in my head. 

Sober, by Tool for example.


I listened to tool for hours and hours before I saw a music video by them, and more before that specific video. 


I’m not saying it was a bad video. I get the uncomfortableness that they were going for and the artistic intent behind it, but it was just unsettling for me and such a clash with whatever picture the music actually painted for me in my head at the time. ruined the song for me (I still listen to them today whenever they pop in on the mix)

Stopped watching music videos after that mainly. I will watch ones from time to time that is mostly just the musicians playing, live concerts etc. 



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I'd say over 95% of the time I'm just listening to music alone, I'll just turn on the autoplay  based on an artist or album and listen to whatever the algorithm suggests, if I like something I take note and listen to that album, sometimes I'd google the song I liked to see if it has a video but it's more of a bonus for me. There are some cases though when I've enjoyed new music by watching videos with friends or clicking on youtube suggestions.

Edited by Abelardo
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Events Team · Posted

I will say that while I'm not exactly knowledgeable on music videos, of the ones I do know, this one's one of my personal favorites. I just love the relative simplicity of it

It helps that it's one of my favorite Queen/Freddie Mercury songs.

Also, speaking of a-ha, I also quite like the video to The Sun Always Shines on TV (Which I've always personally preferred over Take On Me, honestly)

And ACTUALLY, while I was trying to think of music videos, I did actually think of one that certainly elevates the experience:

I would say this is another one of my favorite music videos of all time, but for the opposite reasons of Made In Heaven. Made In Heaven's video is fairly simplistic, whereas Who Is It's video assists the song in telling an entire, fleshed out story.

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Only for doing cardio at the gym. Otherwise, not at all. Have music always playing in my head everywhere I go and am in touched really deep with the lyrics.


This one hits me hard with the video. Teared up for an hour first time watching it.

This one as well



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4 hours ago, Estil said:

Oh here's some really cute ones...this makes me want to live in Japan!  Did I forget to mention they have kitty cafes and even a whole island of kitties? 😄   I really should be doing more than one lesson a day on that DuoLingo thing...



I actually really like Kirsten's cover of Turning Japanese.


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I think a lot of videos don't do the songs justice.  You'll have a song about one thing, but then the video will be completely about something else.  So, yea I prefer the song with out the video most of the time.

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