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New Sega Console Incoming?


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2 hours ago, Tanooki said:

I try and avoid rumors as they suck, but there was one albeit a long shot, that almost made sense due to the continued failures of market penetration in the home market.  Xbox is XX eyed dead as far as sales go in Japan for every generation.  Sega with the DC were bed buddies with them as far as some controller designs and Windows CE variant in play too for games.  The story goes perhaps MS will have Sega sell their system and rebrand it under their name to hide the fact it's american stuff to stealth sell there.  Atari did it in the day as have others to better success than going at it alone.


It's that, or a Dreamcast Mini given the cheap price of parts needed (included storage) to house the size of those games and power needed to drive them.

This all assuming this isn't just some big pile of bs to get people talking so someone can feel like they got attention by causing a dust up.

This sounds extremely plausible from a business perspective. Businesses do this type of thing all the time and given the circumstances with Microsoft in Japan, it makes perfect sense

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1 hour ago, phart010 said:

This tweet is just as much a rumor as what it is claiming to debunk 

I disagree. Daniel Ahmad is a very trusted source and has plenty of inside info. He may not know directly about what they are announcing, but I'm guessing he would know something if the big rumors were true.

But we'll see! I'd love to be wrong. Microsoft desperately needs help in Japan.

Edited by DoctorEncore
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On 5/31/2020 at 2:09 PM, Nintegageo said:

I do not think they are going to do it.


I would say that among the video game-centered companies, Sega is the only one who I think could actually do it and succeed. They would need to take the Nintendo-route and be done with being a tech-leader. Sega was at its best when it was doing games on its own hardware, which was designed with their games in mind. They also have an insanely high IP # (and a variety in their genres as well) - really the only ones who can rival Nintendo in that sense.

Could they do it? Yep.

Would or should they? Probably not.

We can dream.

Man, I get this.  If not properly managed, there is NO way they could succeed at releasing new hardware this day and age, but man I'd like for them to try.  If SEGA really wanted to be ballsy, release an Android device that is both HDMI and RCA/RGB compliant and make it a pseudo-modern+retro console.  In other words, try to give a bit of love to the nostalgia crowd, which they've already done by re-releasing so many of their old titles and being a bit more open about it.  Heck, I'd love to even see something like a "Genesis/Mega-Drive 2" and it basically be an insanely powered "2D box".  I think they could possibly make something really, really cool and niche but not so niche that it couldn't profitable.  Basically, find that perfect balance of a cheap device with enough horse power to play retro games on original SEGA hardware, but also be geared to an indy community that can publish to it and even release physical hardware.

I don't have anything specific in mind, but I could see them making something like what the OUYA wanted to be, but with a "cartridge" slot, even if it's like Switch chips, where some games can have a physical release for collectors.  That'd be reallly, really cool.  It'd be cheap enough to give it 16GB of internal ROM, and then, of course, have and SD slot for a lot more space that that.  There is a place for a SEGA console.  I think they could do it if they tried to "innovate" by creating a nice pairing of nostalgia+indy development+cheap but reliable hardware.

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I must confess that I like the thought they put into it. What turns me off is the way they decided which color gets which games. Other than that I would have considered getting these if it was not for the fact I am still in the rebuilding/pre-grading stage of my game collection.

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I'm holding out on my reservations and comments until SEGA officially releases something. They may have another device or two in the wings, and this could have been a fun "show ender" for their presentations. Yes, I want more than just a GG micro, but if they release Saturn and DC Minis, this will just be icing on the cake. But, we'll see. Who knows what SEGA will do at Famitsu(?).

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1 hour ago, a3quit4s said:

Wait was I actually right with my Game Gear 2020 comment?!

edit: hahahaha what a little piece of junk and only 4 games apiece. Forcing people to buy all 4 to get all the games is a super shitty move imo

And, to win you over, you get a "Big Window Micro" if you purchase all four. 🤣

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Now it sounds like you can only get the magnifier if you pre-order all 4.  $200 is a bit much for me, especially on something that I know I would never use once.  

Do you think Nintendo will follow suit and release a Game Boy Micro Micro?  The only problem would be that you would have no way of knowing if you bought it unless you owned a microscope.  

Edited by TDIRunner
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I’d be fine if it was like, an actual GG Mini. With an HDMI out. The original GG is damn near impossible to play these days unless heavily modded. This version looks impossible to play given the size. Oh well, I guess I’m sticking with my Analogue GG adapter (whenever they restock them).

This just seems odd.

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